Dec 11, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2015-2016 
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information and Policies

  Student Requirements

Academic Support

 Academic Information

New Student Orientation (onsite students)

Attendance at New Student Orientation is a requirement for all new entering onsite students.

Technology Requirements

Onsite Students

All entering Mount Carmel onsite students are required to demonstrate a minimum level of computer and Internet competency by successfully completing a technology proficiency assignment. Traditional Program students must demonstrate this competency by the end of week 8 of the first semester of enrollment. A new student will not be permitted to enroll for the second semester until successful completion of this requirement. Second Degree Accelerated Program (SDAP) students must demonstrate this competency by the end of week 6 of the first semester of enrollment. A new SDAP student will not be permitted to enroll for subsequent courses until successful completion of this requirement.

The technology proficiency is an independent self-study course. For additional assistance or computer help sessions, contact the Academic Support Office.

The student must have the ability to:

  1. Log onto the Internet and other applications with a user ID and password.
  2. Use a search engine on the Internet.
  3. Use the Library databases to retrieve articles.
  4. Receive, send, and reply to email.
  5. Develop, file, revise, edit, and print Word® documents.
  6. Attach documents/files to email messages and/or assignments.
  7. Follow and participate in an online discussion or chat.

Online Students

All entering Mount Carmel Online RN-BSN students are required to demonstrate a minimum level of computer and Internet competency. The program begins with an Online Student Orientation Course that increases students’ comfort in an online learning environment.


Class and clinical attendance is required at Mount Carmel College of Nursing. Each course syllabus includes faculty requirements for specific class and clinical attendance.

  • An onsite program student listed on the class roster who has not attended class or clinical by the second class or clinical day and has not been excused will be administratively withdrawn from the course.
  • A Second Degree Accelerated Program student who is absent without excuse will be withdrawn from the class and from the Program.
  • An online student listed on the class roster who has not attended class, or participated in the online class, by the end of the first week of class and has not been excused will be administratively withdrawn from the course.
  • In all cases, the faculty of the course must notify the Office of Records and Registration with the name of the absent student.

By approval of the College President or Undergraduate Associate Dean, a student will be dropped from a nursing clinical course if patient/client safety is at risk, and a grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s academic transcript.

Illness during class or clinical: A student who becomes ill or injured during class or clinical time will notify the instructor who will initiate an appropriate plan of action based on the circumstances and in accordance with related College policies.

All missed clinical experiences must be made up. Clinical make up is determined by the course coordinator. The College reserves the right to administratively withdraw students from clinical nursing courses based on clinical absences.

Students in onsite classes who have been admitted as a hospital inpatient or seen for treatment in a hospital Emergency Department must submit a signed release in order to return to class and/or clinical. This signed release must be submitted to the Student Health Nurse prior to the student’s return to class and/or clinical. The release must clearly identify all restrictions and the length of time the restrictions apply.

An online program student who becomes ill or injured during enrollment in an online course and cannot complete coursework due to that illness or injury should notify the instructor who will initiate an appropriate plan of action based on the circumstances and in accordance with related College policies.

Program Completion Time

Traditional program pre-licensure students must complete the Mount Carmel Nursing Program within 6 years of the date of admission. Second Degree Accelerated Program students must complete the Mount Carmel Nursing program in 13 months. Online RN-BSN students must complete the Mount Carmel Nursing Program within 15 semesters, or 5 years, from the date of admission.

Statement of Student Responsibility

Students are solely responsible knowing and following Mount Carmel College of Nursing policies and procedures and for their own successful progress and completion of the degree program and requirements they select. While advisors are available to help students with course selection, each student is responsible for seeking clarification regarding progression through the curriculum. At all times, the individual student is also responsible for seeking assistance from Mount Carmel faculty, staff or administrators.


Mount Carmel students may order textbooks through the online bookstore, MBS Direct. Students should place orders early enough to ensure materials will arrive in time for the start of classes. Access the online bookstore via the MCCN website at: In addition, MBS Direct will buy back used books. Assistance and contact information is available at the online bookstore website.

All students are required to purchase the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Manual.

Textbooks for courses taken through affiliation with Columbus State Community College or The Ohio State University or for courses taken by students in the MCCN-Fairfield Medical Center Program can be purchased at the respective institution bookstores or other retail textbook suppliers.

Nursing Supplies

All students are required to have the following medical equipment for the first Skills Lab in NURS 204 (traditional program) and NURS 294 (Second Degree Accelerated Program) :

  1. Stethoscope (dual head)
  2. Penlight
  3. Bandage scissors
  4. Watch (with second hand)
  5. Lab coat (full [knee] length) with the Mount Carmel College of Nursing shoulder patch on the upper left sleeve. Lab coats can be purchased at any medical uniform supplier or from Enter the Uniform Program Login Code “mc13” in the upper right corner (case sensitive).

Student Uniform and Lab Coat

The MCCN student uniform is required, starting with enrollment in Nursing 205 (sophomore level). Those students are required to obtain the approved nursing student uniform with a Mount Carmel College of Nursing shoulder patch attached to the upper left sleeve.

The approved MCCN uniform is available from:

Roberts Medical Uniforms
1135 Commercial Ave. SE
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Toll free:  877-512-9090
Fax:  330-339-6775

This is the only accepted vendor for the MCCN nursing student uniform. Uniforms can be ordered directly from their website (

For uniform and lab coat information specific to MCCN, enter mc13 in the “Enter Code” box located at the top middle of the webpage.

Students can also purchase lab coats from Roberts Medical Uniforms or at any uniform store that carries full (knee) length lab coats. 

Roberts uniforms and lab coats come with the MCCN shoulder patch already attached. A silver chevron is to be added to the sleeve beneath the patch at the beginning of the junior year. At the beginning of the senior year, a maroon chevron is added to the sleeve below the patch and silver chevron.

See Dress Code  for additional details.

Community Service Requirement

Social Responsibility is one of the “Core Values” contained in the Mission of Mount Carmel College of Nursing. In accordance with the College Mission and Catholic Identity, the Community Service requirement is the application of one’s skills and time, to meet identified community needs of vulnerable and at-risk populations (e.g., children, elderly, homeless, poor and underserved, and organizations that support these populations). This activity leads to learning and developing through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that:

  • is conducted in and meets the needs of the community;
  • involves reflection and analysis of the experience; and
  • promotes the development of leadership skills, citizenship skills, and social responsibility.

After completing the community service requirement, students will identify personal growth in meeting the program objectives which include: valuing the spirituality and dignity of persons, service to others, social justice, altruism, autonomy, and integrity.

Students must satisfactorily complete the required hours of community service by the deadline. This is a requirement for graduation. See procedure #9 below for important information regarding the completion deadlines.


  1. Students will be oriented to the Community Service Program during New Student Orientation.
  2. Onsite students select a project(s) from the list of pre-approved agencies which are posted on CARMELink (Student tab > Community Service).
  3. Onsite students who wish to volunteer in an agency that is not on the pre-approved list must submit a written proposal to the Community Service Committee Chairperson (listed on CARMELink, Student tab > Community Service).
  4. Online students should confer with the Program Advisor (, 614-234-3362) regarding approved agencies.
  5. A Community Service Verification Record must be completed by the onsite student for each volunteer session (see information for online RN-BSN students in #8 below). The form is available on CARMELink (Student tab > Community Service). Record information must include:
    • student name
    • service site
    • date and type of service
    • number of hours completed
    • comments and signature of an agency representative
    • student’s reflection on the experience
  6. Once all required hours have been completed, onsite students submit the Community Service Verification Record to the Community Service Committee Chairperson (, 614-234-5828).
  7. The Community Service Committee will review the Verification Record(s) and forward them to the Office of Records and Registration for inclusion in the student’s academic file.
  8. The process for reporting Community Service hours is different for online RN-BSN students. These students log their hours into an online form after each volunteer session. The process is entirely online, and no paper forms are submitted. Following approval, the Office of Records and Registration is notified regarding inclusion in the student’s academic file.
  9. All 20 hours (10 for RN-BSN Program students) of required community service must be completed and submitted for approval prior to the beginning of the final semester before graduation. All 10 hours of required community service for Second Degree Accelerated Program students must be completed and submitted for approval prior to November 30. Students who fail to meet the deadline will be required to submit verification of 10 additional hours of community service (5 hours for RN-BSN Program and Second Degree Accelerated Program students) in order to graduate. If the student is unable to complete the total required hours prior to the date of graduation, he/she may participate in Commencement activities but will not receive a diploma or be eligible for NCLEX-RN testing until this requirement is met. 

Online Courses

Any onsite program student who wishes to enroll in an online course must have a minimum level of computer competency in order to be successful. Tutorials are provided to assist the student to develop or refresh computer skills. All tutorials are to be completed prior to starting an online course. Students will be required to demonstrate minimum computer competence by successfully completing the Technology Proficiency Requirement prior to starting an online course.

Professional Liability Insurance (onsite students)

Onsite pre-licensure program students may elect to purchase professional liability insurance prior to their enrollment in clinical nursing courses (Fall Semester of the sophomore year). The College maintains liability insurance coverage for students and faculty functioning in their College-sanctioned roles. Information regarding professional liability insurance is available in the College Administrative office.

