Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Online RN-BSN Academic Information and Policies

Statement of Student Responsibility

Students are solely responsible for knowing and following Mount Carmel College of Nursing policies and procedures and for their own successful progress and completion of the degree program and requirements they select. While advisors are available to help students with course selection, each student is responsible for seeking clarification regarding progression through the curriculum. At all times, each student is also responsible for seeking clarification and/or assistance from faculty, staff, or administrators.

Online Orientation

All students enrolling in the RN-BSN program of study are required to complete the program orientation course prior to registering for courses in the program of study. The purpose of the orientation course is to ensure that all students have foundational technology skills and familiarity with College resources that support student learning and success.

The orientation, although facilitated by faculty, is an asynchronous self-study course designed to introduce learners to expectations and resources that facilitate success in the online classroom.

Individuals who determine a need for additional assistance or computer help sessions, please contact the Student Success Center at academicresources@mccn.edu.


Students MUST login and complete the required coursework during the first week of class in order to remain registered for the course.

Allocation of credit hours and associated work within each course is based on a 16-week (semester) basis. Course credit hour equals one theory hour per week per semester and an additional 2-3 hours per credit hour per week on readings, completing assignments and the like. Therefore, for a 3 credit hour course, learners should anticipate at least 48 hours during the semester engaging in course work. Students can reasonably expect to spend an average of 3 hours per week engaged in online activities and an additional 9-12 hours per week on readings and assignments. Because this course is designed to be asynchronous in nature, regular participation in CANVAS is required. You are expected to frequently log in throughout the week and to stay current with course learning activities and assignments.

Program Completion Time

Online RN-BSN students must complete the Mount Carmel Nursing Program within 15 semesters, or 5 years, of the date of admission.


All required and recommended textbooks and materials are organized by course. Students are advised to place orders early to ensure that the required materials will arrive in time for the first class. Because it is the acceptable format for written papers in scientific disciplines, the College requires the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual, latest edition, for all student papers.

RedShelf delivers textbook resources directly through Canvas and helps lower the cost of course materials for students. With Inclusive Access, students automatically receive digital course materials through Canvas on or before the first day of class. Students can opt out of digital materials and purchase them elsewhere if desired. Students who choose to use Inclusive Access will be billed directly from MCCN Bursar’s Office.

Click here to view instructions for accessing course materials from Canvas.

Click here for RedShelf support.

Click here for questions about the RedShelf eReader.

Service Learning

Service learning enhances student learning, growth and contributes to the common good. Service learning asks students to apply course content to the real world of nursing practice. This gives students experiential opportunities to learn in real world contexts , develop skills and give back to the community, which in this case is a specific nursing unit, clinic or some aspect of nursing practice. This service learning may benefit not only the student but also the patients, families, nursing staff and other healthcare workers involved. It is a way to contribute to the nursing setting while addressing significant needs identified by the student for this planned project. Reflecting on the value of such service is also a part of service learning so students will be asked to evaluate the significance of their project and reflect on those served by their work.


The Online RN-BSN Completion Program Advisor provides the following advising services:

  1. Assist in planning the student’s academic program.
  2. Advice regarding course registration each semester.
  3. Interpret academic requirements, policies, and procedures.
  4. Monitor student progress toward fulfilling degree requirements and grade point achievement.

APA Format

The College requires the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual for all student papers because it is the acceptable format for written papers in scientific disciplines. Students shoud refer to course syllabi and/or instructor for specific information on the latest edition used for that course.

APA format is included in the Online Orientation Course. APA referencing, citation and formatting standards are required throughout the program in relationship to written course work.


To encourage Mount Carmel students to maintain honesty and integrity, the College has partnered with Turnitin®, a web-based program that allows students and faculty to check papers and essays for plagiarism. Onsite students are encouraged to check their own papers prior to submitting their assignments to faculty.

Note: Use of Turnitin is a requirement for all papers submitted by students enrolled in the Online RN-BSN Completion Program.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center assists students in their efforts to become confident and independent learners. Our mission is to provide and help integrate effective learning and study strategies for students, while also helping to clarify and reinforce course content, assignments, and material.

