Jul 15, 2024  
Graduate Catalog-Handbook 2020-2021 
Graduate Catalog-Handbook 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Compliance Policies



Mount Carmel College of Nursing does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin (ancestry), religion, sex (including sexual harassment), veteran status, age (40 years old or more), weight, height, marital status (past, present, or future), sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic makeup/information, disability or any other class protected by law. The College is not discriminatory in the administration of its admission or academic policies, financial aid, scholarship program, or any other programs.  An applicant’s need for financial aid will not affect acceptance as a student to the College.

MCCN is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning, living, educational, and working environment that is free from discrimination and harassment and to creating an environment that promotes responsibility, dignity, and respect. For a complete copy of the College’s Non-Discrimination, Harassment and Title IV Policy, Click here .

Any individual who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination is encouraged to report as follows:

If on the basis of disability, the Accommodations Coordinator has been designated to handle inquiries and reports. Contact information:

Accommodations Coordinator
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
127 S. Davis Ave.
Columbus, OH 43222
Phone: 614-234-4393
Fax: 614-234-5979
Email: accessibility@mccn.edu
MCCN prohibits Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation of any kind on the basis of sex, such as sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Additionally, federal Title IX regulations prohibit specific activity related to those offenses. Sexual misconduct can be committed by a person of any gender, and it can occur between people of the same or different genders. Sexual misconduct may vary in its severity and consists of a range of behavior or attempted behavior. It can occur between strangers or acquaintances, including people involved in an intimate or sexual relationship. This Policy applies to both on-campus and off-campus conduct, academic, educational, co-curricular, and other MCCN programs in which affiliated faculty, staff, vendors, and students participate. Specifically, for the Title IX related sexual violence policies, MCCN jurisdiction when the occurrence was alleged to have occurred within the College’s location, events, or other circumstances (including clinical setting) where MCCN has substantial control of the respondent and context for the occurrence.
Individuals can report behaviors and actions by visiting www.mccn.edu/about/titleix. For confidential reporting resources, contact the MCCN Behavioral Health Counselor 614-234-4752 or counselor@mccn.edu.

If on the basis of gender or sex, the Title IX Coordinator (and Deputy Coordinator(s)) have been designated to handle inquires and reports. Contact information:

Title IX Coordinator
Mitch Joseph-Kemplin
Director of Compliance and Safety
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
127 S. Davis Ave.
Columbus, OH 43222
Phone: 614-234-5800

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is respectful of students’ rights and responsibilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as amended by the ADA Amendment Act of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These laws require that no qualified person with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives or benefits from Federal assistance.

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is committed to serving qualified students with disabilities in its programs and services. Any qualified student with a disability may request an accommodation to ensure that the academic program does not discriminate against or have the effect of discriminating against that student. For a complete copy of the College’s Accommodations policy, click here  .

Since the nature and severity of disabilities varies, academic adjustments may be applicable only when they are appropriate to the needs of the individual student with a disability. To determine eligibility for academic accommodations, the College requires current and relevant documentation from a qualified professional with expertise in the area of the diagnosed disability/disorder that establishes a disability and its impact on the student and confirms the need for each accommodation requested.

Scope of this Policy

This policy applies to both academic and non-academic accommodations, including but not limited to, requests for accommodations in the student residence halls, service learning activities, coursework, or in College technologies and services.

Definition of Accommodations an d Disability


An accommodation (also sometimes called adjustments) is a modification of policies, practices, or procedures that will allow the student with a disability/disorder to meet the requirements of the course or program.  Examples of available accommodations may include, but are not necessarily limited to, auxiliary aids and modifications to courses, programs, services, activities, or facilities.  The College will take all steps necessary to ensure that its students are not excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program or activity because of a lack of auxiliary aids and services for students with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills. The College, however, cannot honor requests for accommodations that would fundamentally alter academic requirements that are essential to the instruction being pursued by a student or are directly related to any licensing requirements, cause undue hardship on the College, or jeopardize the health or safety of others.

It is the responsibility of the student to make his or her disability status and/or need for an accommodation known to the College, following the process outlined below.  Once notified, the College will work with the student to identify potential accommodations and assess the practicality and effectiveness of each potential accommodation.

