Sep 17, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2012-2013 
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information (Catalog)

Tuition and Fees Payment

The College reserves the right to make changes in costs at the beginning of any semester by publication of the new rates for tuition, general fees, and room at least three months in advance of the effective date. Changes in other fees, charges, or policies may be made by an announcement one month in advance of the effective date of the change.

Tuition and fees statements (which include approved/pending financial aid awarded) are available online prior to the beginning of each semester. Tuition is due nine business days prior to the start of each semester unless payment plans have been preapproved by the Business Office.

Students receiving financial aid may deduct the amount of the aid from their semester tuition bill until monies are received if the financial aid has been approved. Students with unpaid balances by this date and with no approved payment plan will be considered to have withdrawn and enrollment may be cancelled.

Consideration is given to each student’s financial circumstances. The College recognizes that financial crises do occur, and during extraordinary situations can make special financial arrangements for payment of tuition and fees. Students with financial questions should contact the Director of Business Affairs to discuss special arrangements.

Students with delinquent accounts will have a Business Office “hold” placed on their accounts. Students with Business Office “holds” cannot register for classes or view final course grades online.

Payment Plan

A payment plan is available to any student and is administered through the Business Office and Tuition Management Systems (TMS), depending on length of payments. The College payment plan allows the student or responsible party the convenience of distributing the tuition and fees expense over a number of months. Tuition and fees for one semester or the entire academic year can be included in the payment plan. Pending financial aid is taken into consideration when calculating monthly payments.

Contact TMS online at or the Director of Business Affairs (614-234-2230) to schedule an appointment for questions about the College payment plan.

Penalties for Late Payment

Students are responsible for paying tuition and fees by the established payment dates.

Students making late tuition and fee payments are assessed late payment fees. Additionally, students cannot attend class until payment arrangements are complete.

Graduating students are not issued a diploma until all financial obligations to the College are met. Further, the College will not verify program completion to the Ohio Board of Nursing for any student who has unresolved financial obligations. A student is not permitted to take the National Council Licensing Exam (NCLEX) to become a Registered Nurse without verification of completion of the nursing program.

Tuition Refund Policy

Mount Carmel College of Nursing tuition and fees refunds for students receiving federal aid will be made according to federal guidelines. Refer to the Financial Aid section of this Catalog for current policy.

  Semester Course     Term Course*
100% refund: on or before 1st Friday   100% refund: on or before 4th day
50% refund: through 4th Friday   50% refund: through 2nd Friday
No refund: after 4th Friday   No refund: after 2nd Friday

*Refund from second term classes will be calculated beginning with the start date of the second term.

Students receiving federal and state aid will be subject to the Federal Refund Policy that refunds money to federal and state programs before any refund is made to the student. Federal refund calculation includes prescribed methods of returning federal and state aid to those programs. Refunds are made first to Stafford loan programs (unsubsidized loan, subsidized loan, PLUS loan) then to Perkins, Pell, SEOG, OIG, institutional aid, private aid, and lastly to the student. Samples of refund calculations are available upon request from the Financial Aid Office.


Through a collaborative relationship with Oakwood Management Company, apartment-style living is available for Mount Carmel College of Nursing Students. The apartments are adjacent to the College. Rental rates for the 2010-2011 academic year are $2,250.00 per semester.

Educational Costs (2011-2012)

Tuition and fees for all programs are subject to annual review and may be adjusted accordingly.

Fees (all programs)

Audit Fee 50% of course tuition  
Proficiency Exam Fee (non-refundable) $100.00  

Pre-licensure Program

Application Fee (non-refundable) $30.00  
Enrollment Deposit (applied toward 1st semester tuition; non-refundable after May 1 for Fall Semester or December 1 for Spring Semester) $300.00  
Standard Tuition per credit hour $333.00  
Nursing Clinical tuition per credit hour (sophomore and junior) $770.00  
General Fee (per semester)** $156.00  
Science Laboratory Fee $45.00  
Technology Fee $120.00  
Nursing 408 Fee $14.00  
ATI Comprehensive Review Fee (senior) $250.00  
Graduation Fee (includes MCCN Pin) $225.00  

**Pre-licensure students are assessed a general fee for both Fall and Spring Semesters which provides financial support for the Student Life Association and the student activities it sponsors. It also provides partial support for special cultural events, other social and recreational activities, and the student health program which includes health guidance, treatment of minor illnesses not requiring hospitalization, and an annual tuberculin skin test in the sophomore, junior, and senior years. The student health program is not health insurance; students are responsible for all diagnostic and emergency care costs. Students are required to obtain their own health insurance. The General Fee for Summer Session is $78.00.

