Feb 15, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2014-2015 
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Policies

Functional Abilities and Performance Standards

Mount Carmel College of Nursing believes that certain functional abilities and performance standards are necessary for the safe practice of professional nursing. These include:

  • the ability to see, hear, touch, smell, and distinguish colors;
  • the ability to speak and write with accuracy, clarity, and efficiency;
  • manual dexterity (gross and fine movements);
  • the ability to learn, think critically, analyze, assess, solve problems, and reach judgment; and
  • emotional stability and the ability to accept responsibility and accountability.

Students will need to demonstrate satisfactory application of these functions and competencies during their course of study in nursing. Students should consider their ability to demonstrate these functions and competencies when applying for admission to Mount Carmel College of Nursing. 

Executive Privilege

The President/Dean of Mount Carmel College of Nursing reserves the right, as deemed necessary, to discipline a student for violation of College policies and standards, up to and including dismissal from the College.

Code of Conduct

It is understood that the administration, faculty, staff and student body share in the responsibility of upholding the Mission and Core Values of Mount Carmel College of Nursing. The Code of Conduct, strives to:

  • ensure the integrity of the nursing and allied health professions;
  • create an academic and professional environment that reflects the College’s Mission and Core Values;
  • reflect the policies of the College on standards of conduct; and
  • follow the policies on nursing practice from the Ohio Board of Nursing.

In accordance with the above, faculty, staff, and students will commit to:

Academic Excellence

  1. Achieving the highest level of academic excellence that I can through honesty and integrity both in and out of the classroom and in clinical settings.
  2. Striving to embody excellence and providing the highest quality work in the academic and in the clinical settings.
  3. Acting in a professional manner while in the College of Nursing and in all activities, functions, and clinical sites associated with the College and the profession of nursing.


  1. Contributing to creating a safe, respectful, and supportive atmosphere for teaching and learning.
  2. Regarding privacy and confidentiality as essential obligations.
  3. Communicating with peers, staff, and faculty in a professional and respectful manner.
  4. Taking responsibility for my words and actions.


  1. Demonstrating a commitment to the attributes of compassion, empathy, altruism, responsibility, and tolerance.
  2. Demonstrating caring behaviors at all times.
  3. Respecting individual diversity through a non-judgmental attitude and approach.
  4. Working to become a creative problem solver.

Social Responsibility

  1. Refusing to tolerate discrimination, disrespect, or bullying.
  2. Committing to bring any discrimination, disrespect, or bullying to the attention of the Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee or the Director of Student Life.
  3. Refusing to tolerate incidents of dishonesty or lack of integrity.
  4. Committing to bringing incidents of dishonesty or lack of integrity to the attention of the Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee or the Director of Student Life.

Copyright Infringement

Copyright is the legal protection of all forms creative expression on any form of media.

Students should be aware of the limits of the fair use of intellectual property, which is protected under copyright law in cyberspace as well as the real world.

Protected Property

To the general public, intellectual property, in the form of computer software and digitized entertainment, is a highly tempting target for reproduction and distribution. But intellectual property is protected under copyright law in cyberspace as well as the real world, and students need to be aware of the limits of fair use. Illegal duplication, file-sharing or use of any type of intellectual property constitutes copyright infringement and could be subject to College disciplinary action and civil and criminal penalties, including fines.

Creators Own Exclusive Rights

Copyright law generally gives authors, artists, composers, and other such creators the exclusive right to copy, distribute, modify, and display their works or to authorize other people to do so. Additionally, creators’ works are protected by copyright law from the very moment that they are created — regardless of whether they are registered with the Copyright Office and regardless of whether they are marked with a copyright notice or symbol. That means that virtually every email message, posting, web page, or other computer work you have ever created - or seen -  is copyrighted.

Limited Use

You may reproduce copyrighted materials only if one of these four instances apply:

  • The owner has given you permission
  • The work is in the “public domain”
  • It falls under “fair use”
  • You have an “implied license” to do so.