Determinations regarding accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis.  An accommodation must be tailored to address the nature of the disability and the needs of the individual within the context of the requirements of the program of study.  If there are two or more possible accommodations, and one costs more or is more burdensome than the other, the College may choose the less expensive or less burdensome accommodation that is still effective.


Generally, a person with a disability is one who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.  Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working.

Admission of Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities may apply to and are considered for admission to the College in the same manner as any other applicant.  Students must meet the same admission requirements and Functional Abilities and Performance Standards, with or without reasonable accommodations, as all other students.  

No student (or prospective student) is required by law to disclose a disability before or after admission to the College. However, disclosure and documentation of a disability is required if accommodations (academic or non-academic) are requested.

Students (and prospective students) are encouraged to review the Functional Abilities and Performance Standards that are essential for the safe practice of professional nursing and for successful participation in and completion of a nursing education program. Students will need to demonstrate satisfactory application of these functional abilities and performance standards, with or without reasonable accommodations, during their course of study in nursing. The Functional Abilities and Performance Standards can be found here.

Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals

Service Animals: Mount Carmel College of Nursing permits the presence of Service Animals which perform tasks in support of persons with disabilities in College buildings, classrooms, and residence halls. Federal regulations define Service Animals as dogs (and in specific cases, miniature horses) that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, and alerting or protecting a person who is having a seizure. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Only the following two questions may be asked to determine if an animal is a service animal, as federally defined: 1) is the animal required because of a disability? (if the disability is not obvious), and 2) what work or task has the service animal been trained to do? There are no requirements to register service animals with the College but students are encouraged to notify the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator of the regular presence of a service animal so the Coordinator can provide support and education to others members of the campus community.

Emotional Support Animals: Mount Carmel College of Nursing permits residents of its on-campus residence halls to possess an Emotional Support Animal, as required by the Fair Housing Act. Emotional Support (or assistance) Animals may provide physical assistance, emotional support, calming, stability, and other kinds of support to persons with disabilities. The presence of the animal must be necessary in order to provide the resident with a disability the use and enjoyment of the dwelling. There must be an identifiable relationship or nexus between the disability and the assistance or support the animal provides. Emotional Support Animals do not perform work or tasks that qualify them as “Service Animals” under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Handler Responsibilities: The handlers/owners of Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals are obligated to comply with any applicable laws related to animal licensing, vaccination, and identification. Handlers must keep animals under their control at all times and are responsible to adequately care for, clean up after, and maintain the health of their animal. Handlers are responsible for any and all damage to physical facilities caused by their animal. Handlers assume all liability for the action of their animals, including injuries to other persons or damage of others’ personal property.

Emotional Support Animals must be “housebroken” (trained not to urinate or defecate inside a building or residence); animal waste deposited on the grounds outside must be collected in plastic bags and disposed of in outside trash receptacles. Animals must be kept in the student’s bedroom when the student is away from the residence. While away from the animal, the use of pet “crates” (sturdy den-like enclosures) to provide safety and security to the animal is generally recommended by animal care experts. Suitemates should not be asked to take responsibility for caring for an Emotional Support Animal; any care provided by suitemates is entirely voluntary.

If the student plans to be gone from the residences for longer than the animal can safely stay alone (generally between 8 and 12 hours), the student must make prior arrangements for the animal’s care. If the student will be gone from the residences for more than 24 hours, the animal must be removed from the residence and cared for according to arrangements made by the student. Students with Emotional Support Animals are required to have current contact information for someone who can take responsibility for the animal in the case of an emergency on file with the Director of Student Life; this should be updated each semester or when there are changes.

Limitations: Service Animals or Emotional Support Animals may not be permitted when the animal poses a substantial and direct threat to the health or safety of others, or if the presence of the animal fundamentally alters the nature of the program or service in which the person with a disability is participating. Determinations of this kind are made on a case-by-case basis by the College’s ADA/Section 504 Coordinator.

Emotional Support Animals must not unduly disrupt the quality of life or environment of safety for others living in the residence halls. The College reserves the right to immediately remove animals from its premises that pose a threat to the health or safety of others. Animals creating a disruptive (but not necessarily dangerous) environment may be removed if attempts to correct the problem are unsuccessful. Decisions to remove an animal are made by the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator in collaboration with the Director of Student Life and/or the Mount Carmel Safety and Security department.


