Jul 15, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2012-2013 
Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Policies


At the beginning of each academic year, all MCCN students assemble at Convocation. This is an important event to start the new academic year and attendance by all students is mandatory. Additional details are announced at the beginning of Fall Semester.


Mount Carmel College of Nursing does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, religion, ethnic or national origin, veteran status, or disabilities that do not interfere with performing the practice of nursing as a student of nursing. The College is not discriminatory in the administration of its admission or academic policies, financial aid, scholarship program, or any other programs. An applicant’s need for financial aid will not affect acceptance as a student to the College.

Any individual who believes that he or she has been discriminated against is encouraged to discuss such matters with the President/Dean of the College.

Title IX

Mount Carmel College of Nursing does not discriminate on the basis of gender in admission to or employment in its education programs or activities. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations may be referred to the Mount Carmel Title IX Coordinator (Robin Shockley, rshockley@mccn.edu, 614-234-5213) or to the Office of Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education (OCR).

Convention, Seminar, and Workshop Attendance

Students in good academic standing are encouraged to participate in professional and educational activities. Written permission to miss classes for the purpose of attending conventions, seminars, or workshops must be obtained from faculty who are teaching courses in which the student is currently enrolled. Consent forms are available from the Student Nurses Association (SNAM) faculty advisor or from the Office of Records and Registration. The student, if granted permission to attend, is responsible for all make-up work.


The College of Nursing is not responsible for liability incurred in travel, either as required by the curriculum or as the result of the student’s participation in College sponsored activities, including cultural immersion trips. All travel is the responsibility of the student. Students are not permitted to transport patients for any reason.

Change of Name, Address, Phone, or Email

Students should report in a timely manner any change of address, telephone number(s), or personal email address to the Office of Records and Registration (Rm. 201, Marian Hall). Name changes require additional documentation. Accurate contact information will ensure that the College can reach students as needed.

Voter Registration

Mount Carmel College of Nursing will distribute voter registration forms to all enrolled students no less than 60 days before the published voter registration deadline for any state or federal election.

Constitution Day

The College complies with legislation requiring all federally funded educational institutions to offer instruction pertaining to the United States Constitution each year in mid-September. Constitution Day commemorates the September 17, 1787, signing of the Constitution. If this date falls on a weekend, the observation will be held during the preceding or following week.

Children on Campus

Students are not permitted to bring children to class. Students violating this policy will be asked to leave class. Also, babysitting is not permitted in the College of Nursing. In addition to the issue of liability, the presence of infants and children in the College is not conducive to study and relaxation.

Counseling Services

Students are entitled to participate in the Mount Carmel Health System Employee Assistance Program; services are provided through HelpNet. This program helps individuals resolve personal problems relating to stress, anxiety, depression, marital and family issues, financial and legal concerns, emotional problems, or addiction. The program in-cludes up to ten sessions with a counselor at no charge to the student. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 1-800-969-6162, a 24-hour crisis line number. Students with questions regarding this service should contact a member of the College Executive Team.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, which is designed to provide privacy regarding a student’s educational record. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review education records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access. Students should submit to the Director of Records and Registration written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Director will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the record may be inspected. If the record is not maintained by the Office of Records and Registration, the Director shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request amendment of the student’s education record that the student believes is inaccurate. Students should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his/her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including MCHS law enforcement unit personnel); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Mount Carmel College of Nursing to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, DC 20202-4605

Directory Information

At its discretion, the College may provide Directory Information in accordance with the provisions of FERPA. Directory Information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.

Designated Directory Information at Mount Carmel College of Nursing includes the following: student name, address, telephone number(s), email address, date of birth, degree and major field of study, dates of attendance, class level, class schedule, expected date of graduation, full-time or part-time status, degrees and awards received (including honors), participation in officially recognized activities, and most recent previous educational institution attended.

Students may withhold the release of Directory Information by contacting the Director of Records and Registration to complete a FERPA Directory Information Disclosure Form. Please note that withholding requests are binding for all information to all parties other than for those exceptions allowed under FERPA. Students should consider all aspects of a Directory Hold prior to filing such a request and be advised that doing so will make this important information unavailable to all who might inquire, including prospective employers, credit agencies, and others to whom students may want this information known or verified. It is recommended that students carefully consider whether privacy of Directory Information outweighs the potential inconvenience of having it withheld.