Admittedly, the latter three require more explanation than can be given in this overview, so users are strongly urged to conduct additional research regarding copyright law.

Please note: copying material in digitized form is easy to do, but that doesn’t make it legal. Do not reproduce copyrighted material in any form and on any media, unless you are given permission to do so.


Piracy is the popular term for the illegal activity that is more correctly known as copyright infringement. Software piracy involves the violation of license agreements and occurs when you download, copy, file-share, install, or distribute digitized material in the form of computer software programs and entertainment media without authorization from the owner/creator.

License Not Ownership

The purchase of a computer program or any form of entertainment or artistic expression on any type of media that includes, but is not limited to, CD, DVD, mp3 file, video, or audiotape, simply gives you a license to use your personal copy; purchase does not constitute ownership of the “intellectual property” on the media. The U.S. Copyright Act expressly protects the intellectual property contained on these media and grants the creators exclusive rights to copy, adapt, distribute, rent, and publicly perform and display their works.

Reasonable people would agree that shoplifting any of these products in stores is theft, yet some don’t extend that logic to digitized formats. But when you use your personal copy for any purpose beyond what is expressly permitted by the license, you could be committing a federal offense and may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution as well as College disciplinary action.

Hidden Costs

The rationalization that “just one copy can’t hurt” multiplies exponentially if thousands or millions of people think that way. When you pirate any creative material, you are stealing more from the manufacturers than the cost of a single copy. Consider the resources that go into producing intellectual property. Companies invest millions to employ creative teams, manufacture, distribute, advertise and market product. Anyone employed at any stage along the line, including the retail store clerk, loses when you copy or share illegally.


If the negative impact on the economy and fellow workers isn’t enough reason to stay legal, keep in mind that some companies in the entertainment and computer software industries have prosecuted individual offenders in civil courts and sought monetary damages. The U.S. government can impose fines or imprisonment, or both. So the next time you’re tempted, ask yourself, “is it worth it?” Resolve to purchase a legal copy instead.

Audio Entertainment

RIAA, Recording Industry Association of America, the trade group representing U.S. sound recording companies, is the force behind the prosecution of individuals for copyright infringement through downloading or uploading of music through illegal peer-to-peer networks and CD piracy. The RIAA ask consumers to support the industry by downloading music from legitimate sites such as those on the list at musicunited.org instead of engaging in piracy.

Video and Film Entertainment

MPAA, Motion Picture Association of America, works to prevent piracy of film and video products. The MPAA estimates that piracy of video content costs the industry more than $3 billion annually in potential revenue in the U.S., not including Internet losses, which are difficult to calculate.

The MPAA lists many types of materials subject to pirating: Optical Disc, which includes Laser Discs (LD), Video Compact Discs (VCD) and Digital Versatile Discs (DVD); Internet, videocassette and broadcast; downloadable media; hard goods; streaming media; circumvention devices; camcording; screeners; back-to-back copying; signal theft; and public performance.

Computer Programs

BSA, Business Software Alliance, which describes itself as the voice of the world’s commercial software industry, estimates that the U.S. has lost billions of dollars annually in wages and tax revenues, and thousands of individuals have lost jobs. The BSA describes the following scenarios for software piracy:

  • using one licensed copy to install a program on multiple computers
  • copying disks for installation and distribution
  • taking advantage of upgrade offers without purchasing a legal copy of the version to be upgraded
  • acquiring academic or other restricted or non-retail software without a license for commercial use
  • swapping disks with others
  • downloading software from various Internet sources such as pirate websites, peer-to-peer networks, and auction sites that offer counterfeit software

The BSA also notes that pirated computer software doesn’t save you much when you consider the problems associated with illegal copies: defective software, little or no documentation or technical support, no warranties, a greater exposure to viruses, and ineligibility for software upgrades.