The Student Success Center provides the following services:

  • Individual and group tutoring appointments with Peer Tutors and/or Faculty Coaches
  • Assistance with examining and improving study habits, time management skills, stress reduction techniques, and test taking strategies
  • Regularly scheduled study groups focusing on identified high-risk courses
  • Writing assistance in all areas, including grammar, mechanics, content, organization, and APA format
  • Virtual tutoring services through the Canvas Learning Management System

Tutoring services are available at no additional charge. Students can view the current semester schedule, details for scheduling an appointment, and what to expect from tutoring services on the Student Success Center CARMELink page.

For more information, please contact the Student Success Center (academicresources@mccn.edu) or visit us online

Academic Success Plan

The purpose of the Academic Success Plan (ASP) is to establish a plan for student success. The planning process is designed to help students by providing academic structure and support through collaboration with faculty, the student and the student advisor. An advisement plan established by the student and the advisor will accompany the ASP. The ASP serves as a vehicle to bring faculty and students to agreement on course goals and identify ways for the student to achieve those agreed upon goals. It is also a means to document college outreach to students who need extra help (and is stored in the student file in records and registration).

The ASP is initiated at any time it is identified that a student needs assistance with improvement; establishing a plan for success of the student within a course. Students repeating a course are required to meet with the course faculty by the end of the first week of the course to collaboratively develop the ASP for the course.

As needed, students are expected to meet (can be through email, telephone call, video chat, or face-to-face) with faculty to discuss and agree upon goals and objectives to aid in their academic success. The ASP will outline a description of student performance, identified measures to improve performance, and a timeline and goals for completion. As part of an ASP, the student may also be referred to the Student Success Center and be required to complete a certain number of hours at the Center. The student will be asked to initial each area addressed in the ASP, as well as sign the final document. If a student does not sign this document, it will still be provided to the student and they will be expected to follow through on the outlined goals/timelines for completion.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

I. Background

The Mount Carmel College of Nursing is respectful of students’ rights and responsibilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) as amended by the ADA Amendment Act of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These laws require that no qualified person with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives or benefits from Federal assistance.  In addition, the Fair Housing Act requires reasonable, housing-related accommodations for individuals with disabilities.

The Mount Carmel College of Nursing is committed to serving qualified students with disabilities in its programs and services. Any qualified student with a disability may request an accommodation to ensure that the academic program does not discriminate against or have the effect of discriminating against that student. 

Since the nature and severity of disabilities vary, non-academic adjustments may be applicable only when they are appropriate to the needs of the individual student with a disability. To determine eligibility for accommodations, the College generally requires current and relevant documentation from a qualified professional with expertise in the area of the diagnosed disability/disorder that establishes a disability and its impact on the student and confirms the need for each accommodation requested. 

II. Scope of this Policy

This policy applies to both academic and non-academic accommodations, including but not limited to, requests for accommodations with required community service activities and coursework/clinicals.

III. Definition of Accommodations and Disability


  • Accommodations (also sometimes called adjustments) are modifications of policies, practices, or procedures that will allow the student with a disability/disorder to meet the requirements of the course or program.  Examples of available accommodations may include, but are not necessarily limited to, auxiliary aids and modifications to courses, programs, services, activities, or facilities.  
  • The College will take all steps necessary to ensure that its students are not excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program or activity because of a lack of auxiliary aids and services for students with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills. The College, however, cannot honor requests for accommodations that would fundamentally alter its programs or services, are directly related to any licensing requirements, cause undue administrative or financial hardship on the College, or jeopardize the health or safety of others.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to make his or her disability status and/or need for an accommodation known to the College, following the process outlined below.  Once notified, the College will work with the student to identify potential accommodations and assess the practicality and effectiveness of each potential accommodation.
  • Determinations regarding accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis.  An accommodation must be tailored to address the nature of the disability and the needs of the individual within the context of the requirements of the program.  If there are two or more possible accommodations, and one costs more or is more burdensome than the other, the College may choose the less expensive or less burdensome accommodation that is still effective.


  • Generally, a person with a disability is one who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.  Major life activities include, but are not limited to, caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and working.

IV. Admission of Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities may apply to and are considered for admission to the College in the same manner as any other applicant.  Students must meet the same admission requirements and Functional Abilities and Performance Standards, with or without reasonable accommodations, as all other students.   

No student (or prospective student) is required by law to disclose a disability before or after admission to the College. However, disclosure and documentation of a disability is required if accommodations (academic or non-academic) are requested.