Online RN-BSN Program

Application Fee (non-refundable) $30.00  
Processing Fee (evaluation and transfer of previous courses $100.00  
All courses per credit hour $333.00  
Graduation Fee (includes MCCN Pin) $225.00  

Workbook Fee

A workbook fee is charged for those courses which provide a student workbook.

Miscellaneous Fees

In addition to the expenses noted above, the student is also responsible for the cost of books, supplies, uniforms, transportation, and meals.

Courses taken at CSCC and OSU are billed to the student by those institutions, and payment is the responsibility of the student. Tuition is paid directly to those affiliated institutions.

Financial Aid

All financial aid (other than merit-based scholarships) is based on need, as determined by standard needs analysis. A student must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for federal, state, local, and institutional aid.

Students should refer to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Catalog for additional available aid and further details.


Campus-based aid will be awarded on a first come basis, depending on availability of funds. Applicants must be accepted before a financial aid package will be issued. The College does not require a financial aid transcript from previously attended colleges, except for mid-year transfer students. This information will be accessed via the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).

Student Aid Report

Filing the FAFSA will generate a Student Aid Report (SAR). The processor sends it to the student after filing. The College will access this information electronically if the student includes the College code on the application. If the student did not list Mount Carmel on the FAFSA, they must update the FAFSA with MCCN’s school code (030719).

Award Letter

Once all requirements are met and the student’s file is complete, a notice of financial aid eligibility will be made with a financial aid award letter sent to the student. New students must then apply for loans, if desired; complete the online entrance counseling; and sign and return one copy of the award letter to the Financial Aid Office. Returning students with a master promissory note must sign and return the award letter to the Financial Aid Office.


Students may be asked to supply supplemental information as required by the U.S. Department of Education if selected for verification (signed Federal tax forms and verification worksheet).Verification must be complete before any financial aid will be packaged. No aid is processed until the student completes the verification process. The College follows the federal guidelines for verification, collecting the signed verification worksheet, and the signed federal tax returns. If the student does not complete verification by the last date of attendance for the academic year, no financial aid will be processed. Mount Carmel College of Nursing may also select a student for verification even if not selected for verification by the Department of Education. All conflicting data must be resolved before any aid is administered.

Needs Analysis and Financial Aid Packaging

A Cost of Attendance Budget is determined for several categories of students. Housing and personal budgets are established for students living at home with a parent or relative, living in the campus apartments, or living independently off campus. Transportation costs are determined for live-in students and commuters. The Financial Aid Office determines each student budget or total cost of attendance and subtracts the expected family contribution from the official student aid report to determine financial need.

Financial aid is packaged in the following order: Pell grant; FSEOG, if applicable; and available Ohio Grant; external and internal scholarships; Federal Stafford Subsidized Loan; and external aid. If the student has additional unmet need after the above, students are rank ordered according to highest remaining unmet need to be packaged for institutional aid.

No student can be packaged beyond unmet need. If receipt of additional outside financial aid later results in an over award, the student’s institutional loans will be decreased or cancelled first, then Stafford loan, and lastly, scholarships and grants.

The regular academic year is packaged using Fall Semester and Spring Semester enrollment. If a student chooses to attend Summer Session it is added as a “trailer” term to the prior academic year. If the student has any remaining financial aid eligibility, it can be awarded for Summer Session. This policy is also applicable to transfer students who begin Spring Semester. For purposes of Federal Family Educational Loans the student may be awarded loans according to a “borrower based academic year” or the “standard academic year,” depending on the student’s individual situation. A student may request in writing that his/her academic year begin Summer Session and financial aid will be packaged in thirds (summer/fall/spring). This should be documented on the Financial Aid Information sheet.