New Student Orientation

Attendance at New Student Orientation is a requirement for all new entering onsite students.

Dress Code

Failure to comply with the dress code may result in disciplinary actions including, but not limited to, dismissal from the classroom or clinical site. Any adaptations to this policy due to cultural or health reasons are to be negotiated with the Undergraduate Associate Dean.

The student dress code is enforced with the goal to assure a high standard in professional self-presentation. It is important for Mount Carmel students to recognize their role as representatives of the College and the profession of nursing in all settings. Appearance and self-presentation must be commensurate with professional expectations.

College Identification (ID) Badge

On campus students are issued identification (ID) badges as part of the first semester registration process. Badges serve a number of functions, including identifying students in the College and providing access to College services.

Students must wear ID badges at all times while in the role of a Mount Carmel student, following these guidelines:

  1. Badges must be attached to a badge holder and worn at chest level.
  2. Badges and badge holders must be free of pins, keys, stickers, or other ornamentation.
  3. Lanyards are not acceptable as badge holders.
  4. If a student does not have an ID badge, a temporary ID badge must be obtained from the Office of Safety and Security.

Badges must be returned to the Director of Records and Registration if a student withdraws from the College or takes a leave of absence. Lost ID badges can be replaced (for a fee) at the Mount Carmel West Safety and Security Office.

Student Attire – College Areas/Hospital Campus

Students should present a positive, businesslike, and professional image through dress and actions. In classrooms, main lounge, first floor of the College, the pedestrian mall, cafeteria, and library, all students are expected to wear clothing that is neat, clean, and appropriate for the setting. The style of clothing must not be unduly revealing; proper undergarments are to be worn and not visible. Short shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops, house slippers, and pajamas are not permitted. Leggings or tights can only be worn if covered by a top, tunic, or jacket that extends two inches above the knees. The length of dresses and skirts must be no shorter than two inches above the knees. Jeans/denim must be intact throughout, without rips or holes in them. 

Exposure of abdomen, cleavage and/or buttocks, and bare feet are not permitted. Sunbathing is not permitted on the hospital and/or College campus.

Dress Code – Clinical Settings

The official student uniform must be worn with the College insignia attached to the upper left sleeve. The uniform should fit appropriately and be clean and pressed. Appropriate undergarments are to be worn and not visible. Shoes must be white leather (or leather-like) with heels and toes enclosed, polished, and in good repair. No mesh or partially mesh shoes are permitted. White hosiery must be worn with the student dress uniform. White socks or hose which cover the student’s ankles are required with the pant uniform. For warmth and/or modesty, a plain white, light-weight, collarless or turtleneck, long or short sleeved, fine gauge knit shirt may be worn under the uniform top. If long sleeves are worn, they must be capable of being pulled to the elbow and remain stationary. In some settings, students may wish to wear a white scrub jacket or lab coat over the student uniform. The lab coats or scrub jackets must display the Mount Carmel insignia patch on the upper left sleeve. Faculty approval is necessary before wearing either of these in the clinical setting.

Jewelry must be kept to a minimum and is limited to engagement and/or wedding rings, one small set of post earrings in the earlobes, and medical alert tags. A watch with a second hand is required. Necklaces, visible body piercings, tongue piercings, and other jewelry are not permitted.

White long sleeved turtlenecks must be worn under student uniform top if tattoos are present on arms and/or neck.

No artificial nails are permitted. Nails must be short (not visible from the palm side of the hand), clean, and neat. Only clear nail polish which is not chipped and without additional designs or ornamentation is permitted.

Hair must be neat, conservative, and of a natural hair color. Hair should not fall below the shoulder. Long hair must be secured off the face so as not to risk contamination of the field of care. Any hair ornament must be simple and functional. If headbands are worn they must be white, black, brown, beige, or burgundy. Facial hair (beards and mustaches) is to be neatly trimmed and groomed.

