Mar 28, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2014-2015 
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Security Information

Campus Safety and Security

Safety and Security at Mount Carmel West (MCW) provides security services for the College. Students who notice any unusual activities in the College buildings or campus area should promptly dial 5-5333 from any campus telephone or report the information to the Marian Hall receptionist (234-5800) who will contact Security.

Security officers are available to escort students to and from their vehicles parked on campus. Students are encouraged to use this service when returning to or walking on campus after dark. Security can be reached by dialing the MCW operator (dial 0, on campus) or by contacting the Marian Hall Receptionist who will contact Security.

Safety Precautions

  1. Assume responsibility for your personal safety and the security of your belongings by taking simple, common sense precautions.
  2. Keep purses/billfolds and other valuables with you or stored in a campus locker.
  3. Although the campus is well-lit, do not walk alone in the campus area after dark.
  4. Report any potential fire hazards or broken equipment to the Director of Student Life or the Safety and Security Department at 5-5792 (non-emergency) or 5-5333 (emergency).
  5. Report any unusual circumstances in the College buildings to the Marian Hall receptionist (5-5800) or the Safety and Security Office at 5-5792 (non-emergency) or 5-5333 (emergency).

Reporting Missing Students

If a member of the MCCN community has reason to believe that a MCCN student who lives in the resident apartments has been missing for 24 hours, he/she should immediately contact the following administrators:

  1. College President/Dean 614-234-5213 Marian Hall Rm 171
  2. Associate Dean, Graduate Program 614-234-5717 Marian Hall Rm 304
  3. Associate Dean, Undergraduate Program 614-234-1788 Marian Hall Rm 168
  4. Director, Records and Registration 614-234-5685 Marian Hall Rm 167
  5. Director, Student Life 614-234-5828 CLE 209 

Each student who lives in the resident apartments may register contact information to be notified in the event the student is determined to be missing. Student contact information will be registered confidentially, will be accessible only to authorized College officials and may not be disclosed except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation. 

The College President/Dean will immediately notify other appropriate law enforcement agencies upon receipt of a missing student report. If the Law Enforcement agency makes an official determination that a student is missing, emergency contact procedures will be initiated within 24-hours in accordance with the student’s designation. In addition, College administrators or their designees will be notified to include the Director of Financial Aid, Director of Student Life, and Director of College Relations. 

If a missing student is under 18 years of age and is not emancipated, MCCN is required to notify his or her custodial parent or guardian within 24-hours after the student is determined to be missing, in addition to notifying any additional contact person designated by the student.

Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report

Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) prepares an annual report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. The annual Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the MCCN campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security and other matters.

The College is also required to publish an annual report on fire safety policies and procedures related to the resident apartments.

The full text of this combined report is available via this link:  Campus Security and Fire Safety Report.

A hard copy of the report is available by contacting the College of Nursing Administrator, Marian Hall, Rm. 169.

Communications Alert System

In the event of a potentially dangerous situation involving the College community (on or off campus) that, in the judgment of the College President/Dean in consultation with Mount Carmel West (MCW) Security constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus-wide “timely warning” will be issued to students and employees via the Communications Alert System, if deemed appropriate, by in-class announcements or other appropriate means. Depending on the type of emergency, the message may direct receivers to the MCCN website ( for additional and specific information. Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstance by phone to the President/Dean (614-234-5213) or in person at the President/Dean’s office (Marian Hall, Rm 169).

In addition to these notifications, MCW maintains a Communications Alert Hotline (614-234-5555) to alert employees and students regarding information and instructions regarding emergency situations.

Students can self-register for the Mount Carmel College of Nursing Communications Alert System for alerts and information in times of crisis, disaster, and weather situations. Students must use an Mount Carmel College of Nursing computer to register for the Communications Alert System. Register at: and follow the prompts. Be sure to do the self-test that is part of the self-registration process to confirm that registration has taken place. To access a tutorial on how to register click here .

Alert system messages are text only and can be sent to cell phones, pagers, personal computers, or other electronic message devices. There is no limit to the number of devices that can be registered.

Once registered, you must update any changes to listed devices, such as new phone numbers, as necessary. If you have questions about the alert system, please contact College Relations at 614-234-1372 or

Medical Emergency in The College

  1. In case of an emergency – accident or security – when there is no coverage at the Marian Hall front desk: dial 9-911 to report (first), dial 3 to report (second)
  2. In case of emergency (accident or security) when there is coverage at the front desk: notify Marian Hall receptionist (5-5800) who will dial 9-911 to report (first) and dial 3 to report (second).

Weapons on Campus

In accordance with State of Ohio law, Mount Carmel College of Nursing prohibits the possession, use, or storage of firearms or other dangerous weapons anywhere on the College or Mount Carmel Health campuses. In addition, this policy applies to any College student or employee when functioning in any role, regardless of location, while representing the College.

Emergency Paging Codes

Code Description
Code ADAM Infant/Child Abduction: An infant has been taken without authorization or a child has been taken and/or is missing.
Code YELLOW Disaster: There has been a disaster. An internal disaster can have significant effects on hospital operations.