Residency Requirement

The MCCN residency requirement policy requires completion of  the following minimum credit hours to be granted a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from Mount Carmel College of Nursing:

  • Traditional Program = minimum of 32 semester hours, including all senior level nursing courses
  • Online RN-BSN Program = minimum of 32 semester hours
  • Second Degree Accelerated Program = minimum of 64 semester hours

Graduation Requirements

In order to qualify for graduation, undergraduate degree candidates must complete all the requirements on the following checklist. A student deficient in any area will not receive a diploma until the requirement is complete.

  • Submit an online Graduation Application by the posted deadline.
  • Successfully complete a minimum of 133 semester hours of credit (128 semester hours for students entering MCCN Fall Semester 2012 and later). RN-BSN students must complete a minimum of 128 semester hours (including transfer credit from their pre-licensure program).
  • Complete all required coursework with a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA.
  • Earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative science GPA.
  • Make certain that official transcripts for all transfer and affiliated courses are on file at Mount Carmel College of Nursing.
  • Meet the Community Service Program requirement, as applicable.
  • Complete the ATI Content Mastery Series of diagnostic assessments (pre-licensure students only).
  • Fulfill all financial and library obligations to Mount Carmel College of Nursing.
  • Complete the online Financial Aid Exit Interview (required of every student who received any type of loan).
  • Complete the Business Affairs Exit Interview (required of every student who received an institutional loan).
  • Complete the online Graduation Exit Survey. Students will receive an email with specific instructions a few weeks prior to the end of their program.
  • If attending May Commencement, order authorized graduation cap and gown from (earliest available order date will be announced to graduating students).

Pre-licensure students may participate in May Commencement if they need to complete no more than two additional nursing clinical courses and are eligible to complete the nursing program within the calendar year. RN-BSN students may participate in May Commencement if they need to complete no more than two additional courses and are eligible to complete the nursing program by the end of Summer Session of the same calendar year. Second Degree Accelerated Program students who complete the program in February may participated in Commencement the following May.

The graduation fee is charged to the student’s account in the semester he/she graduates.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is an integral part of the student’s educational experience. To ensure timely resolution of problems and to ensure progression to graduation, the student must assume responsibility in the advising process.

Academic Support Services provides the following advising services:

  1. Assist students in examining and improving study skills, time management skills, stress reduction techniques, and test taking strategies.
  2. Provide information about available College academic resources.
  3. Assist with resolution of academic problems.
  4. Provide information and/or advice about career opportunities.
  5. Maintain confidentiality when advising students.
  6. Interact with students in a sensitive and caring manner.
  7. Maintain records of academic advising and placing appropriate information in a student’s file.
  8. Provide math and writing support.

Records and Registration staff provide the following advising services for pre-licensure students:

  1. Assist in planning the student’s academic program.
  2. Advise regarding course registration each semester.
  3. Interpret academic requirements, policies, and procedures.
  4. Monitor student progress toward fulfilling degree requirements and academic achievement.

The Online RN-BSN Completion Program Advisor provides the following advising services for RN-BSN students:

  1. Assist in planning the student’s academic program.
  2. Advise regarding course registration each semester.
  3. Interpret academic requirements, policies, and procedures.
  4. Monitor student progress toward fulfilling degree requirements and grade point achievement.

The Second Degree Accelerated Program provides the following advising services for SDAP students:

  1. All the services listed above under “Academic Support Services.”
  2. Each SDAP student is also assigned a SDAP faculty advisor whose role is to provide academic and career guidance and support to the student throughout the College experience.

College and Career Success (FYEX 110-111)

The College and Career Success Seminar (FYEX 110  and FYEX 111  ) is required for all first-time freshmen during the first two semesters of enrollment. This course is also required for transfer students with less than 16 semester hours of transfer credit who have a TEAS-V Adjusted Individual Total Score of either Basic or Developmental. However, all entering students are eligible to participate in this seminar. This class meets one hour per week during both the Fall and Spring Semesters.

FYEX 110   and FYEX 111  fulfill 2 credit hours of required humanities electives in the curriculum plan. The College and Career Success Seminar offers strategies and principles to apply for a successful college experience.

English Placement

Students without equivalent transfer credit for English Composition are placed into ENGL 110 if their ACT-English score is 18 or higher. Students with an ACT-English score less than 18 are placed into ENGL 110 if their TEAS-V English level is Proficient or higher.

Students with an ACT-English score below 18 and a TEAS-V English level of Basic or Developmental are placed into ENGL 100. Credit for this course counts in hours earned but not in total hours for graduation requirements. Students who successfully complete ENGL 100 are required to subsequently take ENGL 110.

Math Competency

All students who score at either the Basic or Developmental level on the math section of the TEAS-V are required to successfully complete a non-credit, remedial, online math course (MATH 090) during the first or second semester of enrollment. MATH 090 is required prior to enrolling in NURS 206, Pharmacology, at the sophomore level.

Math Across the Curriculum

Details of the MCCN Math Across the Curriculum policy are listed below:

  • Students take a post-test (Test A) at the end of sophomore year in NURS 206  , Pharmacology. The same test (Test A) is given to juniors in Term 1 of the Fall semester as a pre-test. A different post-test (Test B) will be administered at the beginning of Term 4 of the junior year. Seniors take a pre-test (Test B) Term 1 of the senior year.
  • This schedule allows ample time for remediation for those students who do not pass the test at 100%.
  • Students who do not pass the test with 100% on the second try will be referred to the Pharmacology instructor and/or Academic Support Services for remediation. When the student has successfully completed remediation, the clinical faculty member will be notified. Successful completion of remediation is achieved when the student passes the test at 100%.
  • Students may continue in their nursing clinical course but will not be allowed to pass medication to patients and will continue to receive “unsatisfactory” on the clinical evaluation until remediation has been successfully completed

APA Format

Because it is the acceptable format for written papers in scientific disciplines, the College requires the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual for all student papers.

APA format is included in the MCCN ENGL 110 course. All transfer students with equivalent credit for ENGL 110 but without instruction in APA format will be enrolled in ENGL 112, a one-credit, 8-week online course. Credit will count toward hours required to graduate. A course waiver will be considered for any student who provides to the Director of Records and Registration a syllabus (from the semester/quarter the course was taken) that shows evidence of previous APA instruction.


To encourage Mount Carmel students to maintain honesty and integrity, the College has partnered with Turnitin®, a web-based program that allows students and faculty to check papers and essays for plagiarism. Onsite students are encouraged to check their own papers prior to submitting their assignments to faculty.

Note:  Use of Turnitin is a requirement for all papers submitted by students enrolled in the Online RN-BSN Completion Program.


Mount Carmel College of Nursing offers a tutoring program to students at no charge. Student tutors are paid by the College, but there is no charge to students for tutoring services.

How to receive assistance in a course:

  1. Contact the Academic Support Office to make an appointment for a learning needs assessment. Allow at least one hour for the appointment. The learning needs assessment must be completed prior to having a tutor assigned.
  2. Allow at least one week for the tutoring request to be processed. Tutors will be assigned based on the learning needs assessment.

What to bring to a tutoring session:

  1. Bring the textbook, notes, syllabus, a calendar of test dates, past tests or quizzes, and any other information that would help plan the tutoring sessions.
  2. Before meeting the tutor, take some time to review the course content and write down what is and is not understood. This will facilitate developing a more specific tutoring plan.

What to expect from a tutoring session:

  1. Expect to meet the tutor at the agreed upon time. If you are going to be late or find it necessary to cancel the session, please notify the tutor as soon as possible.
  2. You should expect the tutor to have you do the work. When working with the tutor in solving problems or trying to understand information, be sure that you are the person doing the writing and most of the talking.

Contact the Academic Support Office with questions, comments, or suggestions about tutoring services.

Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI)

Mount Carmel College of Nursing partners with the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) in the administration of a package of teaching and assessment tools for all prelicensure nursing students. Fees for ATI are included in Educational costs each semester during sophomore, junior and senior years.

Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS-V)

As part of the first semester orientation process, all new pre-licensure students are required to complete the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS-V) in the areas of Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English/Language Usage.

  • All students classified by MCCN as first-time freshmen are required to successfully complete the College and Career Success courses (ADMN 110 and ADMN 111) during the first two semesters, regardless of their TEAS-V results.
  • Transfer freshmen with less than 16 semester hours of college credit whose TEAS-V Adjusted Individual Total Score is Basic or Developmental are required to complete ADMN 110 and ADMN 111 during the first two semesters.
  • Transfer freshman with 16 or more semester hours of college credit are exempt from ADMN 110 and ADMN 111. However, any student in this category who scores at Basic or Developmental in Reading, English and Language Usage, or Science will be referred to Academic Support Services.
  • All entering students, regardless of class level, who score at Basic or Developmental in Math are required to successfully complete an online remedial math course (MATH 090). Transfer sophomores must take MATH 090 the first semester of enrollment; freshmen must take MATH 090 the first or second semester of enrollment.

Content Mastery Series

The College also administers diagnostic assessments to students following classroom instruction in the sophomore, junior, and senior years and throughout the Second Degree Accelerated Program. Where applicable, a percentage of the nursing course grade will be based upon ATI achievement level.

ATI Comprehensive Review

Students graduating from the traditional pre-licensure nursing program are required to participate in an ATI Comprehensive Review for NCLEX Preparation. The onsite review is offered in early May for May and July graduates. The onsite format consists of a three-day comprehensive in-class review.

The Comprehensive review is delivered in an onsite class and an online format. In the online format, Virtual ATI, the student is monitored by an individual instructor assigned by ATI.