Financial Aid Appeals

If the student/family financial situation changes after filing the FAFSA, the student should contact the Director of Financial Aid regarding the situation. The student may file an Appeal Form. The College may be able to look at expected year income rather than prior year in cases where the family’s financial situation has changed significantly. A student may file an appeal at any time during the academic year. Once the appeal form and supporting documentation is received by the Financial Aid Office, the student can expect a decision within 4-6 weeks.

In all appeal cases the following guidelines will apply when using professional judgment to determine the outcome of an appeal:

  • No appeal will be considered without adequate documentation of circumstances.
  • All appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • An appeal for independent status will only be considered in cases of documented parental estrangement or abuse, with adequate third party documentation. If the dependent student does not meet these criteria to be considered for “independent” status, the Financial Aid Office may consider the student’s actual expenses (with adequate documentation) and recalculate the student budget.
  • All decisions regarding an appeal are final.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students must meet acceptable Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) to receive financial aid. A student is achieving satisfactory academic progress at Mount Carmel College of Nursing as long as the following policy standards are met:

  • A student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 at the end of each academic year. The Financial Aid Office reviews this annually in May.
  • A student must complete the program in a maximum of six years. In order to accomplish this requirement, the student must satisfactorily complete 65% of all attempted coursework at the end of each academic year. The Financial Aid Office reviews this annually in May.

A student can continue to receive financial aid for one semester if he/she does not meet the minimum 2.00 GPA and/or complete 65% of all attempted coursework.

  • After this one semester, if the student is not meeting SAP, he/she will not be eligible for financial aid in subsequent terms.
  • If a student later meets SAP, his or her eligibility will be reinstated for the next academic term.
  • The student may appeal a determination that he/she is not making SAP in writing to the Financial Aid Office. The only situations in which the College would waive this policy through an appeal are documented student injury, illness, or death of a relative of the student.
  • All appeal decisions will be acted upon within four weeks of receipt of written appeal and all required documentation. All decisions are final. The Director of Financial Aid will notify the student in writing of the decision.

The Director of Financial Aid is responsible for monitoring the SAP on a term-by-term basis for those students who are not meeting SAP.

Refund Policies

Federal Refunds

The financial aid office recalculates federal* aid eligibility for students who withdraw, drop out, are dismissed, or take a leave of absence prior to completing 60% of a term. If a student has questions about the federal refund calculations, contact the Financial Aid Office.

  • Recalculation is based on the percent of earned aid using the following formula:
Percent Earned = Number of days completed up to the withdrawal date**
  Total days in the term
  • Federal Financial aid is returned to the federal government based on the percent of unearned aid using the following formula:
  • Aid to be Returned = (100% - Percent Earned) X Amount of aid disbursed toward institutional charges
  • When aid is returned, any debit balance owed to the College is the student’s responsibility. The student should contact the Business Office to make arrangements to pay the balance.

*Federal financial aid includes:

  1. Stafford Unsubsidized Loans
  2. Stafford Subsidized Loans
  3. Parent/PLUS Loans
  4. Federal Pell Grant
  5. SEOG Grant

(Federal financial aid is returned in the order listed)
**Withdrawal Date is defined as the actual date the student begins the withdrawal process, the student’s last day of recorded attendance or the midpoint of the term for a student who leaves without notifying the College.

Institutional* Refunds - Semester Courses

  • A student who drops a course on or before the first Friday of the term will be entitled to a 100% credit of tuition and fees.
  • A student who drops a class after the first Friday, but on or before the fourth Friday of the term, will be entitled to 50% credit of tuition and fees.
  • After the fourth Friday of the term, there will be no refund of course charges.

Institutional* Refunds - Term Courses

  • A student who drops a course on or before the fourth day of the term will be entitled to a 100% credit of tuition and fees.
  • A student who drops a class after the fourth day, but on or before the second Friday of the term, will be entitled to 50% credit of tuition and fees.
  • After the second Friday of the term, there will be no refund of course charges.
  • The federal refund calculation supersedes the institutional refund policy relating to term courses if a student withdraws, is dismissed, or is on Leave of Absence (LOA).