Make-up and aromas. Any make-up must be conservative. Precautions must be taken to avoid odors that are offensive, overpowering, and/or could adversely impact others. Any colognes, perfumes, or aftershaves should be lightly scented. Odors related to food, smoking, and lack of deodorant must be avoided.

No chewing gum is permitted when in the clinical area or when in uniform.

Pregnant students are to wear a properly fitting white uniform with the College insignia on the left sleeve. All other student uniform policies are applicable as stated.

Dress Code—Non-uniform Clinical Sites

Students must be professionally dressed in clinical areas not requiring the student uniform. College identification badges must be clearly displayed. Student dress must be consistent with standards and requirements of the clinical environment and expectations of the faculty and preceptors.

Student Lab Coat Policy

The clean, pressed lab coat full (knee) length with the College insignia on the upper left sleeve must be worn over street clothes when students enter the clinical area to study clients’ charts, check assignments, or visit clients. The lab coat is to be worn over professional and neat clothing. The length of dresses or skirts must come at least to the top of the knees. No hats, jeans, shorts, Capri pants, sweats, sandals, or flip-flops are permitted. The College ID badge must be evident at chest level on the lab coat.

Purchasing Student Uniform and Lab Coat

The MCCN student uniform is required, starting with enrollment in Nursing 205 (sophomore level). Those students are required to obtain the approved nursing student uniform with a Mount Carmel College of Nursing shoulder patch attached to the upper left sleeve.

The approved MCCN uniform is available from:

Roberts Medical Uniforms
1135 Commercial Ave. SE
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Toll free:  877-512-9090
Fax:  330-339-6775
Website:  robertsmed.com/

This is the only accepted vendor for the MCCN nursing student uniform. Uniforms can be ordered directly from their website (robertsmed.com/).

For uniform and lab coat information specific to MCCN, enter mc13 in the “Enter Code” box located at the top middle of the webpage.

Students can also purchase lab coats from Roberts Medical Uniforms or at any uniform store that carries full (knee) length lab coats. 

Roberts uniforms and lab coats come with the MCCN shoulder patch already attached. Additional shoulder patches, if needed, can be purchased for $5.00 each at the Reception Desk in Marian Hall. Two chevrons are included with the price of the MCCN student patch. A silver chevron is to be added to the sleeve beneath the patch at the beginning of the junior year. At the beginning of the senior year, a maroon chevron is added to the sleeve below the patch and silver chevron.

CPR Requirement (onsite students)

Onsite students enrolled in nursing courses with clinical or lab components are required to have current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Current CPR certification is a prerequisite to starting any sophomore, junior, or senior nursing course. Each student must present CPR documentation (CPR certification card and a photocopy of the card) to the Office of Records and Registration upon initial certification and upon each re-certification. This required documentation must be presented prior to starting the first day of a nursing clinical course.

Pre-licensure students’ CPR certification must be in effect throughout the official start/end dates of the specific nursing course (16-week semester or 8-week term). The expiration date cannot occur before the official end date of the course. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be administratively withdrawn from the course. There is no grace period. A list of non-compliant student names and expiration dates will be provided to faculty, and non-compliant students will not be permitted to enter the nursing course on the first day.

Students are required to comply with this policy; non-compliance may result in less than full-time enrollment and will delay the student’s graduation date.

The responsibility to keep CPR certification current rests solely with the student. Regulations require that any new certification or re-certification must be acquired exclusively through one of the following providers:

American Heart Association

  1. BLS for Health Care Providers
  2. Instructor/Trainer/Faculty

To find an American Heart Association BLS Course near you:

  • Go to www.americanheart.org
  • Click “CPR &ECC” > “Find a Class Near You
  • Enter your zip code and click “Submit
  • From the Choose a Course drop down menu, select “BLS for Healthcare Providers” and click “Submit
  • Choose a CPR provider from the table, call, and register for a course.