  1. The Accommodations Coordinator (the “Coordinator”) has been designated to handle inquiries into academic and non-academic accommodations. A student requesting accommodations under this policy must notify the Coordinator as soon as possible after the need for an accommodation becomes apparent. The student should schedule a meeting with the Coordinator to discuss his or her needs and requested accommodations.

    Contact information: Accommodations Coordinator, Mount Carmel College of Nursing, 127 S. Davis Ave., Columbus, OH 43222, Phone: 614-234-2341 or accessibility@mccn.edu.
  2. To support most accommodation requests, students are required to provide current (generally no more than one year old) documentation of the disability to the Coordinator. This documentation must be from a professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training and has relevant experience and licensure appropriate to the profession (such as a licensed psychologist, physician, or nurse practitioner). The documentation should describe the nature of the disability, the extent to which the disability limits one or more major life activities, and the suggested accommodation(s). The Coordinator will provide application and approval forms to standardize the documentation process.
    • While there are no specific requirements for documenting the need for a Service Animal (described in Section IV, above), requests to possess an Emotional Support Animal in the residence halls are processed using the request and approval procedures specified here.
  3. Upon submission of required documentation, the Coordinator will engage in an individualized, interactive process with the student to determine possible accommodations.
    • For academic accommodations: The Coordinator may review the documentation and any requested accommodations with the appropriate Associate Dean. If necessary, the Coordinator will discuss any alternative accommodations with the student and the Associate Dean.
    • For non-academic accommodations and when necessary: The Coordinator will review the documentation and any requested accommodations with the appropriate College leader such as the Director of Student Life, Academic Dean, or Manager of Information Technology Services. 
    • The determination as to whether a requested accommodation will be granted lies with the Coordinator. In some situations, a temporary plan may be developed and implemented by the Coordinator, upon notification to the appropriate College leader, where additional time is required for diagnostic evaluation.  A minimum of 3 business days is required to implement the accommodations. A copy of the official documentation will be maintained by the Coordinator.
  4. The Coordinator will then notify the student of the determination.  If an accommodation is granted, the Coordinator will provide to the student a form setting forth the accommodation for the student to provide to members of the faculty and staff in support of implementing the accommodation. If needed, the instructor and Coordinator will collaborate to plan and implement an academic accommodation.
  5. Students who receive accommodations must meet with the Coordinator at the end of each semester to discuss their progress.
  6. If a student feels that his or her accommodations are not being met, he/she must notify the Coordinator immediately.
  7. If a student has been granted an accommodation and chooses not to use the accommodation(s), the student is required to notify the Coordinator in writing that the student will not be utilizing the accommodations.

The Ohio Board of Nursing governs requests for accommodations by an applicant for the NCLEX-RN® Examination. The Board has promulgated a policy, available here directly from the Ohio Board of Nursing website. Students are encouraged to review these requirements, including the requirement for a letter from the nursing education program demonstrating that accommodations were in place during the nursing education program.

Grievance Procedure

If the student’s request for an accommodation is denied or the student is dissatisfied with the accommodation being provided, the College encourages the student to engage in an informal dialog with the Coordinator in an attempt to resolve the issue.  

If a matter cannot be resolved informally or if the student prefers to file a formal grievance, a written grievance must be submitted to the Academic Dean. The informal resolution process is strictly voluntary and is not a prerequisite to filing a formal grievance.

The student may file a formal grievance by submitting a written grievance to the Academic Dean within fifteen (15) business days of an occurrence giving rise to the grievance. The Academic Dean will then review the issue, request to meet with the student, and then provide the student with a written decision in response to the grievance no later than fifteen (15) business days after the grievance is submitted.  The Academic Dean’s decision shall be final.

A student is not required to file a grievance with the College prior to pursuing any federal or state administrative remedy.

Discrimination Based on Disability

A student who believes they have been discriminated against or harassed due to a disability should contact the Coordinator who will assist with making a complaint under the college’s Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Title IX Policy  .


The College prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a grievance under this policy or otherwise complains that he or she has been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids or effective communication.

This prohibition of retaliation similarly extends to anyone who has testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing related to a grievance or complaint under this policy.