ATI Live Review Guaranteed Support Policy

ATI offers guaranteed support to students after completing an ATI Live Review. If a student doesn’t pass on their initial attempt at NCLEX, ATI will provide further support to the student at no additional cost. In order to receive additional support, the student must do the following:

  1. Student must attend all days of the review
  2. Student must contact ATI within three weeks of taking NCLEX to inform ATI that he or she did not pass on initial attempt.
  3. If the student contacts ATI after three weeks of taking NCLEX, the student must pay a $75 reactivation fee for further evaluation and assistance.

Virtual ATI

  • Autonomous, student-driven review: module completion directions and assessments are embedded into the classroom, providing more student autonomy and responsibility, making students even more active participants in their review.
  • 12-week access: students will have access to Virtual ATI for 12 weeks, beginning once the student has completed their initial survey and is within 30 days of graduation. This will encourage students to review and sit for NCLEX sooner, leading to higher pass rates and retention of knowledge. The student can purchase an additional 12 weeks, if necessary.
  • Classroom improvements: the Virtual ATI classroom has a new look and feel leading to a better user experience for students. Students will also now be able to access the classroom via their tablets.

Accommodation for Students with Disabilities

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is respectful of students’ rights and responsibilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as amended by the ADA Amendment Act of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These laws require that no qualified person with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives or benefits from Federal assistance.

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is committed to serving qualified students with disabilities in its programs and services. Any qualified student with a disability may request an accommodation to ensure that the academic program does not discriminate against or have the effect of discriminating against that student.

Since the nature and severity of disabilities varies, academic adjustments may be applicable only when they are appropriate to the needs of the individual student with a disability. To determine eligibility for academic accommodations, the College requires current and relevant documentation from a qualified professional with expertise in the area of the diagnosed disability/disorder that establishes a disability and its impact on the student and confirms the need for each accommodation requested.


An accommodation (also sometimes called adjustments) is a modification of policies, practices, or procedures that will allow the student with a disability/disorder to meet the requirements of the course or program.  Examples of available accommodations may include, but are not necessarily limited to, auxiliary aids and modifications to courses, programs, services, activities, or facilities.  The College will take all steps necessary to ensure that its students are not excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program or activity because of a lack of

auxiliary aids and services for students with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills. The College, however, cannot honor requests for accommodations that would fundamentally alter academic requirements that are essential to the instruction being pursued by a student or are directly related to any licensing requirements, cause undue hardship on the College, or jeopardize the health or safety of others.

It is the responsibility of the student to make his or her disability status and/or need for an accommodation known to the College, following the process outlined below.  Once notified, the College will work with the student to identify potential accommodations and assess the practicality and effectiveness of each potential accommodation.

Determinations regarding accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis.  An accommodation must be tailored to address the nature of the disability and the needs of the individual within the context of the requirements of the program of study.  If there are two or more possible accommodations, and one costs more or is more burdensome than the other, the College may choose the less expensive or less burdensome accommodation that is still effective.

Disability Definition

Generally, a person with a disability is one who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.  Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working.

Admission of Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities may apply to and are considered for admission to the College in the same manner as any other applicant and must meet the same admission requirements and Functional Abilities and Performance Standards, with or without reasonable academic adjustments (accommodations), as all other students.

No student (or prospective student) is required by law to disclose a disability before or after admission to the College. However, disclosure and documentation of a disability is required if academic adjustments (accommodations) are requested.

Students (and prospective students) are encouraged to review the Functional Abilities and Performance Standards that are essential for the safe practice of professional nursing and for successful participation in and completion of a nursing education program. Students will need to demonstrate satisfactory application of these functional abilities and performance standards, with or without reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments, during their course of study in nursing.

Functional Abilities and Performance Standards

Mount Carmel College of Nursing believes that certain essential functional abilities and performance standards are necessary for the safe practice of professional nursing and the successful participation in completion of a nursing education program

Students (and prospective students) are encouraged to review these Functional Abilities and Performance Standards. Students will need to demonstrate satisfactory application of these functional abilities and performance standards, with or without reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments, during their course of study in nursing.

The essential functional abilities and performance standards include:

  • Sensory:  The ability to gather accurate and complete data from the physical environment using vision, touch, and hearing. Ability to accurately distinguish between colors and see changes in colors; discriminate, visually, at the millimeter level between technical markings and small type fonts; ability to hear device and overhead alarms, communicate via telephone and other electronic modes of communication, and use a stethoscope to auscultate sounds within the human body; tactile ability to sense changes in the temperature of an object, including the skin of another person, perceive pulsatile forces (such as produced in an artery by the contraction of the heart), and to detect the presence of abnormal bumps, nodules, or masses upon palpation of skin and tissues.
  • Communication:  The ability to communicate verbally and non-verbally with other people, including through the use of telecommunication technologies such as phones, computers, and intercoms. Ability to interpret common non-verbal expressions indicating pain, discomfort, anxiety, and other behavioral states. Effectiveness in communication using both written and spoken English. Ability to give and provide information accurately, quickly, and efficiently. The ability to enter text using a standard computer keyboard and print text and place a signature, in a legible fashion, on paper and other surfaces.
  • Cognitive:  Ability to process multiple sources of information, develop an understanding, make judgments and decisions, and take actions based on this information. Ability to read and understand electronic and paper documents, including technical medical and clinical documents, in English. Ability to develop increasingly complex understandings of cultural, social, scientific, and interpersonal concepts necessary for making sound professional nursing judgments. Ability to take measurements, communicate and describe the physical environment quantitatively, perform advanced arithmetic and numerical operations (such as is necessary for calculating medication dosages and rates), and interpret graphical displays of scientific and real-time physiologic data.
  • Motor:  Fine and gross motor skills sufficient to operate common clinical equipment such as IV pumps, suction devices, and floor lifts; ability to perform a physical assessment or examination on clients across the lifespan; ability to carry out delicate and/or emergency clinical procedures such as airway suctioning, intravenous line insertion, and giving injections. Ability to lift up to 40 pounds independently. Stamina required to completely satisfy nursing work requirements of during a “shift” of 10 consecutive hours.
  • Behavioral and emotional:  Ability to work in teams of diverse providers in a positive, non-threatening, and non-discriminatory manner. Ability to develop effective therapeutic relationships with clients. Ability to effectively perform professional duties in stressful situations and under significant time pressures. Ability to regulate emotions in times of stress, anger, or upset. Ability to adhere to and apply ethical and professional codes of conduct and all applicable laws and regulations. Openness to new experiences, revision of existing attitudes, and positive regard for uncertainty and change in work and study settings.


  1. A student requesting academic accommodations1 under this policy must notify the College’s Title II/Section 504 Coordinator (the “Coordinator”) as soon as possible after the need for an accommodation becomes apparent. The student should schedule a meeting with the Coordinator to discuss his or her needs and requested accommodations. The Title II/Section 504 Coordinator has been designated to handle inquiries into academic accommodations. Contact information:

Title II/Section 504 Coordinator
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
127 S. Davis Ave., Columbus, OH 43222
Phone: 614-234-5777 or

  1. Students are required to provide current (generally no more than three years old) documentation of the disability to the Coordinator. This documentation must be from a professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training, has relevant experience and licensure appropriate to the profession (such as a licensed psychologist, physician, or nurse practitioner). The documentation should describe the nature of the disability, the extent to which the disability limits one or more major life activities, and the suggested accommodation(s).
  1. Upon submission of required documentation, the Coordinator will engage in an individualized, interactive process with the student to determine possible academic accommodations. A copy of the official documentation will be maintained in the student’s file by the Coordinator. The Coordinator will review the documentation and any requested accommodations with the appropriate Associate Dean.  If necessary, the Coordinator will discuss any alternative accommodations with the student and the Associate Dean. The determination as to whether a requested accommodation will be granted lies with the Coordinator. (In some situations, a temporary plan may be developed and implemented by the Coordinator, upon notification to the Associate Dean, where additional time is required for diagnostic evaluation.  A minimum of 2 business days is required to implement the accommodations.)
  2. The Coordinator will then notify the student of the determination.  If an accommodation is granted, the Coordinator will provide to the student a form setting forth the accommodation for the student to provide to the Department Chair and any instructors. If needed, the instructor and Coordinator will collaborate to plan and implement the academic accommodation.
  1. Students who receive accommodations must meet with the Coordinator at the end of each semester to discuss their progress.
  1. If a student feels that his or her accommodations are not being met, he/she must notify the Coordinator immediately.
  1. If a student has been granted academic accommodations and chooses not to use the accommodation(s), the student is required to notify the Coordinator in writing that the student will not be utilizing the accommodations.

1 The Ohio Board of Nursing governs requests for accommodations by an applicant for the NCLEX-RN® Examination. The Board has promulgated a policy, available here directly from the Ohio Board of Nursing website. Students are encouraged to review these requirements, including the requirement for a letter from the nursing education program demonstrating that accommodations were in place during the nursing education program.

Grievance Procedure

If the student’s request for an accommodation is denied or the student is dissatisfied with the accommodation being provided, the College encourages the student to engage in an informal dialog with the Coordinator in an attempt to resolve the issue.

If a matter cannot be resolved informally or if the student prefers to file a formal grievance, a written grievance must be submitted to the Academic Dean. The informal resolution process is strictly voluntary and is not a prerequisite to filing a formal grievance.