The College is interested in publicizing academic and personal achievements by students, within FERPA guidelines. Students must sign a release before any non-directory information is released to newspapers or other sources.

Missing Students

The Federal Government, through House Rule 4504, requires that colleges establish a policy on the reporting of missing students.

Missing Students are identified by the College as those who have missed 10 consecutive classes and have not notified the College of their absence; or have been noted missing by classmates or others. Missing students should be reported to a College Administrator.

Parents, guardians, or the next of kin as noted on College records will be notified of the student’s absence. If the parents, guardians, or next of kin cannot be reached, the College will notify the local police. The College will cooperate fully with the police in their investigation of the missing student.

Student Complaints

Only complaints made formally in writing, signed by the student, and addressed to and submitted to a College Executive (President/Dean, Associate Dean of the Graduate Program, Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Program, Assistant Dean of Online Learning, Director of Records and Registration, or Director of Business Affairs) will be formally tracked and pursued. Complaints sent by email or by fax do not constitute formal, written complaints.

The College Executive who receives the written formal complaint will respond to the student in writing regarding institutional actions(s) taken in response to the complaint. This policy does not circumvent any written College policies.

Mount Carmel College of Nursing will share information about formal written com-plaints in which there is verification of violation of College policy with the North Central Association Higher Learning Commission accreditation team evaluators or U.S. Department of Education affiliate agencies, but will not reveal the student’s identity without the expressed consent of the student.

The following information will be recorded by Mount Carmel College of Nursing:

  1. The date the complaint was formally submitted to a College Executive;
  2. The nature of the complaint (e.g., dispute about a grade, allegation of sexual harassment, etc.);
  3. The steps taken by the institution to resolve the complaint;
  4. The institution’s final decision regarding the complaint, including referral to outside agencies; and
  5. Any other external actions initiated by the student to resolve the complaint, if known to the institution (e.g. lawsuit, EEOC investigation, etc.).

All documented information regarding student complaints will be maintained in the Office of the President/Dean.

Technology Policy

Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) recognizes that principles of academic freedom, freedom of speech, and privacy hold important implications for information technology use and services. The College provides all information technology resources in support of the teaching, learning, research, and community/public service mission of the College and all administrative functions that support this mission. MCCN encourages the use of its information technology resources to share information, to improve communication, and to exchange ideas in support of these purposes.

Censorship is not compatible with the goals of the Mount Carmel College of Nursing. While the College may limit the use of some computers or resources to specific research or teaching missions, freedom of expression will generally be protected. While the College rejects censorship, behavior that constitutes misconduct will not be protected. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, the use of MCCN’s information technology re-sources in connection with child pornography, harassment of any kind, copyright infringement, theft, unauthorized access, and other violations of the law.

All information technology systems and services, including telecommunication equipment, computer systems hardware, software, and supporting infrastructure provided by the College, are the property of the Mount Carmel Health System. Accordingly, Mount Carmel reserves the right to manage all systems and services, including accessing records and other files resulting from use of these resources. Intellectual property and copyright laws may supersede College ownership of specific file content. Use of information technology systems and services should be undertaken with the knowledge that many electronically generated and stored records qualify as public records and may be subject to disclosure under the Ohio Public Records Act, Ohio Rev. Code §149.011, and that communications with students may be defined as “educational records” subject to the nondisclosure provisions of the Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act, Title 20 U.S.C. §1232g.

To comply with federal regulations governing tax-exempt organizations, MCCN technology resources may not be used for mass and unsolicited communications used in connection with lobbying (except official College of Nursing activities authorized by the Office of the President) or political campaigns. Communications that in part may contain political information, when sent to a select few individuals and that pertain to professional and work-related issues are permissible. In addition, such resources should not be used for private business or commercial activities, except where such activities are otherwise permitted under applicable MCCN policies.