Student Privacy

Except where necessary to further the purpose of this policy or where otherwise permitted by law, documentation of a student’s disability will be kept confidential and will not be shared with other administrators or faculty members without the student’s consent in accordance with federal educational privacy standards. Any request by a student to review the documents associated with his or her request for an accommodation or grievance under this policy should be submitted to the Coordinator.

Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report

Mount Carmel College of Nursing prepares an Annual Security Report (ASR) to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act. The ASR includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the MCCN campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security and other matters.

The College maintains a daily log of crimes reported to Mount Carmel Health System (MCHS) Safety and Security and the Fairfield Medical Center Campus Police. The crime log for the most recent 60-day period is publicly available during normal business hours from the Director of Compliance and Safety/Clery Coordinator. The log includes the nature of the crime, date and time, general location, and disposition (if known).

The College is also required to publish an annual report on fire safety policies and procedures related to the resident apartments which is included as part of the ASR.

The full text of this combined report is available via this link:  Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report  . 

A hard copy of the report is available by contacting the Director of Compliance and Safety.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is committed to maintaining an institutional climate that fosters an open learning and working environment.  It is the College’s policy that bullying and oral harassment are unacceptable behaviors that will not be tolerated or condoned by the College.

Repeated and severe aggressive behavior with intent to likely intimidate, threaten, or intentionally hurt, control, or diminish another person whether mentally or physically is bullying whether done in person or through electronic means. Bullying that is considered to be gender-based or to have a sexual component may be considered a violation of this policy. Bullying that is not gender-based and does not have a sexual component is still prohibited. 

Any bullying will be processed under the Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, Harassment, and Title IX Policy and any reports are to be made under the procedures set forth in that policy.

A student is encouraged to report any other alleged instances of bullying to the Director of Compliance and Safety. The Director may be contacted at (614) 234-2341 or compliance@mccn.edu or at Mount Carmel College of Nursing, 127 S. Davis Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43222. The Director of Compliance and Safety will assist the student in determining which internal complaint process is appropriate.  If the complaint is against an employee, the Director of Compliance and Safety may direct the student to MCHS Human Resources.

If the complaint is against a student, the Director of Compliance and Safety will conduct an investigation to determine whether a violation of this Policy has occurred, including the extent and severity of the violation.  Every effort will be made to resolve the Complaint. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the Director, may in their discretion, refer the Complaint to the appropriate body for review/hearing. The procedures that will be followed and the consequences of violation of this Policy are those set forth by the College.

Concealed Weapons Policy

Mount Carmel (Health System and College of Nursing) prohibits any person from carrying a concealed firearm or other deadly weapon onto the premises of any Mount Carmel property. For a complete copy of the policy, click here .

Confidentiality and Disclosure of Educational Records (FERPA)

Mount Carmel College of Nursing complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, which is designed to provide privacy regarding a student’s educational record. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution at any age.)

For a complete copy of the College’s Confidentiality and Disclosure of Educational Records, click here .

Consensual Relationships Policy

This policy outlines the expectations of Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) with respect to consensual romantic or sexual relationships between individuals where a power differential exists. This policy covers all MCCN employees, students and affiliated individuals. This policy is necessary, as there are inherent risks in any romantic or sexual relationship between individuals in unequal positiions (such as faculty member and student, supervisor and employee). These relationships may be less consensual than the individual whose position confers power or authority believes. The relationship also may be viewed in different ways by each of the parties, particularly in retrospect as circumstances change and conduct that was previously welcome may become unwelcome.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the learning, living, educational and working environment at MCCN is free from real or perceived conflicts of interest and/or preferential treatment, as well as all forms of gender discrimination and harassment.

No MCCN employee shall enter into a consensual romantic or sexual relationship with a student or other employee over whom his/her exercise or influence direct or otherwise significant academic, administrative, supervisory, evaluative, counseling/mentoring, or extracurricular authority. In the event such a relationship already exists, the employee is required to notify his/her supervisor immediately and appropriate protocols will be implemented. The following types of consensual romantic or sexual relationships are addressed in this policy: (1) Faculty-Student Relationships; (2) Staff Member/Administrator-Student Relationships; and (3) Supervising Employee-Employee Relationships.