Institutional financial aid* will be subject to the federal refund calculation for students who withdraw, are dismissed, or take a Leave of Absence (LOA) prior to completing 60% of the semester term.

*Institutional financial aid includes Memorial Loan, Schell Loan, and other Mount Carmel College of Nursing loan programs. Scholarships are excluded from this refund policy unless the student withdraws during the first week of the term.

Refund Disbursement

Funds are credited to the student’s account as they are received from various sources.

Once a student’s account has been credited with financial aid funds and shows a credit balance, the College will refund the credit amount to the student within two weeks – to be used for other educational expenses. If the College receives funds in late Fall Semester after Spring Semester billing, the funds may be carried over to Spring Semester. No federal funds will be carried over from one academic year to the next. Students may enroll in electronic refund deposits online through CARMELink.

Loan Counseling

All students who receive loans from federal, state, or institutional sources are required to complete loan entrance counseling before the loan is disbursed, and loan exit counseling when the student leaves the College. The loan entrance counseling provides students with information regarding their rights and responsibilities as a borrower.

The student must complete loan entrance counseling before the first disbursement of a Stafford Loan is made. If the student fails to complete the entrance interview, the loan is cancelled and returned to the lender.

Loan exit counseling provides students with specific information about their loan indebtedness as well as their rights and responsibilities as a borrower. Students who do not complete exit loan counseling will have their account placed on “hold” and no academic transcripts will be issued until the counseling is completed. If the student has left the institution without officially withdrawing, directions for completing the online exit counseling will be mailed to them. Please allow two days for the Financial Aid Office to be notified of completion of the online exit counseling. Graduating seniors will have diplomas withheld until the exit counseling is completed.

The College is notified by the guaranty agency when a student is delinquent in loan repayment. Guaranty agencies request updated information on students regarding address, etc. The College provides to the guaranty agency any information on file regarding student’s last known address and employer. Providing this information is the responsibility of the Financial Aid Office.

Sources of Financial Aid

Federal and state grant and loan guidelines are set by federal and state agencies and are not subject to alteration by the Financial Aid Department. Any student who receives financial aid must notify the College Financial Aid Office of all financial assistance received including tuition reimbursement, hometown scholarships, etc.

Federal Grants

Pell Grant (formerly Basic Education Opportunity Grant)

This is a federal grant program based solely on need. These monies are distributed on a term basis and are used for tuition, fees, and educational expenses. The Pell Grant is not available to students with baccalaureate degrees. These monies are not repaid.

FSEOG - Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

This is a federal grant program based on exceptional need. Students with lowest EFC and Pell recipients have first priority. The student must have filed a FAFSA by March 1 and completed the Mount Carmel College of Nursing Financial Aid Application by April 1 to be on the priority list for this grant. Grants are awarded on a first come basis after the priority date, if funds are available.

Federal Loans

Federal Stafford Loan (SL) [formerly Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL)] - Subsidized

This is a loan program based on financial need and subsidized by the federal government. Repayment begins six months after graduation or upon termination of the program for other reasons. Interest is a variable rate. Maximum annual limits are $5,500 for the first year, $6,500 for the second year, and $7,500 for the third and fourth years. The maximum aggregate loan limit is $23,000 for dependent students and $46,000 for independent students. Loan proceeds can be electronically disbursed and applied to the student’s account. Excess money will be refunded to the student. Students are required to complete “entrance” and “exit” interviews when receiving loans.

Federal Stafford Loan - Unsubsidized

This loan program is not need based. Students without need may borrow the same amount as the subsidized Stafford. Independent students have higher loan limits. If desired, students may request an additional $2000 per academic year.

Plus Loan (PLUS)

This loan program is available to parents of eligible dependent students. The loan can be used to pay the expected “family contribution” (FC) portion of the student’s educational expenses. Interest is determined by the Money Market, and repayment begins 60 days after the loan has been disbursed.

Nursing Student Loan (NSL)

The Nurse Training Act provides for federal loans to eligible nursing students. The loans are based on need and are available to half-time and full-time students. The annual limit is $4,000 with a 5% interest rate. Payments begin nine months after graduation or upon termination of the program for other reasons. Students are required to complete “entrance” and “exit” interviews. These loans are limited; please see the Financial Aid Director for details.