The student may file a formal grievance by submitting a written grievance to the Academic Dean within fourteen (14) business days of an occurrence giving rise to the grievance. The Academic Dean will then review the issue, request to meet with the student, and then provide the student with a written decision in response to the grievance no later than fifteen (15) business days after the grievance is submitted.  The Academic Dean’s decision shall be final.

A student is not required to file a grievance with the College prior to pursuing any federal or state administrative remedy.

Discrimination Based on Disability

A student who believes he/she has been discriminated against or harassed due to a disability should contact the Coordinator who will assist with making a complaint under the College’s Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy .


The College prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a grievance under this policy or otherwise complains that he or she has been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids or effective communication.

This prohibition of retaliation similarly extends to anyone who has testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing related to a grievance or complaint under this policy.

Student Privacy

Except where necessary to further the purpose of this policy or where otherwise permitted by law, documentation of a student’s disability will be kept confidential and will not be shared with other administrators or faculty members without the student’s consent according to FERPA. Any request by a student to review the documents associated with his or her request for an accommodation or grievance under this policy should be submitted to the Coordinator.

Requests for Modifications for the NCLEX-RN Examination

In accordance with requirements of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (Council), the Ohio Board of Nursing (Board) has developed a procedure for maintaining the psychometric integrity of the examination while responding to the special needs of applicants with disabilities who are eligible for admission to the NCLEX-RN examination. Accommodation requests include assistance such as extra time, a separate room or reading assistance. All accommodation requests must be made in advance so that the necessary arrangements can be made.

To allow sufficient time to secure the required documentation, it is recommended that you notify the Board, in writing, six months prior to the date you wish to take the NCLEX ® examination.  Documentation required must include the following letters/documentation:

  1. A letter from the applicant that includes information regarding the specific type of disability involved, the specific type of accommodations requested, and the applicant’s contact information.
  2. A letter from the applicant’s nursing education program administrator stating that accommodations of the same type that the applicant is requesting were provided to the applicant during the nursing education program, unless the disability occurred after the completion of the program.
  3. Documentation submitted to the Board directly from a qualified professional with expertise in the area of the diagnosed disability, on the professional’s letterhead including:
  • recent reports, diagnostic test results, interpretations of test results, evaluations and assessments of the applicant demonstrating the need for accommodations due to a disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities; and
  • information regarding the history of the disability, its impact on the applicant’s ability to function, and past accommodations granted to the applicant, if any.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing may grant accommodations for the examination related to the applicant’s disability. Your request will be forwarded to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing for review and approval. You will be notified whether your request is approved, along with your authorization to test (ATT). If you have questions about accommodations, please contact the Licensure Unit at (614) 466-3947 or by e-mail at

Learning Disabilities

The diagnosis must be based on a comprehensive assessment battery with the resulting diagnostic report to include a diagnostic interview, an assessment of aptitude/cognitive ability, academic achievement, and information processing. Actual test scores (stated as graded equivalents, standard scores, and percentiles) from identified, formalized evaluation instruments must be provided.

The practitioner must provide an interpretative diagnostic summary which includes:

  1. evidence that the evaluator ruled out any other explanations for academic problems;
  2. a description of how the learning disability was determined (i.e., use of patterns in cognitive ability, achievement, and information processing);
  3. a description of the limitation to learning caused by the disability and the degree to which the applicant’s NCLEX-RN performance may be affected; and
  4. an explanation as to why specific accommodations are needed and how the accommodations will mediate the specific disability.


The diagnosis must be consistent with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV, or subsequent editions) and be indicated by documented evidence of both early and persistent patterns of inattention or hyperactivity-impulsivity. The practitioner providing documentation to the Board must confirm the diagnosis in accordance with these criteria and provide clear evidence that:

  1. the current symptoms have been present for at least six months;
  2. the impairment is present in two or more settings;
  3. significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning exists; and
  4. the symptoms cannot be better accounted for by another mental or pervasive developmental disorder.

The practitioner must have made the diagnosis following an assessment of intellectual ability, memory function, and attention or tracking tests, and continuous performance tests. The practitioner must provide:

  1. actual test scores (stated as grade equivalents, standard scores, and percentiles);
  2. an interpretative diagnostic summary indicating other diagnoses or explanations for the symptoms or behaviors have been ruled out;
  3. a description as to how patterns of behaviors across the life span and across settings are used to determine the presence of ADHD;
  4. a statement as to whether the applicant was evaluated while on medication and whether the prescribed treatment produced a positive response;
  5. a statement regarding the substantial limitation to learning that results from ADHD and the degree to which the applicant’s NCLEX-RN performance may be affected; and
  6. a statement as to why specific accommodations are needed and how the accommodations will mediate the ADHD.

After reviewing the request for modifications, along with the supporting documents, the Board, in consultation with Council, will make a determination on the request. The Board’s determination is then subject to final approval by Council. The applicant will be notified in writing of the final disposition of the request and of any specific procedures which must be followed for the examination.

If the applicant becomes disabled within the six month period prior to the date the applicant wishes to take the examination, the applicant should contact the Board immediately to ascertain the procedure to follow.

All correspondence and inquiries should be addressed to the Ohio Board of Nursing, 17 S. High Street, Ste. 400, Columbus, Ohio 43215-7410, 614-466-3947, or visit the website at

Executive Privilege

The President of Mount Carmel College of Nursing reserves the right, as deemed necessary, to discipline a student for violation of College policies and standards, up to and including dismissal from the College, except that violations under the College’s Title IX Policy  or the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy  will be handled according to those policies.

Academic and Professional Misconduct

Mount Carmel College of Nursing seeks to foster the intellectual, moral, and professional development of students. The faculty and staff believe that intellectual development evolves through a student’s own intellectual efforts. Academic and professional misconduct will not be tolerated.

Academic and professional misconduct are viewed as serious matters. Alleged acts of academic or professional misconduct will be investigated and all confirmed acts will result in sanctions related to the misconduct.

Academic and professional honesty is determined by the student doing his/her own work throughout the program in either the classroom or clinical setting. This includes the student’s own work with drafts, reports, examinations, papers, clinical summaries, care plans, take home assignments, take home exams, online assignments, and other work as assigned in the course syllabus.

Academic and professional misconduct implies deception in fulfilling academic or professional requirements. Misconduct may take many forms and includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Plagiarism: this is defined as submission of work that is not the student’s own work or submitting the ideas, writings, or thoughts of another person without proper documentation.
  • use of someone’s exact words as a quote in assignments without proper citation
  • use of material from the Internet without proper citation
  1. Self-Plagiarism: In the Undergraduate Program, students are required to submit original work for all courses. Papers and written work submitted for one course may not be used for an assignment in another course, except through negotiation with the instructor. Submitted duplicate work is considered self-plagiarism (academic misconduct).
  1. Cheating during an examination by:
  • using notes or textbooks without the instructor’s consent
  • looking at another person’s paper
  • bringing items with notes written on them with the intent to use during an exam
  • communicating with another student during an examination
  • using electronic devices without instructor’s consent
  1. Fabrication: this is defined as constructing, manufacturing, inventing, or creating for the sake of deception any classroom or clinical assignment.
  • forging or falsifying any clinical or academic information
  • documenting clinical hours that were not actually completed
  • falsifying any client record or other document used during clinical experiences
  1. Unprofessional behavior: this is defined as violating the rules and ethical codes of the profession of nursing and this College as defined below.

Professional Behavior

The nursing profession demands that the individual in practice be responsible, accountable, self-directed, and professional in behavior. The process of becoming a professional person begins upon entering a professional education program. Opportunities to develop and practice these qualities exist in the student role. The College expects that students will demonstrate their professionalism by:

  • attending all classes (onsite or online) and clinical experiences;
  • exhibiting courteous behaviors in the classroom, clinical sites, while on the College campus, or while representing the College;
  • being prepared for class and clinical assignments;
  • being punctual for classes and College appointments; and
  • by being respectful toward all members of the College community (faculty, staff, and students).

The National Student Nurses Association, Inc. has approved a Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct. This code is supported by the Mount Carmel College of Nursing and is available from the faculty advisor for the Student Nurses Association (

Student Conduct in the Nursing Care of Patients

The following policy is taken from the Ohio Board of Nursing’s Rules Promulgated From the Law Regulating Practice of Nursing, effective February 1, 2014 (certified January 21, 2014), 4723-5-12(C) (accessed on the Ohio Board of Nursing website).

The policy, related to student conduct in providing nursing care, includes, but is not limited to the following:

  1. A student shall, in a complete, accurate, and timely manner, report and document nursing assessments or observations, the care provided by the student for the patient, and the patient’s response to that care.
  2. A student shall, in an accurate and timely manner, report to the appropriate practitioner errors in or deviations from the current valid order.
  3. A student shall not falsify any patient record or any other document prepared or utilized in the course of, or in conjunction with, nursing practice. This includes, but is not limited to, case management documents or reports, or time records, or reports, and other documents related to billing for nursing services.
  4. A student shall implement measures to promote a safe environment for each patient.
  5. A student shall delineate, establish, and maintain professional boundaries with each patient.
  6. At all times when a student is providing direct nursing care to a patient the student shall:
    a.   Provide privacy during examination or treatment and in the care of personal or bodily needs; and
    b.   Treat each patient with courtesy, respect, and with full recognition of dignity and individuality.
  7. A student shall practice within the appropriate scope of practice as set forth in division (B) of section 4723.01 and division (B)(20) of section 4723.28 of the Revised Code for a registered nurse, and division (F) of section 4723.01 and division (B)(21) of section 4723.28 of the Revised Code for a practical nurse;
  8. A student shall use universal and standard precautions established by Chapter 4723-20 of the Administrative Code;
  9. A student shall not:
    a.   Engage in behavior that causes or may cause physical, verbal, mental, or emotional abuse to a patient;
    b.   Engage in behavior toward a patient that may reasonably be interpreted as physical, verbal, mental, or emotional abuse.
  10. A student shall not misappropriate a patient’s property or:
    a.   Engage in behavior to seek or obtain personal gain at the patient’s expense;
    b.   Engage in behavior that may reasonably be interpreted as behavior to seek or obtain personal gain at the patient’s expense;
    c.   Engage in behavior that constitutes inappropriate involvement in the patient’s personal relationships; or
    d.   Engage in behavior that may reasonably be interpreted as inappropriate involvement in the patient’s personal relationships.