  • Faculty-Student Relationships:

The relationship between faculty member and student must be protected from influences or activities that can interfere with learning and objective evaluation. Therefore, no faculty member shall enter into a romantic or sexual relationship with a student over whom that faculty member has academic responsibility or is likely to have academic responsibility in the future, regardless of whether the relationship would be consensual. In addition, no faculty member shall exercise academic responsibility over a student with the faculty member has or has had a romantic or sexual relationship, regardless of whether the relationship is or was consensual.

  • Staff Member/Administrator-Student Relationships:

Staff members or administrators working in areas that are often called upon to work closely with and advise or mentor students cannot perform their duties effectively if they become romantically or sexually involved with students who they are responsible for advising or mentoring. Accordingly, no staff member or administrator shall have a romantic or sexual relationship, regardless of whether the relationship is consensual, with a student for whom that staff member or administrator has advising, mentoring, evaluation, or student organization management responsibility. In addition, no staff member or administrator shall exercise such responsibility with respect to a student with whom that staff member or administrator has or has had a romantic or sexual relationship, regardless of whether the relationship was consensual.

Any member of the MCCN community (student, faculty, staff, and administrator) who is made aware of a faculty-student or staff member/administrator-student relationship must report this to the Director of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator.

Any supervisor who receives a report of a violation of this policy shall treat the information sensitively and shall promptly consult with the Director of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator and Human Resources.

Retaliation against persons who report concerns about potential violations of this policy is prohibited.

Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action. If a member of the MCCN community fails to meet the requirements for either disclosing a relationship in violation of this policy, or fails to cooperate in the required steps to resolve (if possible) a reported violation of this policy may face disciplinary action.

Should a romantic or sexual relationship with a student lead to a charge of sexual harassment or sexual assault against a faculty member, staff member or administrator, MCCN is obligated to investigate and resolve the charge in accordance with MCCN’s Title IX Policy . The MCCN Director of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator handles matters related to Title IX violations. The Director of Compliance/Title IX Coordinator may be reached at 614-234-2341 or compliance@mccn.edu.

Constitution Day

The College complies with legislation requiring all federally funded educational institutions to hold an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution each year on or near September 17. Constitution Day commemorates the September 17, 1787, signing of the Constitution. If this date falls on a weekend, the observation will be held during the preceding or following week.

Credit Hour Allocation - Graduate

Allocation of graduate level credit hours is based on a 16-week semester. Click here  for information on graduate credit hour allocation of general education, clinical nursing, and non-clinical nursing courses.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

In complying with the federal law, MCCN is concerned about the welfare of its students and employees and wishes to demonstrate commitment to a drug and alcohol free environment. A drug and alcohol free environment will also serve to maintain quality services, reduce accidents, and increase productivity.

Unlawful possession, use, production, distribution, or sale of alcohol or other drugs by any faculty, staff, or student is prohibited on college property; or as part of college activities, whether on or off campus; and/or in any way that impacts student or employee performance in the classroom or clinical setting.

The purpose of this policy is to comply with the Drug-Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), which requires MCCN to show it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by faculty, staff, and students, and to set forth the standards to provide a community setting that is safe, healthy, and productive for all faculty, staff, and students of MCCN. MCCN distributes this policy annually throughout the MCCN community. The distribution includes information about standards of conduct, referral and treatment, applicable laws and sanctions, and current assessments of possible health risks.

MCCN recognizes drug and/or alcohol dependency as health problems and it will be of assistance to an individual seeking treatment for such a dependency provided such treatment is sought prior to violation(s) of this policy or other MCCN policies. MCCN offers free and confidential help to students and employees who suffer from alcohol and/or drug abuse. Students have access to MCCN Student Behavioral Health Services, and employees and students have access to Mount Carmel Health System (“MCHS”) Employee Assistance Program. It is the responsibility of the student or employee to seek assistance before alcohol and/or drug problems lead to disciplinary action. Please note that treatment is not a refuge from disciplinary action and that dependency problems not resolved through treatment may ultimately result in disciplinary problems not resolved through treatment may ultimately result in disciplinary action, up to and including disciplinary dismissal or termination. In situations involving a threat or danger to the health or safety of any individual, students and employees are encouraged and expected to seek appropriate medical attention for themselves and others as soon as possible. 