BLS Re-certification Online (This is only for those who hold current BLS certification needing renewal)

  • Go to www.americanheart.org
  • Click “CPR &ECC”
  • Click the “BLS Online Renewal” link, bottom, left screen
  • Click “Purchase Product”, and the fields required to purchase the online portion of the BLS Renewal (pay by credit card).
  • Click on Purchase Product and complete the fields required to purchase the course. Click on “first time register here” and complete the required fields, then submit.
  • The course includes mandatory checkpoints requiring 100% completion. If a question or checkpoint is answered incorrectly, the course will take you back for review and to re-answer the questions until the right answer is obtained. It will take approximately 1-2 hours to complete.
  • Print the certificate of completion and take to any Skills Check-Off location.
  • To register for a skills check off portion of BLS renewal:
    • Click the “Find a Class Near You” link
    • Enter your zip code and click “Submit”
    • From the Choose a Course drop down menu, select “BLS for Healthcare Providers Skills Test” and click “Submit”
    • Choose a CPR provider from the table, call and register for the skills check off portion of the course.

American Red Cross

  1. CPR for the Professional Rescuer
  2. Instructor/Trainer/Faculty

To find an American Red Cross CPR Course near you:

  • Go to www.columbus.redcross.org
  • Click on “Classes and Registration” tab
  • Click on “Find Classes”
  • Click on “Professional Level Courses,” select course and register

“HeartSaver CPR” or other training does not meet the College CPR requirement for nursing students.

Criminal Background Check (onsite students)

The law regulating the practice of nursing states that the Ohio Board of Nursing may deny a convicted felon a license or the privilege of sitting for the licensing examination (Section 4723.28 of the Revised Code). In addition, several of the agencies utilized for nursing clinical studies may require students to undergo criminal record checks and may deny clinical access to persons convicted of felonies or specific misdemeanors.

State and federal criminal records check is a mandatory annual requirement for all en-rolled sophomore, junior, and senior students.

Traditional program students have the opportunity to be fingerprinted on campus at the beginning of the academic year. Students in the Second Degree Accelerated Program are fingerprinted at Orientation and prior to completion of the program. Results will be forwarded to Mount Carmel College of Nursing from the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Results from the BCII and FBI are valid for one year and filed with the student’s College record.

Each student must present a valid Ohio Driver’s License or a state-issued ID in order to complete the application form at the time of fingerprinting. The fee for this service, when performed on campus, will be added to the student’s Mount Carmel account. No portion of this amount is retained by the College.

Students not completing the annual fingerprinting/records check on campus will be solely responsible for updating this requirement and ensuring that the results are forwarded to the Office of Records and Registration at the beginning of each academic year. Students entering the College in Spring Semester or Summer Session must complete the requirement prior to beginning courses. All costs incurred in completing this requirement are the responsibility of the student.

Failure to complete the required annual criminal records check will result in the student being unable to begin any nursing clinical course. Non-compliance may result in less than full-time enrollment and will delay the student’s graduation date. A hold will be placed on student records with expired criminal background checks.

A criminal record check that indicates evidence of a felony conviction (or certain misdemeanor convictions) may result in action including, but not limited to, dismissal from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

Applicants for NCLEX-RN

All students who apply to obtain a license issued by the Ohio Board of Nursing must obtain a criminal record check that is completed by the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII), including a check of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) records.

Students electing to be fingerprinted on campus at the start of the senior year may request a second copy of the results from the BCII and FBI be forwarded directly to the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN). This helps to ensure timely processing of the NCLEX-RN application and minimize delays in making a candidate eligible to test. Please be advised that fingerprint results are valid for one year only.

Senior students not completing fingerprinting on campus will be solely responsible for completing this NCLEX-RN requirement elsewhere. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the student.

Criminal record results cannot be mailed to the OBN by the applicant. No applicant will be eligible to test without the required completed criminal records check in his/her NCLEX-RN application file. Additional details can be found at: http://www.nursing.ohio.gov/LicensureInformation.htm.