For the purpose of this paragraph, the patient is always presumed incapable of giving free, full, or informed consent to the behaviors by the student set forth in this paragraph.

  1. A student shall not:
    a.   Engage in sexual conduct with a patient;
    b.   Engage in conduct in the course of practice that may reasonably be interpreted as sexual;
    c.   Engage in any verbal behavior that is seductive or sexually demeaning to a patient;
    d.   Engage in verbal behavior that may reasonably be interpreted as seductive, or sexually   demeaning to a patient.

For the purpose of this paragraph, the patient is always presumed incapable of giving free, full, or informed consent to sexual activity with the student.

  1. A student shall not, regardless of whether the contact or verbal behavior is consensual, engage with a patient other than the spouse of the student in any of the following:
    a.   Sexual contact, as defined in section 2907.01 of the Revised Code;
    b.   Verbal behavior that is sexually demeaning to the patient or may be reasonably interpreted by the patient as sexually demeaning.
  2. A student shall not self-administer or otherwise take into the body any dangerous drug, as defined in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code, in any way not in accordance with a legal, valid prescription issued for the student, or self-administer or otherwise take into the body any drug that is a schedule I controlled substance.
  3. A student shall not habitually or excessively use controlled substances, other habit-forming drugs, or alcohol or other chemical substances to an extent that impairs ability to practice.
  4. A student shall not have impairment of the ability to practice according to acceptable and prevailing standards of safe nursing care because of use of drugs, alcohol, or other chemical substances.
  5. A student shall not have impairment of the ability to practice according to acceptable and prevailing standards of safe nursing care because of a physical or mental disability;
  6. A student shall not assault or cause harm to a patient or deprive a patient of the means to summon assistance;
  7. A student shall not misappropriate or attempt to misappropriate money or anything of value by intentional misrepresentation or material deception in the course of practice;
  8. A student shall not have been adjudicated by a probate court of being mentally ill or mentally incompetent, unless restored to competency by the court.
  9. A student shall not aid and abet a person in that person’s practice of nursing without a license, practice as a dialysis technician without a certificate issued by the board, or administration of medications as a medication aide without a certificate issued by the board.
  10. A student shall not prescribe any drug or device to perform or induce an abortion, or otherwise perform or induce an abortion;
  11. A student shall not assist suicide as defined in section 3795.01 of the Revised Code.
  12. A student shall not submit or cause to be submitted any false, misleading or deceptive statements, information, or document to the nursing program, its faculty or preceptors, or to the board.
  13. A student shall maintain the confidentiality of patient information. The student shall communicate patient information with other members of the health care team for health care purposes only, shall access patient information only for purposes of patient care or for otherwise fulfilling the student’s assigned clinical responsibilities, and shall not disseminate patient information for purposes other than patient care or for otherwise fulfilling the student’s assigned clinical responsibilities through social media, texting, emailing or any other form of communication.
  14. To the maximum extent feasible, identifiable patient health care information shall not be disclosed by a student unless the patient has consented to the disclosure  of  identifiable  patient  health  care  information.  A  student  shall report individually identifiable patient information without written consent in limited circumstances only and in accordance with an authorized law, rule, or other recognized legal authority.
  15. For purposes of paragraphs (C)(5), (C)(6), (C)(9), (C)(10), (C)(11) and (C)(12) of this rule, a student shall not use social media, texting, emailing, or other forms  of  communication  with,  or  about  a  patient,  for  non-health  care purposes or for purposes other than fulfilling the student’s assigned clinical responsibilities.

Effective: 02/01/2014
R.C. 119.032 review dates: 10/15/2016
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 4723.07
Rule Amplifies: 4723.06
Prior Effective Dates: 02/01/1996, 04/01/1997, 02/01/2002, 02/01/2004, 02/01/2007, 02/01/2008, 02/01/2012

Suspected Misconduct - Disciplinary Action

When academic or professional misconduct is alleged, it is the responsibility of the staff or faculty in either the graduate or undergraduate nursing program to both discuss the matter with the student and file a written account of the alleged misconduct with recommendations for action, including the grade they recommend the student should earn if the academic misconduct allegation is connected to a graded portion of the course.

The faculty or staff will:

  1. Meet with the Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee to determine action to be taken.
  2. Conduct a student/faculty conference to discuss the alleged misconduct.
  3. Submit all documents relevant to the incident to the Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee within five working days after the conference.
  4. The Chairperson will forward all documents from the faculty and student to the Committee members prior to the meeting. If the student submits documents to the Chairperson of the Committee, these will be made available to the faculty involved before the Committee meeting.
  5. The Chairperson will then schedule a Misconduct Hearing.
  6. The Chairperson will submit all documents to the appropriate Dean.

When a student suspects misconduct by a peer, it is the responsibility of the student to report the allegation to the lead instructor. The reporting student and/or faculty may submit an allegation of misconduct to the Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee. The reporting student is expected to participate as a witness at the scheduled hearing.

Continuation in Course

Students accused of misconduct are permitted to continue with coursework/clinical pending the final decision of the appropriate Dean. If the alleged misconduct jeopardizes patient safety, the student may not be permitted to remain in the course pending the decision.

Discontinuation in Course

If a student suspected of academic misconduct elects to officially withdraw from MCCN, is dismissed, or seeks a Leave of Absence (LOA) prior to resolution of the misconduct allegation, the Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee, the appropriate Dean, and the Chairperson of the Academic Progress Committee will be notified of the pending allegation of misconduct. A hearing on the alleged misconduct will still be held and a recommendation made in case the student wants to remain in or return to the nursing program at a later date.

Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee

The Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee is composed of four faculty, two students from the undergraduate program, and one student from the graduate program. The Chairperson must be a faculty member and will be selected by members of the Committee.

This Committee is charged with investigating allegations of misconduct and making recommendations to the Dean of the appropriate program.

In the event that a Committee member is involved in a case of alleged misconduct, the Committee Chairperson shall appoint a substitute. The Chairperson is responsible to orient the alternate Committee member prior to the hearing. Should the Chairperson require substitution, the Chairperson shall appoint another faculty committee member to serve as Chairperson.

Academic/Professional Misconduct Committee Hearings

When an alleged act of misconduct is brought before the Chairperson:

  1. The student will be notified of the hearing date by the Chairperson.
  2. The hearing will be scheduled no sooner than five working days after the student has received the written allegation and all relevant documents.
  3. The student accused of misconduct is encouraged by the Chairperson to attend the Committee hearing. Distance online students may participate via teleconference, SKYPE, Google Talk/Hangouts, or Blackboard Collaborate, (Method of communication is at the discretion of the Academic/Professional Misconduct Committee.)

Hearings are considered closed meetings (i.e., only the Committee members, the recorder, the student, and other individuals directly involved in the incident are permitted to attend). All persons involved in the committee meetings are required to sign a statement of confidentiality. The student is provided the opportunity to speak on his/her behalf, present a written statement or invite witnesses directly involved with the case to present information at the hearing. The faculty may also present witnesses, and both student and Committee may question witnesses.

The student’s academic record is not available to the Committee unless the recommendation to sanction has been made. Once the recommendation to sanction has been made, the student’s academic record will be reviewed to assist in determining the type of sanction.

Legal counsel will not be permitted to attend the hearing. A record of the hearing will be made. This record will be available to the student for the appeal period. All records related to the hearing are considered confidential. They may be released only to individuals who have a valid reason to know the outcome, according to FERPA guidelines.


The Committee will consider the following recommendations:

  1. Dismiss allegations without any documentation in the student’s record of the alleged misconduct, OR
  2. Sanction the student. Sanctions are placed in the student’s academic record.

Sanction recommendations may include, but are not limited to:

  1. A letter of warning admonishing the student for the violation
  2. Academic Probation
  3. Dismissal from the College

All recommendations of this Committee will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean. The student, Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee, and the faculty involved will be informed, in writing, of the Dean’s final decision within five working days of the hearing. The appropriate Dean will notify the President of the College.

Appeal Process

Students have the right to appeal the decision of the Associate Dean of the Graduate Nursing Program or the Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Nursing Program and may do so by submitting an appeal to the President of the College. The appeal must be filed within 14 days from the date of the Associate Dean’s decision letter.

Academic Standards

Academic Progression

Mount Carmel College of Nursing will not implement changes to policies for student progression, or requirements for completion of the program, that affect students already enrolled in the program at the time the changes are adopted.