MCCN/MCHS Computer Access Policy

  • Internet access is for academic purposes only.
  • Do not share user names and passwords.
  • Use student user name for academic purposes only. If employed by Mount Carmel Health System, use employee user name for work purposes only.
  • Unauthorized access is prohibited (i.e., logging in as another user or looking at another user’s email messages, other than authorized through delegation rights).
  • Exercise good judgment and responsibility when viewing websites.
  • The following actions are prohibited:

Violating copyright laws
Downloading music and videos (unless a course requirement)
Selling products or gambling
Visiting pornographic sites
Damaging computer equipment

  • All Internet activity is monitored by Mount Carmel.
  • Patient-protected health information will only be transmitted through secured mechanisms.

Consequences of Policy Violation

Students who violate the Mount Carmel Computer Access Policy are subject to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may range from temporary suspension of email and Internet privileges to termination (from Mount Carmel employment, if applicable) and/or expulsion from the College of Nursing.

Computer Systems Access

Access to the Internet from any MCHS computer requires student authentication (user name and password). Clinical systems access is only available within the MCHS environment. Passwords expire every six months; you must select a new password in order to regain access. Per policy and student-signed agreement, passwords are confidential. Students must not share usernames and passwords with anyone.

Specific information regarding access to CARMELink (student portal), Nightingmail (MCCN student email), and the MCHS Libraries databases is distributed at Orientation. Each system requires a student user name and password for access.

Wireless access

To connect to MCCN’s wireless service, follow these steps:

  1. Open your wireless network settings
  2. Connect to MCCN_EDUNET network

Once connected to the wireless network, follow these steps:

  1. Open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.)
  2. Accept the Terms and Conditions
  3. Click “Accept” to agree to and accept the Terms and Conditions
  4. Enter

Username: MCCN
Password: MCCNNursing

Computer Lab access

The College provides and maintains an open computer lab for students to use while on campus. Documents cannot be saved or stored on computers in the lab; therefore, students are encouraged to purchase a USB flash drive (available at most office supply stores).

Lab access: Login is required for access to any MCCN computer.
User name: contrain
Password: Mccon123

MCCN Internet Access

MCCN requires authentication (user name and password) to access the Internet. College policy states that internet access by students is limited to academic purposes.

User name: first and last initials followed by your 6-digit Student ID number that begins with “8”

Default password: Pass4mccn (make sure to capitalize the first letter)

You will then be prompted to change your password. This screen may look like an error message, so please read carefully and click “ok.”

You will then be asked to enter your old password (Pass4mccn) and then create a new password.

The new password must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 8 characters in length
  • Contain at least one UPPER case letter
  • Contain at least one lower case letter
  • Contain at least one number

When you have successfully changed your password you will be able to log on to the computer. When accessing the internet, a pop up box will open requesting your user name and password. Once you enter the requested information, you will be connected to the internet.

Students encountering problems with access should contact computer staff Theresa Williams, (twilliams@mccn.edu, 614-234-1718) Matt Daldoss, (mdaldoss@mccn.edu 614-234-1933), or Tim Tabol (ttabol@mccn.edu, 614-234-2682).

MCHS Internet Access

MCHS requires authentication (user name and password) to access the Internet.

User name: The user name is distributed to new student users prior to the start of the first semester of enrollment (first and last initials and the 6-digit ID number beginning with “8”).

Users are required to change their default passwords before accessing the internet the first time.

Default Password: first and last initials followed by last four digits of social security number and last two digits of the current year.

To change password: go to a computer on the Mount Carmel Health System network (not in the College), go to InSight Online (the MCHS Intranet); from the main page, click on the Resources tab > Computer > Tools > Change password.

Users are required to change their default passwords before accessing the internet the first time.

Students can access the Internet via computers connected to the Mount Carmel Health System network. However, access is for legitimate academic activities only, and students may be notified if access time becomes excessive.

Students encountering problems with access should contact computer staff (HelpLine@mccn.edu or mdaldoss@mccn.edu, 614-234-1933 or ttabol@mccn.edu, 614-234-2682).

CARMELink (MCCN Student Portal)

The CARMELink student portal is password-protected and contains information from a student’s record (final course grades, billing and financial aid information, course schedule, etc.). Access to CARMELink is provided via link from the MCCN website (http://www.mccn.edu → Current Students).

Students encountering problems with CARMELink access should contact the College Systems Administrator (ttabol@mccn.edu, 614-234-2682).