For a complete copy of the Mount Carmel Drug and Alcohol Policy, click here 

Emergency Notification and Response Policy

Mount Carmel Franklinton Safety & Security (“MCF Security”), the Fairfield Medical Center (“FMC”) Police and the College President receive information from various offices and departments on and off campus. If MCF Security or one of these offices confirms that there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of some or all of the members of the campus community, MCF Security or FMC Police and the President/Dean of the College will determine the content of the message and either or both entities will use some or all of the methods described below to communicate to the campus community or appropriate segment of the campus community.

The emergency messaging system may be initiated from on-campus and from remote locations. The College will, without delay and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the emergency message and initiate the emergency messaging system, unless issuing a message will, in the judgment of the MCF Security, the Police or other responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency situation.

To access a complete copy of the Mount Carmel College of Nursing Emergency Notification and Response Policy, click here .

Missing Students Policy

If a member of the MCCN community has reason to believe that a MCCN student who lives in the resident apartments has been missing for 24 hours, or has missed three consecutive days of classes without any known reason or response, they should immediately contact the following administrators:

  1. College President and Academic Dean, 614-234-4340
  2. Associate Dean, Graduate and Distance Education Program 614-234-1777
  3. Associate Dean, Student Services,614-234-5169
  4. Director, Records and Registration, 614-234-5685
  5. Director of Compliance and Safety, 614-234-2341
  6. Safety and Security, 614-234-4831

The College President will immediately notify other appropriate law enforcement agencies upon receipt of a missing student report. If the Law Enforcement agency makes an official determination that a student is missing, emergency contact procedures will be initiated within 24-hours in accordance with the student’s designation. In addition, College administrators or their designees will be notified to include the Director of Records and Registration, Director of Compliance and Safety and the Marketing and Communications Specialist.

Student Emergency Contact Information

Each student may register contact information to be notified in the event the student is determined to be missing. Student contact information will be registered confidentially, will be accessible only to authorized College officials and may not be disclosed except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation. 

If a missing student is under 18 years of age and is not emancipated, MCCN is required to notify their custodial parent or guardian within 24-hours after the student is determined to be missing, in addition to notifying any additional contact person designated by the student.

Reporting of Sexual Offenders

Information Regarding Registered Sexually Violent Predators

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act requires sex offenders, who must register under state law, to provide notice of enrollment at any institution of higher education (IHE) in that state where the offender resides, as well as notice of each change of enrollment or employment status at the IHE. In turn, this information will be made available by the state authorities to the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction where the IHE is located.

Ohio law requires that convicted sex offenders must register with the county in which they reside. In Franklin and Fairfield Counties in Ohio, sex offenders register with the Sheriff’s Office for a designated time period. Sex offenders are classified as 1) sexually oriented offenders, 2) habitual sex offenders, and 3) sexual predators.

Mount Carmel College of Nursing will make available to the entire College constituency, information on any sexual predator who enrolls in or is employed at the College. The information is made available to the College by the Sheriff’s Department and includes the offender’s name, address, physical description, photograph, and the offense of which the person was convicted. The file is located in the College office. Please contact the College President’s office for specific information on individuals.


The President’s office will notify the College community in writing if a sexual predator has been enrolled or hired by the College. For a complete copy of the College’s policy, click here .

Related Information

Public Law 106-386-OCT. 28, 2000

Franklin County Sex Offender Registry

Fairfield County Sex Offender Registry

Student Complaints and Grievances

Internal Process

Mount Carmel College of Nursing has a formal process for addressing and resolving student complaints and grievances emerging from alleged violations of College policies, procedures, or established practices on the part of a College faculty member, staff member, or department. This policy addresses student complaints and grievances not otherwise covered by another College policy or procedure. For a complete copy of the College’s policy, click here.  

When registering complaints, students must follow appropriate procedures. If a student has any questions about the proper procedure to follow, they may contact the Director of Compliance at compliance@mccn.edu.

External Process

Pursuant to 34 CFR § 668.43(b) (Code of Federal Regulations), an institution of higher education must “provide students… with contact information for filing complaints with its accreditor and with its State approval or licensing entity and any other relevant State official or agency that would appropriately handle the student’s complaint.” If you reside in a state outside of Ohio and are enrolled in online classes at Mount Carmel College of Nursing and have a complaint, you should contact your state agency.