State Grants

State grants are based solely on need and students must apply using the FAFSA. There is an income cap on eligibility. Grants are not available to students who have a baccalaureate degree or are out-of-state residents. If approved, the award is sent directly to Mount Carmel College of Nursing for payment of tuition and fees only. This money cannot be used for any other educational expenses. This grant will be reduced if tuition and fees are less than the eligible amount.

State Loans

Nurse Education Assistance Loan Program (NEALP)

This program offers loans to nursing students in Ohio who have “exceptional need” based on the calculated “family contribution” from the FAFSA. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office in March. Loans are limited to a maximum of $3,000 per year and may be renewed for three years. Application deadline is June 1 of each year. Up to 100% of the loan may be canceled if the graduate practices nursing in Ohio.

Campus-Based Aid

College Grants

Available only to students with outstanding need after all above sources are considered. Eligibility is determined by the Financial Aid Office and based on funding.

Charles E. Schell Foundation Loan Program

This interest free loan, based on financial need, is available to students. The recipient must be under 25 years of age and a United States citizen whose parents were born in the U.S. and are also citizens of the U.S. Repayment begins ninety days after a student ceases enrollment. The loan is interest free, if payments are made on time, and must be paid in full within ten years. This loan is funded by the Charles E. Schell Foundation.

Abigail Graves Memorial Loan

This fund was established by the generosity of Abigail Graves, a graduate of Mount Carmel. This 3.5% interest rate loan is available to students based on financial need, and has a maximum amount of $2,000 per year. Repayment begins ninety days after enrollment ends and is repayable in five years.

Gaglani Loan Fund

Junior and senior nursing students are eligible. The student must have a minimum 3.00 GPA, possess high moral character, leadership potential, and demonstrate financial need. One $1,000 interest free loan is available annually.

Kelley Loan Fund

Junior and senior nursing students are eligible. One or two $1,000 interest free loans are available annually to students in good academic standing who have demonstrated financial need.

Emergency Loans

Short term emergency loans are available to students at any class level who have encountered an unexpected financial deficit. The loans are repaid with the student’s financial aid. To receive this loan, a student must be eligible to receive a refund from the Financial Aid award.

College Work Program (need based)

College work is offered to students as part of the financial aid package if students indicate an interest on the FAFSA. A small number of positions are available each year. An interview is required before acceptance into the program. Students may be terminated from this program during the year if hours are not worked or the supervisor determines work is unsatisfactory.

Campus-Based Scholarships

The number of scholarships and the amounts may vary from year to year. Scholarships are considered in calculating financial aid eligibility.

Presidential Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen with a minimum 3.50 GPA (on a 4.00 scale) and a 25 minimum ACT composite. Candidates must have demonstrated leadership qualities and be active in community service. The Scholarship will be applied to tuition and fees only at Mount Carmel College of Nursing. The scholarship is $1,500, renewable at the end of freshman year and $4,000 renewable at the end of sophomore and junior years, if the student maintains a minimum 3.40 cumulative GPA. No application is necessary.

College Scholarship Program

Up to ten scholarships of $2,000 each are awarded to selected high school seniors accepted for admission in the freshman college year. Applicants must have a minimum 3.40 GPA and 23 minimum ACT composite. No application is necessary, and the scholarship is renewable at $2,000 for sophomore and $3,000 each for junior and senior years at Mount Carmel if the student maintains a minimum 3.20 cumulative GPA.

Wilson Recruitment Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen students with a minimum 3.20 GPA (on a 4.00 scale) and a 22 minimum ACT composite score. No application is necessary. This is a one-time scholarship in the amount of $1,200 that will be applied directly to the student’s tuition.

Robert G. and Kathryn R. Schwemley Foundation Scholarship

Full-time sophomore, junior, and senior students who have earned a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA and demonstrated financial need are eligible to apply for this scholarship. A number of $3,000 scholarships are available and are applied to tuition and fees at Mount Carmel.