Learning Management System (LMS):

LMS course management software provides students with centralized access to courses utilizing LMS. Access is provided within CARMELink (http://www.mccn.edu → Current Students).

To access LMS:

  • Login to CARMELink
  • Find the “Quick Links” section located on the lower left of the Student screen
  • Click on “My Courses”
  • Click on the appropriate course to access LMS

Students encountering problems with access should contact the LMS Coordinator (shull@mccn.edu, 614-234-5777) or the College Systems Administrator (ttabol@mccn.edu, 614-234-2682).

Nightingmail (MCCN student email)

MCCN provides a student email account to each registered student. Please note that use of the Nightingmail system is subject to the terms and conditions in the “Confidentiality and Network Access Agreement” that students sign.

Access to student email is provided either:

Note: Duplicate user names will be differentiated with a unique number assigned by College computer staff. Specific user names will be provided to new students prior to the start of the first semester of enrollment).

Students encountering problems with access should contact computer staff (twilliams@mccn.edu, 614-234-1718, mdaldoss@mccn.edu, 614-234-1933, or ttabol@mccn.edu, 614-234-2682).

MCHS Libraries databases

The MCHSL has a comprehensive website and can be accessed either:

  • Via the MCCN website (http://www.mccn.edu > Current Students > Library Services)
  • Via your Internet browser at www.mccn.edu/library
  • Via Insight (the Mount Carmel intranet, Resources > Library Resources)

An online orientation is available at the site to familiarize users with Library services.

Library login:

On campus, no access login is required.

Off campus or remote access by user name: student ID number (found on your schedule, accessed via CARMELink, Student tab)

Students encountering problems with access should contact MCHS Library Services at library@mchs.com, 614-234-5214.

MCHS Clinical Systems

MCHS clinical systems provide access to patient care information while functioning in the role of student nurse in clinical experiences. Clinical faculty provide students with appropriate passwords.


User name: first and last initials and the 6-digit ID number beginning with “8” (assigned by Information Resources)

Passwords are unique for various clinical systems and will be given to students by the clinical instructors.

Students encountering problems with access should contact MCHS IR Customer Support, 614-234-8700.

MCHS HealthStream

Students enrolled in clinical nursing courses are required to complete annual MCHS student orientation and sign a confidentiality agreement. Nursing faculty will provide detailed instructions for MCHS student orientation.
Using an internal MCHS computer:

User name: nursing

Password: mchuws

Then follow the steps below.

Point your browser to: https://www.healthstream.com/hlc/trinityhealth

Then follow the steps 5-8 below.

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on the Resources tab from the Insight home page
  3. Click on Education
  4. Click on HealthStream
  5. Click the red button the HealthStream home page
  6. User ID: student 6-digit ID number beginning with “8”
  7. Password: student 6-digit ID number beginning with “8”
  8. Click Login

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Students enrolled in nursing courses with clinical or lab components are required to have current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Current CPR certification is a prerequisite to starting any sophomore, junior, or senior nursing course. Each student must present CPR documentation (CPR certification card and a photocopy of the card) to the Office of Records and Registration upon initial certification and upon each re-certification. This required documentation must be presented prior to starting the first day of a nursing clinical course.

Pre-licensure students’ CPR certification must be in effect throughout the official start/end dates of the specific nursing course (16-week semester or 8-week term). The expiration date cannot occur before the official end date of the course. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be administratively withdrawn from the course. There is no grace period. A list of non-compliant student names and expiration dates will be provided to faculty, and non-compliant students will not be permitted to enter the nursing course on the first day.

Students are required to comply with this policy; non-compliance may result in less than full-time enrollment and will delay the student’s graduation date.

The responsibility to keep CPR certification current rests solely with the student. Regulations require that any new certification or re-certification must be acquired exclusively through one of the following providers:

American Heart Association

  1. BLS for Health Care Providers
  2. Instructor/Trainer/Faculty

To find an American Heart Association BLS Course near you:

  • Go to www.americanheart.org
  • Click “CPR &ECC” > “Find a Class Near You
  • Enter your zip code and click “Submit
  • From the Choose a Course drop down menu, select “BLS for Healthcare Providers” and click “Submit
  • Choose a CPR provider from the table, call, and register for a course.