The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE):

The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) is responsible for responding to formal complaints against public, independent non-profit, and proprietary institutions of higher education in Ohio. While the Ohio Department of Higher Education has limited authority over colleges and universities, and cannot offer legal advice or initiate civil court cases, ODHE staff will review submitted complaints and work with student complainants and institutions. Information regarding the ODHE complaint process, including the required form and information, can be found on its website. https://www.ohiohighered.org/students/complaints

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC):

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is an independent body responsible for the accreditation of programs offered by Mount Carmel College of Nursing. The HLC receives complaints from students or other parties. When a complaint raises issues regarding an institution’s ability to meet accreditation criteria, the HLC will forward a copy of the complaint to the institution and request a formal response. Instructions for filing a complaint with the Commission are available on its website. https://hlcommission.org/Student-Resources/complaints.html

Title IV Compliance

The College is in compliance with its program responsibilities associated with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 (HEA98) via publication on the Department of Education’s College Navigator. Click nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/  for details.

Title IX Compliance

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is committed to maintaining a healthy and safe learning, living, educational, and working environment that is free from gender discrimination and harassment and to creating an environment that promotes responsibility, dignity, and respect in matters of sexual conduct.  Title IX prohibits Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation of any kind on the basis of sex.  Title IX also prohibits Violence Against Women Act offenses (“Sexual and Interpersonal Offenses”) such as sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Any person, regardless of gender, can be a victim/survivor of a Title IX violation. This Policy applies to both on-campus and off-campus conduct, academic, educational, co-curricular, and other MCCN programs.  Any Title IX violation is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

By providing resources for prevention, education, support, investigation, and a fair disciplinary process, MCCN seeks to eliminate Title IX violations. MCCN is dedicated to preventing these violations by providing:

  • Education and prevention programming informing the community about the risks and myths that contribute to violence.
  • Assistance and support including interim support measures.
  • Processes for reliable and impartial investigation and adjudication that includes appropriate disciplinary sanctions for those who commit Title IX violations including suspension and dismissal. When a violation does occur, MCCN will take appropriate steps to prevent its recurrence and remedy the discriminatory effect on the reporter (and victim/survivor if different from the reporter) and others, as appropriate.

MCCN’s Policy is designed to comply with applicable state and federal laws. MCCN reserves the right to modify or deviate from this Policy when, in the sole judgment of MCCN, circumstances warrant, in order to protect the rights of the involved parties, or to comply with the law.

This Policy describes how MCCN typically responds to reports of Title IX violations. It also:

  • Provides guidance for those who have been the victim/survivor of such a violation.
  • Outlines MCCN’s student disciplinary response to alleged violations.
  • Identifies the relevant places within MCCN responsible for the Policy and programs associated with it.

The MCCN Title IX Director of Compliance is also MCCN’s Title IX Coordinator and handles matters related to Title IX violations.  The Director of Compliance may be reached at 614-234-2341, 127 S. Davis Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43222. The Director of Compliance will help students or employees:

  • Access medical and mental health treatment.
  • Report the Sexual or Interpersonal Offense to the police.
  • Access support resources.
  • Assist the victim/survivor in obtaining a MCCN no-contact order, a court-issued restraining order, or other lawful order of protection.

MCCN encourages students and employees who have been the victim/survivor of Sexual or Interpersonal Offenses to pursue criminal charges against the person or persons they believe to have committed the crime. A criminal charge and a MCCN investigation or disciplinary complaint may be pursued at the same time. Students or employees may file a disciplinary complaint with or without pursuing criminal charges. Victim/survivor support and resources are available regardless of criminal charges, or MCCN disciplinary action.

For a complete copy of the Mount Carmel Title IX Policy, click here.  Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and its regulations may be referred to the Mount Carmel Title IX Coordinator (614-234-2341) or the Deputy Title IX Office (614-234-5828).127 S. Davis Ave, Columbus, Ohio 43222.

Voter Registration

Mount Carmel College of Nursing will distribute voter registration forms to all enrolled students no less than 60 days before the published voter registration deadline for any federal election or state subernatiorial election.