Freshman Level GPA

A freshman with a grade point average (GPA) below 2.00 at the end of the first semester or the second semester of enrollment will be academically dismissed from the College. A minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA and a minimum 2.00 cumulative science GPA must be achieved to progress from freshman to sophomore level.

Science GPA (Traditional Program)

  1. A minimum grade of “C” is required in all science courses. Any science course in which a grade less than “C” is earned must be repeated.
  2. A minimum 2.00 cumulative science GPA is required at the end of each academic year in order to move to the next academic level.
  3. A minimum 2.00 cumulative science GPA is required in order to graduate.

Science GPA (Second Degree Accelerated Program)

A minimum grade of “C” is required in all 200 and higher level science courses. A student who earns less than a grade of “C” in any science course will be academically dismissed from the Second Degree Accelerated Program. To be considered for readmission to the traditional pre-licensure program, the student must apply through the Admissions Office.

Science GPA (Online RN-BSN Program)

A minimum grade of “C” is required in SCIE 420  . A student who earns less than a grade of “C” in this course must repeat the course.

Academic Probation

A student whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.00 is placed on academic probation. Probation is defined as the opportunity to continue conditionally in the program after failing to meet minimum academic standards. A student is also placed on probation for failure to achieve a minimum grade of “C” in any nursing (NURS) course.

A student is advised of probationary status through an official notification letter issued by the Chair of the Academic Progress Committee. Following this notification, the student is strongly encouraged to meet with Academic Support Services to develop a plan for academic improvement.

Academic Dismissal

  • A student who fails to achieve a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA for two consecutive semesters will be academically dismissed from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.
  • A freshman with a grade point average (GPA) below 2.00 at the end of the first semester or the second semester of enrollment will be academically dismissed from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.
  • A student who fails two nursing clinical courses (or a repeated nursing clinical course) will be academically dismissed from Mount Carmel College of Nursing. However, a student dismissed at mid-semester (end of Term 1) may continue through the end of the semester if also enrolled in 16-week non-clinical courses.

An appeals process is in place for students who are academically dismissed.


Traditional Program:  Students who are academically dismissed may apply for reinstatement. The Petition for Reinstatement form is available from the Director of Records and Registration.

Academically dismissed students are eligible to apply for reinstatement after one term (8 weeks) of non-enrollment. A student will be permitted to apply for reinstatement to the College only one time. A student with less than a 2.00 MCCN cumulative GPA is not eligible to apply for reinstatement.

The Undergraduate Academic Progress Committee will review the student’s Petition for Reinstatement and any supporting documentation of potential for academic success. Reinstatement is not an automatic process and the student’s request may be denied.

If the request for reinstatement is granted, the Undergraduate Academic Progress Committee will determine specific conditions for reinstatement of the student to the BSN program. A reinstated student must follow the curriculum requirements in effect at the time of reinstatement.

Second Degree Accelerated Program:  SDAP students who are academically dismissed may apply for readmission for the following year. In order to be readmitted to the SDAP in the following year, or admitted to the traditional undergraduate program, the student must reapply following all current admission policies and procedures. Students who are academically dismissed may apply for reinstatement to the traditional undergraduate program. A student will be permitted to apply for reinstatement to the College only one time.

All students:  Dismissed students must request reinstatement, in writing, to the Chair of the Academic Progress Committee. A Petition for Reinstatement is available from the Director of Records and Registration. A current transcript of any academic work completed since the dismissal must be included with the Petition for Reinstatement.

The Academic Progress Committee will review the student’s petition and any supporting documentation for potential of academic success. Reinstatement is not an automatic process and the student’s request is subject to approval or denial.

If the request for reinstatement is granted, the Academic Progress Committee will determine any special learning needs that are required as conditions of reinstatement, and a student may be asked to meet specific study requirements prior to course enrollment.

Please note:

  1. A student who has failed two nursing clinical courses and has less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA is not eligible for reinstatement.
  2. A student with less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA will not be considered for reinstatement.
  3. A student with less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA in non-nursing courses may enroll, with permission, as a non-degree student at Mount Carmel and must earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA, or earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA from another institution, in order to be considered for reinstatement.
  4. A student will be permitted to apply for reinstatement to the College only one time.
  5. A reinstated student must follow the curriculum requirements in effect at the time of reinstatement.
  6. Reinstatement to the College does not necessarily indicate reinstatement to the nursing program.
  7. Following reinstatement to the College, enrollment in specific classes shall be on a space available basis.
  8. A reinstated student will be placed on probationary status for at least one semester.

Academic Appeals

The academic appeal process is established to provide a vehicle to ensure due process, equitable management of student’s academic grievances, and adequate protection to the rights of all involved parties. The academic appeal process is limited in scope to address grievances, complaints or disputes related to a student’s general academic performance, including course or assignment grades.

Other grievances or complaints are handled according to the Student Complaints and Grievances policy outlined in the current Undergraduate or Graduate Student Handbook.

The following is the procedure for the appeal process:

  1. The first level of appeal is with the faculty member assigning the grade or evaluation being disputed. Initial contact with the instructor must be made within 3 calendar days (48 hours for Second Degree Accelerated Program students) from the date of occurrence or from the date of course failure.
  •  First-level appeals must be made in writing and submitted electronically using the Nightingmail email system. In this first level of appeal, the student should a) describe the academic issue they are appealing (e.g., a course grade), b) the reason for the appeal, c) any supporting evidence, and d) the desired resolution.
  • Once received, the faculty member has 3 calendar days (48 hours for Second Degree Accelerated Program students) to provide a decision in writing via Nightingmail to the student. 
  1. If the grievance or dispute is not resolved after the first level of appeal, the student has 3 calendar days (48 hours for Second Degree Accelerated Program students) to appeal the faculty member’s decision to the Associate Dean who oversees the student’s program (contact information for the Associate Dean can be found in the Directory of the current Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog-Handbook or at
  • The student wishing to appeal to the Associate Dean should request a meeting via the Nightingmail email system with the Associate Dean and provide, in the message to the Associate Dean, the following information: a) a description of the academic issue they are appealing (e.g., a course grade), b) the reason for the appeal, c) any supporting evidence including details of the communication with the faculty, and d) the desired resolution.
  • Except in extraordinary circumstances, the meeting will be held within 5 calendar days (24 hours for the Second Degree Accelerated Program students) from the date of the student’s request. Whenever possible, the Associate Dean will render a decision within 24 hours of the meeting and follow-up with written notification via email.
  • If necessary due to scheduling or other conflicts, one of the College’s  Associate Deans or the Academic Dean may serve in place of the student’s program Associate Dean during this phase of appeals.
  1. If the grievance or dispute remains unresolved after meeting with the Associate Dean, the student has 3 calendar days (24 hours for Second Degree Accelerated Program students) to appeal the Associate Dean’s decision to the Academic Appeals Committee. To initiate the appeal, the student must submit the appeal request through the online Student Complaint or Grievance Form, available via the Student tab in CARMELink.
  2. During the appeals process, students are generally permitted to attend classes and clinical experiences until a decision is made unless it is determined by the Associate Dean that there may be risks to patient safety.
  3. If at any step in the process a student misses a due date required for responding to a decision or advancing an appeal to the next phase, the appeals process is terminated and the grievance or dispute is closed.

Appeal Hearings

  1. Once an appeal has been submitted to the Academic Appeals Committee, the student will be notified of the hearing date by the Chair of the Academic Appeals Committee. Considering the availability of Committee members, the student, and faculty members, the Academic Appeals Committee will make every attempt to convene within 3 calendar days from submission of the appeal through the Student Complaint or Grievance Form.
  2. Hearings are conducted in closed sessions. Only the Committee members, the student appealing, the class advisor for the student’s class or program (in a support role), and other individuals directly involved in the appeal are permitted to attend. All persons involved in the Committee hearing are required to sign a statement of confidentiality. Legal counsel is not permitted at academic appeals hearings.
  3. Both the student and faculty member(s) have the right to present testimony and evidence and to respond to the testimony and evidence of the other party.
  4. The hearing may be conducted electronically but not electronically video/audio recorded.
  5. Minutes of the hearing are taken by a member of the College staff and are the property of the College.
  6. The Chair of the Academic Appeals Committee shall notify the Academic Dean of the Committee’s decision. The student will be informed of the decision in writing by the Academic Dean within 48 hours of the Committee hearing.
  7. The Academic Dean may reject a decision of the Academic Appeals Committee only for just cause. Decisions of the Academic Appeals Committee (as communicated by the Academic Dean) are final and are not subject to further appeal.

Semester Registration

Second Degree Accelerated Program students are registered for all classes by the Office of Records and Registration. A course registration period for traditional program and Online RN-BSN Program students is scheduled prior to the beginning of each semester. Students register online via CARMELink. Requested courses are in “reserved” status until approved. Approved courses will display on the student’s schedule in CARMELink. Any student with a “hold” cannot register for classes which may result in the student being closed out of a specific course or section.

Nursing clinical courses, laboratories, and seminar courses have predetermined enrollment limits. No student is guaranteed placement in his/her choice of a specific course, clinical, or laboratory section.

Students may attend classes only after they have completed the registration process and have made satisfactory financial arrangements. By registering, a student agrees to all academic and financial regulations, terms, and conditions set forth by the College. Late registrations will be processed only if there is space available in each requested course.