BLS Re-certification Online (This is only for those who hold current BLS certification needing renewal)

  • Go to www.americanheart.org
  • Click “CPR &ECC”
  • Click the “BLS Online Renewal” link, bottom, left screen
  • Click “Purchase Product”, and the fields required to purchase the online portion of the BLS Renewal (pay by credit card).
  • Click on Purchase Product and complete the fields required to purchase the course. Click on “first time register here” and complete the required fields, then submit.
  • The course includes mandatory checkpoints requiring 100% completion. If a question or checkpoint is answered incorrectly, the course will take you back for review and to re-answer the questions until the right answer is obtained. It will take approximately 1-2 hours to complete.
  • Print the certificate of completion and take to any Skills Check-Off location.
  • To register for a skills check off portion of BLS renewal:
    • Click the “Find a Class Near You” link
    • Enter your zip code and click “Submit”
    • From the Choose a Course drop down menu, select “BLS for Healthcare Providers Skills Test” and click “Submit”
    • Choose a CPR provider from the table, call and register for the skills check off portion of the course.

American Red Cross

  1. CPR for the Professional Rescuer
  2. Instructor/Trainer/Faculty

To find an American Red Cross CPR Course near you:

  • Go to www.columbus.redcross.org
  • Click on “Classes and Registration” tab
  • Click on “Find Classes”
  • Click on “Professional Level Courses,” select course and register

“HeartSaver CPR” or other training does not meet the College CPR requirement for nursing students.

Criminal Record Check

The law regulating the practice of nursing states that the Ohio Board of Nursing may deny a convicted felon a license or the privilege of sitting for the licensing examination (Section 4723.28 of the Revised Code). In addition, several of the agencies utilized for nursing clinical studies may require students to undergo criminal record checks and may deny clinical access to persons convicted of felonies or specific misdemeanors.

State and federal criminal records check is a mandatory annual requirement for all en-rolled sophomore, junior, and senior students.

Students have the opportunity to be fingerprinted on campus at the start of each academic year and at other selected times throughout the year. Results will be forwarded to Mount Carmel College of Nursing from the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Results from the BCII and FBI are valid for one year and filed with the student’s College record.

Each student must present a valid Ohio Driver’s License or a state-issued ID in order to complete the application form at the time of fingerprinting. The fee for this service, when performed on campus, will be added to the student’s Mount Carmel account. No portion of this amount is retained by the College.

Students not completing the annual fingerprinting/records check on campus will be solely responsible for updating this requirement and ensuring that the results are forwarded to the Office of Records and Registration at the beginning of each academic year. Students entering the College in Spring Semester or Summer Session must complete the requirement prior to beginning courses. All costs incurred in completing this requirement are the responsibility of the student.

Failure to complete the required annual criminal records check will result in the student being unable to begin any nursing clinical course. Non-compliance may result in less than full-time enrollment and will delay the student’s graduation date. A hold will be placed on student records with expired criminal background checks.

A criminal record check that indicates evidence of a felony conviction (or certain misdemeanor convictions) may result in action including, but not limited to, dismissal from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

Applicants for NCLEX-RN

All students who apply to obtain a license issued by the Ohio Board of Nursing must obtain a criminal record check that is completed by the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII), including a check of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) records.

Students electing to be fingerprinted on campus at the start of the senior year may request a second copy of the results from the BCII and FBI be forwarded directly to the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN). This helps to ensure timely processing of the NCLEX-RN application and minimize delays in making a candidate eligible to test. Please be advised that fingerprint results are valid for one year only.

Senior students not completing fingerprinting on campus will be solely responsible for completing this NCLEX-RN requirement elsewhere. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the student.

Criminal record results cannot be mailed to the OBN by the applicant. No applicant will be eligible to test without the required completed criminal records check in his/her NCLEX-RN application file. Additional details can be found at: http://www.nursing.ohio.gov/LicensureInformation.htm.

Surveys and Research Access to Students, Faculty, and Staff

Each year, there are many requests from both within and outside the College for access to students, faculty, and staff for the purposes of surveys or research projects. Because of the need to limit the burden on students, faculty, and staff in responding to these requests, all requests for survey or research access to members of the College community must be submitted in writing to the Assessment/Outcomes Committee at least two weeks before the start of the project.