Professional Liability Insurance (onsite students)

Onsite pre-licensure program students are encouraged to purchase professional liability insurance prior to their enrollment in clinical nursing courses (Fall Semester of the sophomore year). The Mount Carmel Health liability insurance will cover students only when functioning in the role of a Mount Carmel student nurse. Information regarding professional liability insurance is available in the College office.

Communication with Students

Information is frequently transmitted to onsite students through Nightingmail student email (mail.mccn.edu), the CARMELink student portal, the College newsletter (Carmel Rapper), bulletin board notices, or messages placed in student mailboxes. Onsite Students are expected to check their email and CARMELink accounts frequently and to check their mailboxes when they are on campus. The Marian Hall bulletin board across from the first floor elevators is used for general College announcements.

Information is frequently transmitted to online students through student Nightingmail/ email (mail.mccn.edu), and CARMELink (carmelink.mccn.edu/ICS/). Online students are expected to check their Nightingmail and CARMELink accounts frequently, at a minimum of every 48 hours, as they will be held responsible for updates and new information contained in email communication and courses.


At the beginning of each academic year new MCCN students assemble at Convocation as part of their orientation to the College.

Community Service Requirement

Social Responsibility is one of the “Core Values” contained in the Mission of Mount Carmel College of Nursing. In accordance with the College Mission and Catholic Identity, the Community Service requirement is the application of one’s skills and time, to meet identified community needs of vulnerable and at-risk populations (e.g., children, elderly, homeless, poor and underserved, and organizations that support these populations). This activity leads to learning and developing through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that:

  • is conducted in and meets the needs of the community;
  • involves reflection and analysis of the experience; and
  • promotes the development of leadership skills, citizenship skills, and social responsibility.

After completing the community service requirement, students will identify personal growth in meeting the program objectives which include: valuing the spirituality and dignity of persons, service to others, social justice, altruism, autonomy, and integrity.

Students must satisfactorily complete the required hours of community service by the deadline. This is a requirement for graduation. See procedure #9 below for important information regarding the completion deadlines.


  1. Students will be oriented to the Community Service Program during New Student Orientation.
  2. Onsite students select a project(s) from the list of pre-approved agencies which are posted on CARMELink (Student tab > Community Service).
  3. Onsite students who wish to volunteer in an agency that is not on the pre-approved list must submit a written proposal to the Community Service Committee Chairperson (listed on CARMELink, Student tab > Community Service).
  4. Online students should confer with the Program Advisor (tsnively@mccn.edu, 614-234-3362) regarding approved agencies.
  5. A Community Service Verification Record must be completed by the onsite student for each volunteer session (see information for online RN-BSN students in #8 below). The form is available on CARMELink (Student tab > Community Service). Record information must include:
    • student name
    • service site
    • date and type of service
    • number of hours completed
    • comments and signature of an agency representative
    • student’s reflection on the experience
  6. Once all required hours have been completed, onsite students submit the Community Service Verification Record to the Community Service Committee Chairperson (ccipriani@mccn.edu, 614-234-5828).
  7. The Community Service Committee will review the Verification Record(s) and forward them to the Office of Records and Registration for inclusion in the student’s academic file.
  8. The process for reporting Community Service hours is different for online RN-BSN students. These students log their hours into an online form after each volunteer session. The process is entirely online, and no paper forms are submitted. Following approval, the Office of Records and Registration is notified regarding inclusion in the student’s academic file.
  9. All 20 hours (10 for RN-BSN Program students) of required community service must be completed and submitted for approval prior to the beginning of the final semester before graduation. All 10 hours of required community service for Second Degree Accelerated Program students must be completed and submitted for approval prior to November 30. Students who fail to meet the deadline will be required to submit verification of 10 additional hours of community service (5 hours for RN-BSN Program and Second Degree Accelerated Program students) in order to graduate. If the student is unable to complete the total required hours prior to the date of graduation, he/she may participate in Commencement activities but will not receive a diploma or be eligible for NCLEX-RN testing until this requirement is met. 