An external disaster occurs in the community and will directly affect the hospital.
Code RED Fire: Fire is discovered or the fire monitoring system has been activated.
Code BLACK Bomb: A bomb threat has been received or a suspicious object has been found at a Mount Carmel facility.
Code GRAY Severe Weather: Conditions are right for severe weather to occur (tornado, winter storm, etc.) or severe weather is present or has been sighted in the immediate area.
Code ORANGE Hazardous Material Spill: A hazardous chemical/ material has been released and must be contained.
Code BLUE Medical Emergency: A medical emergency occurring that requires immediate attention (age 13 and older).
Code PINK Pediatric Medical Emergency: A pediatric medical emergency is occurring that requires immediate attention (age 12 and younger).
Code VIOLET Violent Person: Someone is acting in a violent manner.
Code SILVER Person with Weapon/Hostage: A person has a gun or an individual has been controlled and held against his/her will by another.
Code BROWN Missing Adult Patient: An adult patient is missing.
Code EVAC Evacuation: It is necessary to remove patients, staff members, and other people from an area or the entire facility.
Code U Loss of Utilities: A utility service has been lost or interrupted.

 Fire Alarm – Code Red

Fire alarm pages are announced as “Code Red.” All Mount Carmel West fire alarm pages are announced over the paging system. Students are not required to respond to the Mount Carmel West fire pages unless specifically requested to do so.

Fire Pages in the College Buildings

Fire drill or suspected fire in the College is announced through the paging system as “Code Red, College of Nursing.” The fire alarm will sound and warning lights will blink. All College community personnel are to exit the building. The ruling to always exit the building is a decision made by the Columbus Fire Department.

Evacuation routes are posted in each classroom as well as in other prominent places throughout the College. Students should take time to review them and be familiar with the various evacuation routes.

Reporting a Fire

If a fire is discovered in the College, follow this procedure:

  1. Activate the building alarm by breaking the glass or pulling the handle on the wall fire alarm break station.
  2. Use the nearest in-house (campus) phone to dial 3. Report the exact location of the fire, type of fire, and your name.
  3. Close windows and doors in the immediate area to confine the fire.
  4. If you are not in danger, do the following:
    disconnect electrical equipment in the immediate area, if able; and
    use a fire extinguisher to fight the fire.
  5. Turn on overhead lights so the firefighters can find their way through any smoke.
  6. Report the exact location of the fire to the Marian Hall receptionist as you leave the building.
  7. Evacuate the building.

Evacuation Procedure

When the page indicates a fire drill or suspected fire in the College, students must leave the building immediately. Prior to leaving the building, follow these guidelines:

  1. Turn the light on in the room you are leaving.
  2. Close the door of the room you are leaving.
  3. Knock on the doors on either side of you to alert others.
  4. Exit the building via the nearest fire exit. Do not use elevators.
  5. Exit outside to the parking lot across from the College and wait until instructed to return to the building. Do not wait on the front steps of the College.
  6. In the event of inclement weather AND
    • the page indicates a fire in Marian Hall only, go to the CLE lobby and wait until instructed to return to Marian Hall; or
    • the page indicates a fire in the CLE only, go to the Marian Hall Gym and wait until instructed to return to the CLE.

Students may return to the building when a Security Officer indicates that the building is safe. Students should not return to the building until authorized to do so.

Severe Weather – Code Gray

If threatening weather includes the possibility of a tornado, the Mount Carmel West operator will announce through the College paging system a “Code Gray, Tornado Watch” or a “Code Gray, Tornado Warning.” These announcements are made in conjunction with the National Weather Service.

Tornado Watch

A “Tornado Watch” means that weather conditions are right for a tornado to develop in the area. There is no specific response for students during a tornado watch, except to be on the alert for an announcement of worsening weather conditions.

Tornado Warning: Option One

If a funnel cloud is sighted within Franklin County, the operator will announce a “Tornado Warning Option One.” All students are required to report to the Recreation Room on the lower level of Marian Hall and remain there until an “all clear” announcement is made.

Tornado Warning Option Two

A “Tornado Warning Option Two” announcement means that a funnel cloud has been sighted in the immediate vicinity. All students are required to report to the Recreation Room on the lower level of Marian Hall and to remain there until an “all clear” announcement is made.

Bomb Threat – Code Black

“Code Black” indicates a bomb threat has been received or a suspicious package has been found at Mount Carmel West Hospital or MCCN campus. It is very important that the recipient of the bomb threat logs the communication (possibly a telephone call) e.g., the caller’s characteristics, time of the call, any other pertinent information, and then immediately contact Mount Carmel West Security (5-5333 or dial 3).

There is no specific response for students in the College of Nursing other than reporting any suspicious looking boxes or hardware. College of Nursing staff will secure all doors and conduct a controlled search of adjacent areas.

Weapon or Hostage Threat – Code Silver

“Code Silver” indicates someone is threatening with a weapon or holding another person against their will. If a student observes an emergency of this nature in the College, he/she should report the situation (dial 3 or inform the Marian Hall receptionist), describing the incident and location. When “Code Silver” is paged, all personnel should stay away from the area in question.

Disaster Alert – Code Yellow

To ensure readiness in the event of a major accident in the community, Mount Carmel West has a detailed plan to respond to a disaster. Mount Carmel West operators will announce “Disaster Alert” when there is a condition that requires extra personnel to help in an emergency. A disaster may be an accident, major internal mishap, or a major community disaster.

When a “Disaster Alert” is called, all available Mount Carmel West personnel may be asked to report to the hospital cafeteria, which will function as a center to dispatch personnel to areas needing help. Students may also be asked to report, if needed.