The approval requirement is especially important in light of the number of official College surveys that are sanctioned by College committees and/or the Faculty and College

Assemblies each year. When potential survey respondents are overloaded with survey requests, they may experience “survey fatigue,” resulting in low response rates for very important surveys the College conducts as a part of its educational and organizational assessment efforts.

The approval process above is necessary before any use of Mount Carmel computer or technology infrastructure is initiated for the purposes of surveys or research. This would include College webspace, computer equipment, and the course management system. Approval is also required before paper surveys and/or research tools can be distributed internally via student, faculty, or staff College mailboxes.

Surveys, Questionnaires, and Special Testing

In an attempt to continually strive for academic excellence in nursing education, Mount Carmel College of Nursing has a College Assessment Plan which seeks in part to gather relevant feedback in reference to curriculum, support services, governance, and quality of teaching/clinical instruction. This ongoing process necessitates occasional surveys, questionnaires, and tests which, although not a part of the instructional program, are designed to collect the feedback essential to the assessment process. Every attempt is made to minimize unnecessary intrusion on students’ time, and all information derived as part of these instruments is kept in strictest confidence. In most instances, only aggregate, summarized reactions, comments, and performance are reported to appropriate committees of the College.

To ensure as complete data as possible in these processes, completion of these surveys, questionnaires, and tests, when part of the College’s Assessment Plan, are expected of all students, faculty, professional staff, and administration as part of their professional responsibilities.

Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI)

Mount Carmel College of Nursing administers the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) series of assessment tools to all pre-licensure nursing students.

Critical Thinking Assessment

As part of the first semester orientation process, all new pre-licensure students are also required to complete the Critical Thinking Assessment at the start of the nursing program. This assessment tool is administered again at the end of the nursing program. This measurement provides the student and College with documentation of improvement in thinking skills as a result of the education process.

Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS-V)

As part of the first semester orientation process, all new pre-licensure students are required to complete the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS-V) in the areas of Reading, Mathematics, Science, and English/Language Usage.

All students classified by MCCN as first-time freshmen are required to successfully complete the College and Career Success Seminar (ADMN 110  and ADMN 111 ) during the first two semesters, regardless of their TEAS-V results.

Transfer freshmen with less than 16 semester hours of transfer credit whose Adjusted Individual Total Score is Basic or Developmental are required to complete ADMN 110  and ADMN 111  during the first two semesters.

Transfer freshman with 16 or more semester hours of transfer credit are exempt from ADMN 110  and ADMN 111 . However, any student in this category who scores at Basic or Developmental in Reading, English and Language Usage or Science will be referred to the Academic Success Office.

All entering students, regardless of class level, who score at Basic or Developmental in Math are required to successfully complete an online remedial math course (MATH 090 ).

Sophomores must take MATH 090  the first semester of enrollment; freshmen must take MATH 090  the first or second semester of enrollment.

English placement for students without transfer credit is determined by a combination ACT English score and TEAS-V English level.

Content Mastery Series

The College also administers nursing content-specific diagnostic assessments to students following classroom instruction in the sophomore, junior, and senior years. If students score:

  • below Level 1, 5% of total course points will be deducted from individual student’s total course points.
  • at Level 1, no points are earned or deducted.
  • at Level 2, students earn 2.5% of total course points; and
  • at Level 3, students earn 5% of total course points.

Students who score at Level 1 or below Level 1 are required to complete a remediation process. Details of the process are provided to the student by the nursing course coordinator.

ATI Comprehensive Review for NCLEX Preparation

Beginning with the 2011-2012 academic year, students graduating from the traditional pre-licensure nursing program are required to attend an ATI Comprehensive Review for NCLEX Preparation. Students on track to graduate from the traditional pre-licensure program are assessed a $250 senior year fee that enrolls them in the ATI Comprehensive NCLEX Review arranged by the College.

The onsite review is offered in May the week following graduation for May and July graduates. The onsite format consists of a three-day comprehensive in-class review. October, December, and March graduates are offered an onsite review session if there are a minimum of 25 students in attendance. If there are fewer than 25 students, graduates will enroll in the comprehensive review in a self-paced online format with an individually assigned ATI course instructor.