Administrative Withdrawal

  • An onsite program student listed on the class roster who has not attended class or clinical by the second class or clinical day and has not been excused will be administratively withdrawn from the course.
  • A Second Degree Accelerated Program student who is absent without excuse will be withdrawn from the class and from the Program.
  • An online student listed on the class roster who has not attended class, or participated in the online class, by the end of the first week of class and has not been excused will be administratively withdrawn from the course.
  • In all cases, the faculty of the course must notify the Office of Records and Registration with the name of the absent student.

By approval of the College President or Undergraduate Associate Dean, a student will be dropped from a nursing clinical course if patient/client safety is at risk, and a grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s academic transcript.


Semester Load

The semester hour is the basis of credit at Mount Carmel College of Nursing. To complete the degree in four academic years, the traditional program student must undertake 15-18 hours of credit per semester. Semester loads of more than 19 hours of credit require the permission of the Director of Records and Registration. For Second Degree Accelerated Program students to complete the program in 13 months, they must take the courses in the sequence they are offered.

Full-Time / Part-Time Status

Students are considered full-time when they carry at least 12 credit hours per semester. Students enrolled in less than 12 credit hours are considered part-time; those enrolled in less than 6 credit hours are not eligible for financial aid. Second Degree Accelerated Program students are considered full-time for the 13 months of their enrollment.

Schedule Changes (Add or Drop Courses)

Adding a Course

In order to add a non-nursing course after the course start date, a student must obtain the instructor’s signature on the Add/Drop Form prior to submitting the form to the Office of Records and Registration. Signature of the Undergraduate Associate Dean is required to add any nursing course after the class start date.

In every case, a student must obtain the instructor’s signature on the Add/Drop Form in order gain admission to any non-nursing course that has closed due to maximum registration.

Withdrawing from a Course

For the purposes of this policy, there are two types of courses: non-nursing courses and nursing courses. Nursing courses include all courses with a prefix of NURS (with the exception of nursing seminars). Non-nursing courses include all other courses taken in the academic program (including nursing seminars).

After the course start date, a student must first notify the course instructor and obtain his/her signature prior to submitting an Add/Drop Form to the Office of Records and Registration. Submission of the form to Records and Registration is required for official withdrawal from a course. Non-attendance in a course after the withdrawal deadline is considered being absent from the course. Failure to submit a faculty-signed Add/Drop Form will result in a grade being assigned at the conclusion of the course. All course withdrawals are subject to the Institutional Refund Policy .

The “end of week” shall be understood as the Friday, or in the case of a holiday or other College closure, the last business day of the week in question.

  • A student may withdraw from any course by the end of week 1 and the course will not appear on the transcript.
  • A student may withdraw, without academic penalty, from a 16-week semester course by the end of week 12 of the course. A grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s academic transcript.
  • A student may withdraw, without academic penalty, from an 8-week term course by the end of week 6 of the course. A grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s academic transcript.
  • A student may not withdraw from any course after week 12 of a 16-week semester course or week 6 of an 8-week term course.
  • Summer courses operating on a modified schedule will follow deadlines equivalent to the proportional requirements stated above.
  • A student may withdraw from only one nursing course during the program of study (NURS prefix, with the exception of nursing seminars).
  • A student may withdraw from a total of two different non-nursing courses during the program of study.
  • A student who is retaking a course from which he/she has previously withdrawn may not withdraw from that course a second time; a course grade will be assigned at the conclusion of the retake.
  • Withdrawing from a course does not force the student to also withdraw from a co-requisite course.

Proficiency Exams

Some academic areas within the College have developed subject-based proficiency exams leading to the award of “EM” credit if passed with a grade of “C” (73%) or better. Credit by Examination is not an option for nursing clinical courses. Science exams are available to students who have not completed a science course within the past five years or those whose knowledge was gained from experience or training. However, all students permitted to take science proficiency exams must have completed some college-level course work in the subject area.

There is a non-refundable fee for each proficiency exam that must be paid prior to taking the exam. Refer to Tuition and Fees  for the current fee.

Requests for proficiency exams are handled through the Transfer Credit Evaluator’s office.

Class Level (Degree-Seeking Students)

Students are classified as freshmen until successful completion of all courses in the freshman curriculum plan. Sophomore status is achieved once students are eligible to enroll for the first nursing course in the sophomore curriculum plan. Students are classified as juniors when they begin the first nursing clinical course in the junior curriculum plan. Senior status is achieved once students have registered for the first nursing course in the senior curriculum plan, and this status is maintained until graduation.

Final Examinations

Students are required to take the final examination at the scheduled time unless prior alternate arrangements are made with the course instructor.

Final exams for nursing clinical courses are scheduled for the first Monday following the end of each 8-week term. Sixteen-week nursing clinical courses follow the semester exam schedule. Non-clinical nursing courses follow the semester exam schedule.

If there is a “take home” final exam for a nursing clinical course, a class meeting with a specific agenda will be scheduled on the Monday of exam week. There will be no exceptions to the “take home” policy.

Grading Policies

The College uses a four point grading system:

  A 4.0 points Excellent 91-100
  B 3.0 points Good 82-90
  C 2.0 points Satisfactory 73-81
  D 1.0 point Poor 67-72
  F 0.0 points Failure 66 and below
  I 0.0 points Incomplete  
  AU 0.0 points Audit  
  K 0.0 points Transfer credit  
  PK 0.0 points Pending transfer  
  W 0.0 points Withdrawal  
  P 0.0 points Pass  
  NC 0.0 points No Credit  
  EM 0.0 points Credit by exam  
  IP 0.0 points In Progress  
  NG 0.0 points No Grade Reported  

Grading in Nursing Clinical Courses

A final grade of “F” will be assigned in a clinical nursing course if the clinical component of the course is not satisfactory and/or the theoretical component is less than a grade of “C.”

Grading in Online RN-BSN Completion Courses

There is no rounding of final grades in the Online RN-BSN Completion Program.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average (GPA) determines the student’s academic status. Mount Carmel College of Nursing reports both the semester and cumulative GPAs on the grade report. The grade point average is obtained by dividing the sum of the “points earned” by the sum of the “hours attempted.”

CARMELink Scores

CARMELink course management software provides students with centralized access to courses utilizing CARMELink. Scores recorded in CARMELink are not “official” course grades. Final course grades are official only when they have been verified by faculty and recorded by the Office of Records and Registration.

Grade Reports

Official reporting of student grades is through the Office of Records and Registration at the completion of each term/semester.

Students without “holds” on their accounts can view and print final grades via CARMELink. Final grade reports are not mailed to students. Students who require official hard-copy grade reports must contact the Office of Records and Registration in Marian Hall, Rm. 201.

Incomplete Grades

After discussion, faculty may issue an Incomplete (“I”) grade to a student who is unable to complete all course requirements due to illness or other serious problems. Under normal circumstances, the student must submit completed coursework by the end of the sixth week following the end of a semester (or by the end of the fourth week following the end of a course in the Second Degree Accelerated Program). Extensions beyond the deadline must be negotiated with the faculty member. If course requirements are not met by the deadline, the “I” grade is changed to a grade of “F.” A grade of “F” in any course will result in dismissal from the Second Degree Accelerated Program.

Semester Honors

President’s List (onsite students)

Onsite program students completing a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester who have a semester GPA of 3.40 or higher are placed on the President’s List.

Retake Policy

The Retake Policy allows a student to eliminate grades of “D” or “F” in courses previously taken at Mount Carmel College of Nursing. When a course is retaken and the Retake Policy is applied, the original course and grade remain on the transcript. However, the original grade is removed from calculation of the cumulative GPA, and only the repeated grade is included in the calculation.

The Retake Policy may be applied a maximum of three times throughout the nursing program. After the maximum is reached, any retakes will have both grades calculated in the cumulative GPA.

Repeating a Nursing Course

A student who fails to achieve a minimum grade of “C” in any nursing course is placed on academic probation and must repeat the course. This repeat privilege is permitted in only one nursing clinical course. A student who fails a repeated nursing clinical course will be dismissed from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

Any Second Degree Accelerated Program student who fails to achieve a minimum grade of “C” in any nursing course will be academically dismissed from the Second Degree Accelerated Program. If the student is accepted to the traditional program at Mount Carmel College of Nursing, the failed nursing course must be repeated. This repeat privilege is permitted in only one nursing clinical course. A student who fails a repeated nursing clinical course will be dismissed from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

Auditing a Course

A student may audit a course with the understanding that the course is taken for information only and that academic credit is not granted and cannot later be claimed as a result of the audited course. The course may be taken at a later date for college credit.

Permission to audit a course must be obtained from the Undergraduate Associate Dean prior to the beginning of the class. Nursing courses may be audited only by those students enrolled in the Mount Carmel program.

The approved, written request for audit must be submitted to the Director of Records and Registration. Students granted permission to audit a course will be charged 50% the normal cost of the class.

Transient and Affiliated Course Credit

Once enrolled at Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN), degree candidates are required to complete all degree course work at MCCN. Exceptions to this policy include only those selected humanities/social science elective courses included in the affiliation with Columbus State Community College and The Ohio State University (see General Education Affiliated Courses, below).

On rare occasions, students may be permitted to take a non-affiliated course at another institution. However, special permission must be granted in advance for such a course to count toward MCCN graduation requirements. Permission to transfer credit to MCCN may not be granted if students fail to seek permission prior to enrolling at another institution.

Contact the Director of Records and registration for additional details and the necessary paperwork.