Course and Faculty Evaluations

Student completion of course and instructor evaluations is an expectation of each course. Students are expected to complete the appropriate evaluations during the last two weeks of the course and prior to the final day of class.

Convention, Seminar, and Workshop Attendance

Students in good academic standing are encouraged to participate in professional and educational activities. Written permission to miss classes for the purpose of attending conventions, seminars, or workshops must be obtained from faculty who are teaching courses in which the student is currently enrolled. Consent forms are available from the Student Nurses Association (SNAM) faculty advisor or from the Office of Records and Registration. The student, if granted permission to attend, is responsible for all make-up work.

Transportation, Travel and Liability

Students are responsible for providing their own transportation for all educational activities, including clinical experiences. Students are also responsible for securing personal auto liability insurance.

The College of Nursing is not responsible for liability incurred in travel, either as required by the curriculum or as the result of the student’s participation in College sponsored activities, including cultural immersion trips. All travel is the responsibility of the student. Students are not permitted to transport patients for any reason.

Military Deployment Policy

This policy applies to a student at MCCN who is a member of the National Guard of any state, active, or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to state military service or federal service or duty. This same policy applies to the spouse (who is a MCCN student) of a member of the National Guard of any state, active, or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to state military service or federal service or duty, if the member has a dependent child.

A copy of the military orders for deployment must be provided to the Associate Dean of the respective academic program before any of the actions below are initiated. Any combination of options 1 and/or 2 is acceptable.

  1. Withdrawal

a. There is no deadline for withdrawal from the student’s entire registration to receive a full 100% refund of tuition and mandatory fees.
b. The student may drop/withdraw from all courses and remain in the academic program on Leave of Absence status.
c. The student may drop/ withdrawal from all courses and MCCN.

  1. Course Grade or “Incomplete” Grade

a. Faculty and Staff are encouraged to be as flexible as possible for academic credit.
b. The student may make arrangements with faculty for a course grade.
c. The student may make arrangements with the faculty for the grade of “Incomplete” that shall be completed by the student at a later date. The student’s registration shall remain intact, and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed in full for the courses.
d. Any courses for which arrangements cannot be made for grades of “Incomplete” shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the courses refunded.

  1. Re-entry

a. If the student returns from Leave of Absence status and decides to re-enroll, it is necessary to contact the Associate Dean of the respective academic program at least 2 months prior to restarting classes at MCCN.

Cross Registration

Mount Carmel College of Nursing participates in a cross registration program with other colleges/universities in the Columbus area: Capital University, The Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus State Community College, DeVry University, Ohio Dominican University, The Ohio State University, Otterbein University, the Pontifical College Josephinum, and Franklin University.

Cross registration permits full-time Mount Carmel students to register for enrichment classes at other Columbus institutions and permits full-time students at other eligible Columbus institutions to enroll in Mount Carmel classes, on a space available basis. Students register, pay tuition, and receive grades at their home institutions.

To participate, Mount Carmel College of Nursing students must have earned at least 24 credit hours at Mount Carmel and be in satisfactory academic standing. Course selection is limited to one class per semester and a total limit of three classes per student during the entire program of study. Students may not cross register for a course which is taught at Mount Carmel. Cross registration is not permitted during Summer Session.

Approval and arrangements for cross registration are coordinated by the Director of Records and Registration.

Transcript Request

A transcript is a copy of the student’s permanent academic record. All requests for official transcripts should be made to Office of Records and Registration (Rm 201, Marian Hall), using the Transcript Request Form. A student’s signature is required to release a transcript. Transcripts are provided at no charge.