Professional Liability Insurance

Pre-licensure program students are encouraged to purchase professional liability insurance prior to their enrollment in clinical nursing courses (Fall Semester of the sophomore year). The Mount Carmel Health liability insurance will cover students only when functioning in the role of a Mount Carmel student nurse. Information regarding professional liability insurance is available in the College office.

Health Services

It is highly recommended that all students have their own personal family physician and health insurance coverage. The College does not offer health insurance coverage.

Students requiring emergency care may utilize any of the emergency departments (ED) of the Mount Carmel Health System. Students are responsible for the cost of emergency care and all charges incurred during an ED visit (e.g., medications, treatments, laboratory tests, and x-rays).

The Student Health Nurse is available during weekdays either by phone (614-234-5408) or in person (office MH 309). The student health program is coordinated by a Registered Nurse and includes health guidance. The Student Health Nurse will carry out any specific physician’s orders for dispensing medications and appropriate treatments.

TB skin testing, Hepatitis B vaccines, and Meningitis vaccines are available in the Student Health Office. The routine TB skin testing charge is included in students’ Semester General Fee. Hepatitis B and Meningitis vaccines are charged in accordance with the pharmacy list price.

Release to return to class or clinical

It is the policy of Mount Carmel College of Nursing that students must submit a signed release to return to class and/or the clinical unit if they are admitted as an inpatient to a hospital or are seen for treatment in a hospital Emergency Department. This signed release must be submitted to the Student Health Nurse prior to the student’s returning to class and/or clinical. The release must clearly identify all restrictions. Additionally, the length of time the restrictions apply must be clearly stated.

Health Requirements

Mount Carmel College of Nursing stipulates specific health requirements prior to registration in the first clinical nursing course (NURS 204 ). Students who do not meet these requirements are prohibited from registering.

All freshmen students must have their health records completed before the end of week 8 of Fall Semester enrollment. Transfer sophomores (and all other transfer students) must have their health record completed before week 2 of Fall Semester. Students not meeting these deadlines will have a Health Record “hold” placed on their accounts. Sophomore students risk being withdrawn from NURS 204 .

Any student with a Health Record “hold” cannot register for future classes.

Student health requirements include:

  1. History and Physical – a recent (within one year of enrollment in initial clinical course) history and physical must be completed and signed by a physician or nurse practitioner.
  2. Immunization History – required immunizations must be completed prior to enrollment in a clinical course (students may continue in course while in the process of re-ceiving the Hepatitis B vaccine series of three).
  3. TB skin test.

Required Immunizations

  1. MMR – Rubeola (Regular Measles) and Rubella (German measles) most often given as a combination MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella). Most individuals receive one as an infant and a second one upon entering 7th grade or as an adult. Students who may not have already had the second immunization must get one. Dates for the first and second MMR must be indicated. A blood titer is also required.
  2. Hepatitis B vaccine – is required. The Hepatitis B immunization is a series of three injections that take a total of six months to complete (available at the Main Campus Student Health Office at the current pharmacy list price. A blood titer is also required.
  3. Varicella (chicken pox) – A blood titer is required. If the blood titer is negative, the student must arrange to receive the immunization (Varivax – two injections, one month apart).
  4. Tetanus/pertussis vaccine is required. Indicate on the health form the date of last booster (if more than 10 years, a booster is required).
  5. Meningitis – the meningitis vaccine (Menomune-A/C/Y/W-135) is a voluntary immunization (available at the Main Campus Student Health Office at the current pharmacy list price.) Apartment residents are required to have the meningitis vaccine or sign a waiver.

Annual TB Skin Testing

Annual tuberculin (TB) skin testing is required of all health care personnel. The first time tested, a two-step test is required (two skin tests, two weeks apart). After the initial two-step test, annual testing is required.

Students previously testing positive must provide the results of a chest x-ray and any treatment given. Those students are also required to complete an annual questionnaire (provided by the Student Health Nurse).

To insure that all students are tested annually, TB skin tests are offered by the Student Health Office every August, the week before and the first full week of scheduled classes. Group testing is offered to help the student remember testing dates and to insure compliance. TB skin testing will also be done in September, on a limited basis, for newly-admitted students. The cost of the skin testing is included in the student’s semester General Fee.