Students (and prospective students) are encouraged to review the Functional Abilities and Performance Standards that are essential for the safe practice of professional nursing and for successful participation in and completion of a nursing education program. Students will need to demonstrate satisfactory application of these functional abilities and performance standards, with or without reasonable, during their course of study in nursing. The Functional Abilities and Performance Standards can be found in the College’s Catalog-Handbook.

V. Service Animals

Service Animals: Mount Carmel College of Nursing permits the presence of Service Animals which perform tasks in support of persons with disabilities in College buildings and classrooms. Federal regulations define Service Animals as dogs (and in specific cases, miniature horses) that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, and alerting or protecting a person who is having a seizure. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Only the following two questions may be asked to determine if an animal is a service animal, as federally defined: 1) is the animal required because of a disability? (if the disability is not obvious) and 2) what work or task has the service animal been trained to do? There are no requirements to register service animals with the College but students are encouraged to notify the Student Accessibility Coordinator of the regular presence of a service animal so the Coordinator can provide support and education to others members of the campus community.

Handler Responsibilities: The handlers/owners of Service Animals are obligated to comply with any applicable laws related to animal licensing, vaccination, and identification. Handlers must keep animals under their control at all times and are responsible to adequately care for, clean up after, and maintain the health of their animal. Handlers are responsible for any and all damage to physical facilities caused by their animal. Handlers assume all liability for the action of their animals, including injuries to other persons or damage of others’ personal property. 

Limitations: Service Animals may not be permitted when the animal poses a substantial and direct threat to the health or safety of others, or if the presence of the animal fundamentally alters the nature of the program or service in which the person with a disability is participating. Determinations of this kind are made on a case-by-case basis by the College’s Student Accessibility Coordinator.

VI. Procedures

  1. The Student Accessibility Coordinator (the “Coordinator”) has been designated to handle inquiries into academic[1] and non-academic accommodations. A student requesting accommodations under this policy must notify the Coordinator as soon as possible after the need for an accommodation becomes apparent. The student should schedule a meeting with the Coordinator to discuss his or her needs and requested accommodations. 
    • Contact information: Student Accessibility Coordinator, Mount Carmel College of Nursing, 127 S. Davis Ave., Columbus, OH 43222, Phone: 614-234-4393 or accessibility@mccn.edu.
  2. To support most accommodation requests, students are required to provide current (generally no more than three years old) documentation of the disability to the Coordinator. This documentation must be from a professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training, has relevant experience and licensure appropriate to the profession (such as a licensed psychologist, physician, or nurse practitioner). The documentation should describe the nature of the disability, the extent to which the disability limits one or more major life activities, and the suggested accommodation(s). If the student had a documented disability in high school and received IEP/504 accommodations, the paperwork may also be submitted for consideration of accommodations. The Coordinator will provide application and approval forms to standardize the documentation process.
  3. Upon submission of required documentation, the Coordinator will engage in an individualized, interactive process with the student to determine possible accommodations. 
    • For academic accommodations: Coordinator will review the documentation. If necessary, the Coordinator will discuss any alternative accommodations with the student and the Associate Dean.
    • The determination as to whether a requested accommodation will be granted lies with the Coordinator. In some situations, a temporary plan may be developed and implemented by the Coordinator, upon notification to the appropriate College leader, where additional time is required for diagnostic evaluation.  A minimum of 2 business days is required to implement the accommodations. A copy of the official documentation will be maintained in the student’s file by the Coordinator.
  4. The Coordinator will then notify the student of the determination.  If an accommodation is granted, the Coordinator will send out an accommodation form via email setting forth the accommodations for the student. This form is sent to their faculty each semester and staff in support of implementing the accommodation. If needed, the instructor and Coordinator will collaborate to plan and implement an academic accommodation.
  5. If a student feels that his or her accommodations are not being met, he/she must notify the Coordinator immediately.  
  6. If a student has been granted an accommodation and chooses not to use the accommodation(s), the student is required to notify the Coordinator in writing that the student will not be utilizing the accommodations.