General Education Affiliated Courses

Students are required to complete 5 semester credits of humanities/social science electives. They may choose to complete courses offered at MCCN or select courses through affiliation with either Columbus State Community College (CSCC) or The Ohio State University (OSU). The option and choice of institution is made by each individual student. Transfer students may already have credit awarded for this requirement.

Students who opt to attend either CSCC or OSU must sign an Affiliation Agreement prior to registering for an affiliated course and are provided with specific registration instructions by MCCN. Students register for classes and pay tuition at the affiliated institution. Only humanities/social science elective courses are included in this Affiliation Agreement.

A student enrolled in an affiliated course must provide the Office of Records and Registration a printed copy of the approved course schedule from the affiliated institution no later than Friday of the first week of the MCCN semester in which the course is taken. Permission to transfer credit to MCCN may not be granted if a student fails to meet this deadline.

Credit hours for affiliated general education courses are added to the student’s Mount Carmel schedule and financial aid load hours. Final grades are transcripted as part of the student’s Mount Carmel academic record.

Questions should be forwarded to the Office of Records and Registration.

Honors Program

The Mount Carmel College of Nursing Honors Program is designed to:

  • cultivate an appreciation for lifelong learning for exceptional students’
  • motivate students in the pursuit of graduate study;
  • provide exceptional students with opportunities for challenging study; and
  • provide faculty development opportunities to work with exceptional students.

The Honors Program consists of two nursing seminars at an advanced level. One seminar is placed in the sophomore year and one in the junior year, with an option in the senior year to take an MCCN graduate level course. These two nursing seminars replace the required four credit hours of nursing seminars in the curriculum.

Students are eligible to enter the program the first semester of the sophomore year. Students must have earned a 3.75 GPA at the completion of freshman coursework at MCCN. Upper level transfer students must complete a minimum of one semester of course work at MCCN to be eligible for the Honors Program. Students must maintain at least a 3.50 GPA to remain in the Program.

Senior Graduate Option

The Senior Graduate Option allows an eligible nursing student in the senior year of any baccalaureate nursing program (MCCN or other) the opportunity to begin work in graduate nursing. Students may complete one or two of the courses offered for a maximum of six (6) credit hours. If the student applies and is accepted in the Mount Carmel College of Nursing Graduate Program, the course credit will be transferred, providing the grade is “B” or higher. Credit hours are in addition to the total credits required for the baccalaureate degree. Tuition is charged at the undergraduate non-clinical credit hour rate.

Students are eligible for this option if they are enrolled at the senior level in an accredited baccalaureate nursing program, have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher, have satisfactorily completed undergraduate research and statistics courses, and have received approval from the Mount Carmel College of Nursing Undergraduate Associate Dean.

Eligible students may choose from the following graduate level courses: NURS 501  , NURS 502  , NURS 503  or NURS 521  .

Sigma Theta Tau

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing is an organization committed to fostering excellence, scholarship, and leadership in nursing. The Honor Society promotes the use of nursing research in health care and provides resources to communicate the latest knowledge in nursing care. Mount Carmel’s Rho Omicron chapter, chartered in 2002, is one of 478 chapters around the world.

Those invited to make application to Sigma Theta Tau International include students who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, academic integrity, and professional leadership potential. The criteria for membership include:

  • All candidates must meet the expectation of academic integrity.
  • Undergraduate students must have completed at least one-half of the nursing curriculum and rank in the upper 35% of the graduating class.
  • RN-BSN students must have completed 12 credit hours at MCCN, at least one-half of the nursing curriculum, and rank in the upper 35% of the graduating class.
  • Graduate students must have completed a minimum of one-fourth of the nursing curriculum.

Graduation Honors

Latin honors are based on the student’s final cumulative GPA and indicate a consistently high level of scholastic achievement. Latin honors are awarded according to the following cumulative grade point averages:

  3.80 - 4.00 Summa cum laude
  3.60 - 3.79 Magna cum laude
  3.40 - 3.59 Cum laude

A minimum of two years of full-time course work in the traditional program (60 semester hours) at Mount Carmel is required to qualify for Latin honors. Successful completion of the Second Degree Accelerated Program (13 months) at Mount Carmel is required to qualify for Latin honors.

Online RN-BSN Completion Program graduates and all other graduates completing degree requirements with less than 60 semester hours of Mount Carmel course work and a minimum 3.40 cumulative GPA are awarded Academic Distinction.

Special Recognition

Several awards are presented at the May pinning ceremony to recognize outstanding achievements of traditional program graduating students in onsite programs. Pre-licensure recipients of three awards are selected by student peers and one is selected by faculty.

  1. Humanitarian Award – for outstanding participation and leadership, promoting community service, and a commitment to equity and diversity within the College and the community
  2. Inspiration Award – for serving as a positive role model, inspiring others to achieve at their highest potential
  3. Lamp Award – for behavior which is most reflective of caring, as described in the philosophy of Mount Carmel College of Nursing
  4. Clinical Excellence Award – for consistent outstanding achievement of clinical objectives throughout the nursing program (nominated and selected by faculty)

Awards in the Second Degree Accelerated Program are presented at the Completion Ceremony in February to recognize outstanding achievements of students. Two awards are selected by student peers and one is selected by faculty.

  1. Inspiration Award – for serving as a positive role model, inspiring others to achieve at their highest potential
  2. Lamp Award – for behavior which is most reflective of caring, as described in the philosophy of Mount Carmel College of Nursing
  3. Clinical Excellence Award – for consistent outstanding achievement of clinical objectives throughout the nursing program (nominated and selected by faculty)

Transcript Request

A transcript is a copy of the student’s permanent academic record. All requests for official transcripts should be made to Office of Records and Registration (Rm 201, Marian Hall), using the Transcript Request Form  . A student’s signature is required to release a transcript. Transcripts are provided at no charge.

Transcripts will be denied to any graduate, current or former student with indebtedness to Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

Leave of Absence (LOA)

Second Degree Accelerated Program:  Due to the design of the program, Second Degree Accelerated Program students are not eligible for Leave of Absence (LOA). If SDAP students need to take an extended period time of leave from the program, they are encouraged to apply to the traditional program or re-apply to the SDAP the following academic year if they are in good academic standing.

Traditional Program and Online RN-BSN Program: A Leave of Absence (LOA) from the College may be granted to students in good academic standing (minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA). LOA indicates a desire to interrupt, but not permanently discontinue, enrollment in the College. Normally, LOA is granted for a maximum of one year.

Typically, a student must submit a completed Request for Leave of Absence (available from the Director of Records and Registration). The student will be notified in writing of the approval status of the request. A pre-licensure student granted LOA must return his/her student ID badge to the Director of Records and Registration.

It is the pre-licensure student’s responsibility to notify the Director of Records and Registration ( prior to the deadline referenced in the approval letter of his/her intent to return from LOA. RN-BSN students must notify the RN-BSN Program Advisor ( Failure to notify by the designated date will result in administrative withdrawal from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

The returning student must submit a Petition to Return from Leave of Absence and fulfill all indicated requirements. A returning LOA student must pay any outstanding account balance in full before being permitted to return to the College. Late fees and any collection costs will be added to the student’s account. Enrollment in any course will be on a space available basis for a student returning from LOA.

It is sometimes necessary for the College to request that a student take LOA due to health reasons. Before returning to the nursing program, the student must submit a physician’s statement to the Director of Records and Registration that indicates the student is physically and/or emotionally able to return to the nursing program.

Military Deployment Policy

This policy applies to a student at MCCN who is a member of the National Guard of any state, active, or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to state military service or federal service or duty. This same policy applies to the spouse (who is a MCCN student) of a member of the National Guard of any state, active, or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to state military service or federal service or duty, if the member has a dependent child.

A copy of the military orders for deployment must be provided to the Associate Dean of the respective academic program before any of the actions below are initiated. Any combination of options #1 and/or #2 is acceptable.

  1. Withdrawal

a. There is no deadline for withdrawal from the student’s entire registration to receive a full 100% refund of tuition and mandatory fees.
b. The student may drop/withdraw from all courses and remain in the academic program on Leave of Absence status.
c. The student may drop/ withdrawal from all courses and MCCN.

  1. Course Grade or “Incomplete” Grade

a. Faculty and Staff are encouraged to be as flexible as possible for academic credit.
b. The student may make arrangements with faculty for a course grade.
c. The student may make arrangements with the faculty for the grade of “Incomplete” that shall be completed by the student at a later date. The student’s registration shall remain intact, and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed in full for the courses.
d. Any courses for which arrangements cannot be made for grades of “Incomplete” shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the courses refunded.

  1. Re-entry

a. If the student returns from Leave of Absence status and decides to re-enroll, it is necessary to contact the Associate Dean of the respective academic program at least 2 months prior to restarting classes at MCCN.

Withdrawing from the College

A student whose intent is to officially withdraw from the College must contact the Director of Records and Registration to submit a Notice to Withdraw. A pre-licensure student withdrawing from the College must return his/her student ID badge with the written notice.

A student who has not requested a Leave of Absence and has not registered for classes by the first week of the semester will be considered unofficially withdrawn from Mount Carmel College of Nursing. The student’s record will be noted as “unofficially withdrew.” All withdrawals are subject to the Institutional Refund Policy.

Students who have withdrawn from the College and wish to return must complete a new application which will be reviewed for decision by the Admissions Committee (the application and confirmation fees will be waived). Transcripts for work completed at any institution since the withdrawal must be included with the new application. Previously completed Mount Carmel courses will be accepted, as applicable.