Students working in the health care field who receive annual TB skin tests elsewhere must provide documentation of their annual test.

A student who does not complete the annual TB testing will have a Health Record “hold” placed on his/her record and is NOT permitted to enroll in classes. If a student’s TB skin test expires before the end of the semester in which the student is seeking enrollment, he/she must have the skin test redone before the beginning of that semester. There is no grace period. There are no exceptions to the TB policy.

Students are highly encouraged to keep a personal file of health information. It is the student’s responsibility to know when annual TB skin testing and other required immunizations are due.

Questions regarding health requirements should be addressed to the Student Health Nurse (614-234-5408).

Flu Shots

Flu shots are mandatory for all students except for those who are a) allergic to eggs, b) allergic to the preservative in the vaccine, or c) have a medical condition that prohibits the student from receiving the vaccine. Flu shots will be provided free of charge for students (based on the availability of the vaccine) during the Fall Semester. If the student cannot receive the flu vaccine, a signed release from the student’s physician must be submitted to the Student Health Nurse.

Accidental Exposure to Communicable Disease

A student who experiences an accidental exposure to a communicable disease during a clinical experience must notify his/her clinical instructor immediately. The instructor will advise the student on the procedure to follow. The student is responsible for the cost of any treatment/medications/lab tests incurred. If the infectious disease physician on call deems lab testing and medication necessary, treatment will be initiated and the student will be billed at a later date. Mount Carmel Health will cover the cost of any patient testing necessary if the incident occurred at a Mount Carmel Health System facility.

If the incident occurred at an agency/facility other than Mount Carmel Health System entities, the student should report the incident to his/her instructor immediately and the instructor will initiate the procedure as indicated by the facility/agency’s infection control policy and contractual agreement with the College.

Statement on AIDS

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is committed to providing a healthy and caring environment. This commitment, as well as a College philosophy that respects the personal worth and dignity of each individual, undergirds the AIDS policy of the College.

It is the policy of MCCN that no one within the College community shall be discriminated against, based on the perception that an individual has AIDS or an AIDS related condition. Students, faculty, and staff with suspected or confirmed AIDS related conditions are entitled to equal access to College facilities and curricular and extra-curricular activities as long as their medical condition permits.

AIDS Testing

There is no pre-admission or routine AIDS testing of prospective or current students, faculty, or staff. Any AIDS testing is self-initiated and done on a voluntary basis.

In the event that a student is exposed to the blood or body fluids of a patient or associate in the clinical setting, and is in need of serologic testing for the HIV antibody, the Mount Carmel Health Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Policy and Procedure will be followed.

Students, Faculty, or Staff who have contracted AIDS: Rights and Responsibilities

Persons with AIDS may be considered by law to have handicapping conditions, therefore, the individual with AIDS has a legal right to remain enrolled in coursework or employed as long as their medical condition permits and they are able to meet acceptable performance standards. Individuals are also entitled to confidentiality of their medical condition and records.

Faculty and staff who know or suspect they have AIDS are encouraged to report this information to the Dean of the program and to the President/Dean of the College. Students are encouraged to report this information to the Student Health Nurse who can assist the student in securing proper medical supervision, counseling, and health teaching, as well as informing the student of the presence of infectious diseases on campus that could compromise the individual’s health.

It is also the responsibility of the student to seek counseling and education regarding the modes of transmission of AIDS. Additionally, if a student requests job or educational accommodation based on his/her medical condition, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain a written medical opinion that she/he is medically able to work and needs reasonable job or educational accommodation in order to maintain employment or association with the College. Students and faculty who have contracted AIDS and have patient care contact must remain cognizant of the client needs. The student or faculty member’s medical condition must not jeopardize client safety.


The confidentiality of the student with AIDS is protected. No specific information concerning diagnosis shall be provided to any persons, including College administrators, faculty, professional, or support staff (other than the President/Dean and appropriate Dean) without the expressed written consent of the student. No information can be released to another person, agency, insurer, or institution without the prior written consent of the student involved. The College will observe the public health reporting requirements for AIDS.