Eleanor S. Wilson Academic Scholarship

Recipients must have completed one full year at Mount Carmel College of Nursing as a full-time student (12 credits/semester) and earned a minimum 3.70 cumulative GPA. No application is necessary. This scholarship will be applied to tuition and fees at Mount Carmel College of Nursing as follows: $1,000 sophomore year, $1,250 junior year, and $1,500 senior year. Recipients will be notified in writing of the scholarship award during the summer.

Mother Constantine Scholarship

Recipients must have completed one full year at Mount Carmel College of Nursing as a full-time student with a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA and must be actively involved in community service activities. Maximum of three awards annually.

Eleanor S. Wilson Senior Clinical Excellence Award

Clinical excellence is recognized for a student at the end of the junior year. This $1,000 award is applied to senior year tuition and fees. The student must have a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA to be considered. The student chosen must excel in clinical nursing practice and will be selected by a faculty committee. No application is required.

National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) Scholarships and Loans

Each year the NSNA Foundation distributes nearly $100,000 to nursing students. Members of NSNA receive advance information on scholarships. Further information on these scholarships and loans is available in the SNAM office or Financial Aid Office. Deadlines are usually early (February).

Mount Carmel Alumni Association Senior Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded each year to senior students by the Mount Carmel College of Nursing Alumni Association. The number of awards and award amounts vary each year.

Outside Sources of Financial Aid

National Guard

The Ohio National Guard has a program of tuition assistance for any Ohio resident who enlists, re-enlists, or extends enlistment for six years. Students should contact the Ohio National Guard directly.


Mount Carmel College of Nursing participates in both the Air Force and Army ROTC programs offered at The Ohio State University. These programs offer qualified students the chance to compete for a variety of scholarships in addition to career opportunities for nurses.

Air Force ROTC The first two years of enrollment (freshman/sophomore) is the General Military Course (GMC), which includes lessons on officership, communication, aerospace doctrine, and history of military aviation. There is no obligation to serve in the military for non-scholarship cadets for the first two years. The last two years (junior/senior) is the Professional Officer Course (POC) dealing with leadership, management, supervision, communication skills, and national defense policy. Air Force ROTC cadets also attend a two-hour leadership laboratory period each week and participate in two hours of physical fitness training. A cadet must enroll in the POC for two academic years to be eligible for a commission.

Air Force ROTC offers two, three, and four year scholarships. The four year scholarship is applied for during the senior year in high school. The two and three year scholarships are offered to qualified men and women in college, regardless of major (in-College Scholarship Program, Foreign Language EXPRESS Scholarship, and EXPRESS Scholarship). The benefits provided by scholarships may include full payment of tuition, a book stipend, and a monthly tax-free allowance.

For more information, contact the AFROTC office at The Ohio State University at 614-292-5441, ext. 9508 or visit

Army ROTC Army ROTC is a program of leadership and military skills training with the opportunity to serve as an officer in the active Army, Army Reserves, or Army National Guard following graduation. Classes and activities are offered through The Ohio State University.

Army ROTC involves one course and leadership lab each term in the freshman and sophomore years covering introductory topics such as basic military skills, leadership, customs and traditions, military history, and map reading. Advanced courses in the junior and senior years cover land navigation techniques, unit tactics, justice, leadership theory, and officer preparation and development. A weekly leadership lab involves military skills training, marksmanship, rappelling, and leadership development. Introductory level courses require no military obligation. Once students accept a scholarship or enter advanced courses, they make a commitment to serve as an officer on active duty or reserve duty upon graduation.

High school students are eligible for either a three or four year scholarship. College students may apply for two or three year scholarships covering tuition, most books and fees, plus a monthly stipend.

For more information, contact the Army ROTC office at The Ohio State University at 614-292-6075 or visit

Veterans Benefits

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is approved for the education of eligible veterans and spouses and dependents of eligible veterans, reservists, and National Guard personnel. Eligibility and educational benefits are determined by the Veterans Administration (VA). The amount of veteran financial assistance is determined by the number of enrolled credit hours.

For information about veterans benefits, contact the Veterans Administration at 1-888-442-4551 or at

Additional Scholarships

Other scholarships vary per academic year; applications are distributed by the Scholarship Committee Chair or the Financial Aid Office.