Transcripts will be denied to any graduate, current or former student with indebtedness to Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

College Assessment

In an attempt to continually strive for academic excellence in nursing education, Mount Carmel College of Nursing has a College Assessment Plan which seeks in part to gather relevant feedback in reference to curriculum, support services, governance, and quality of teaching/clinical instruction. This ongoing process necessitates occasional surveys, questionnaires, and tests which, although not a part of the instructional program, are designed to collect the feedback essential to the assessment process. Every attempt is made to minimize unnecessary intrusion on students’ time, and all information derived as part of these instruments is kept in strictest confidence. In most instances, only aggregate, summarized reactions, comments, and performance are reported to appropriate committees of the College.

To ensure as complete data as possible in these processes, completion of these surveys, questionnaires, and tests, when part of the College’s Assessment Plan, are expected of all students, faculty, professional staff, and administration as part of their professional responsibilities. 

Surveys and Research Access to Students, Faculty, and Staff

Each year, there are many requests from both within and outside the College for access to students, faculty, and staff for the purposes of surveys or research projects. Because of the need to limit the burden on students, faculty, and staff in responding to these requests, all requests for survey or research access to members of the College community must be submitted in writing to the Assessment/Outcomes Committee at least two weeks before the start of the project.

The approval requirement is especially important in light of the number of official College surveys that are sanctioned by College committees and/or the Faculty and College Assemblies each year. When potential survey respondents are overloaded with survey requests, they may experience “survey fatigue,” resulting in low response rates for very important surveys the College conducts as a part of its educational and organizational assessment efforts.

The approval process above is necessary before any use of Mount Carmel computer or technology infrastructure is initiated for the purposes of surveys or research. This would include College webspace, computer equipment, and the course management system. Approval is also required before paper surveys and/or research tools can be distributed internally via student, faculty, or staff College mailboxes.

Cell Phone Use Policy

Personal cell phone use is prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, and in clinical experiences. Faculty and students must turn off and stow cell phones in purses or book bags before the start of class and during all exams. Cell phones should be turned off or quieted during meetings.

The College has provided education software for students and faculty for use on their personal handheld devices in situations including clinical areas. The devices are only to be used in clinical areas as an education resource in the provision of patient care. Any abuse of this policy will result in losing the privilege to use the electronic educational resources and mobile devices in clinical experiences and classroom settings. This policy applies to all students and faculty members at MCCN.

Change of Address/Phone/Email

Students should report in a timely manner any change of address, telephone number(s), or personal email address to the Office of Records and Registration (Rm. 201, Marian Hall; by phone, 614-234-3522; email jturner@mccn.edu or mmillerrea@mccn.edu). Name changes require additional documentation. Accurate contact information will ensure that the College can reach students as needed.

Children on Campus

Students are not permitted to bring children to class. Students violating this policy will be asked to leave class. Also, babysitting is not permitted in the College of Nursing. In addition to the issue of liability, the presence of infants and children in the College is not conducive to study and relaxation. 

Food in Classrooms

Students who bring food/beverages into classrooms are expected to clean up after themselves and deposit trash in appropriate receptacles. Courteous behavior such as this will enable students in subsequent classes to enjoy a clean environment. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep campus facilities clean and neat.


Photocopiers are available for students in the Marian Hall Rec Room and in the Health Sciences Library at a minimal charge per page.


The College is interested in publicizing academic and personal achievements by students, within FERPA guidelines. Students must sign a release before any non-directory information is released to newspapers or other sources.

Smoking Policy

Mount Carmel is a tobacco and smoke-free facility. Use of tobacco products, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and pipes is prohibited within all Mount Carmel facilities, on all Mount Carmel owned property, or any College student residence facilities. The College complies fully with all federal, state, city, and Mount Carmel Health System regulations regarding the possession and consumption of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco on campus, including the residence apartments.

Further, students are prohibited from smoking anywhere while wearing the student uniform, lab coat, and/or student ID badge. Violators will receive one verbal warning. The consequences of continued non-compliance include progressive counseling and may result in dismissal from the Resident Apartments and/or College.