VII. Grievance Procedure

If the student’s request for an accommodation is denied or the student is dissatisfied with the accommodation being provided, the College encourages the student to engage in an informal dialog with the Coordinator in an attempt to resolve the issue.   If a matter cannot be resolved informally or if the student prefers to file a formal grievance, a written grievance must be submitted to the Academic Dean. The informal resolution process is strictly voluntary and is not a prerequisite to filing a formal grievance. The student may file a formal grievance by following the instructions in the grievance policy.

A student is not required to file a grievance with the College prior to pursuing any federal or state administrative remedy. 

Discrimination Based on Disability: If you believe you have been discriminated against or harassed due to a disability you should contact the Coordinator who will assist you in making a complaint under the College’s Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy.

Retaliation: The College prohibits retaliation against anyone who files a grievance under this policy or otherwise complains that he or she has been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids or effective communication. This prohibition of retaliation similarly extends to anyone who has testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing related to a grievance or complaint under this policy.

VIII. Student Privacy

Except where necessary to further the purpose of this policy or where otherwise permitted by law, documentation of a student’s disability will be kept confidential and will not be shared with other administrators or faculty members without the student’s consent, in accordance with federal educational privacy regulations. Any request by a student to review the documents associated with his or her request for an accommodation or grievance under this policy should be submitted to the Coordinator.


[1] The Ohio Board of Nursing governs requests for accommodations by an applicant for the NCLEX-RN ® Examination.  The Board has promulgated a policy explaining the requirements for applying for testing accommodations, which is available on the Ohio Board of Nursing website. Students are encouraged to review these requirements, including the requirement for a letter for the nursing education program demonstrating that accommodations were in place during the nursing education program.

Academic and Professional Standards

Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) faculty and staff are dedicated to facilitating student development of intellectual, moral, and professional standards. This development requires the student to become increasingly responsible for self-directed and engaged learning, thus practicing and achieving academic and professional standards in order to become a highly educated, skilled, and professional nurse.

The nursing profession demands that the individual in practice be responsible, accountable, self-directed, and professional in behavior. The process of becoming a professional begins upon entering a professional education program such as the programs offered at MCCN. Opportunities to develop and practice these qualities exist in the student role. MCCN expects that students will demonstrate their professionalism by:

  • Attending all clinical experiences and all classes (onsite or online).
  • Exhibiting courteous behaviors in the classroom, clinical sites, while on the MCCN campus, within Residence Halls, and while representing MCCN at community events.
  • Being prepared for class and clinical assignments, being punctual for classes and MCCN appointments.
  • Being respectful toward all members of the MCCN community (faculty, staff, and students; particularly in the Residence Halls and even “off duty”).
  • Being conscious of information shared over all social media platforms-in personal and professional communications and especially over MCCN-sponsored social media platforms.
  • Using effective communications, verbally and non-verbally, by remembering always the MCHS/MCCN guiding behaviors:
    • We support each other in serving our students, patients, and communities.
    • We communicate openly, honestly, respectfully, and directly.
    • We are fully present.
    • We are accountable.
    • We trust and assume the goodness of intentions.
    • We are continuous learners.

Academic Dishonesty/Violations of Standards of Academic Integrity:

  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, violates standards of academic integrity. Plagiarism is the act of submission of work that is not the student’s own work or submitting the ideas, writings, or thoughts of another person without proper documentation; use of someone’s exact words as quotes in assignments without proper citation; also use of material from the internet without proper citation, etc. Students are responsible for educating themselves as to the proper mode of attributing credit, where credit is due.
  • Self-Plagiarism: Students are required to submit original work for all courses; papers and written work submitted for one course may not be used for an assignment in another course, this includes work first produced in connection with classes at MCCN or other institutions attended by the student, except with prior and explicit approval of all faculty members to whom the work will be submitted. Submitting duplicate work is considered self-plagiarism and violates standards of academic integrity.
  • Cheating: Cheating is the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, study aids, or unauthorized collaboration on in-class examinations, take-home examinations, or other academic exercises. It is the responsibility of the student to consult with the professor concerning what constitutes permissible collaboration. Cheating or assisting another student to cheat in connection with an examination or assignment violates standards of academic integrity. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to: using notes or textbooks without the instructor’s consent, looking at another person’s paper, bringing items with notes written on them with the intent of using the notes during an exam, communicating with another student during an examination, using electronic devices (phones, wristwatches) without the instructor’s consent.
  • Fabrication: Defined as constructing, manufacturing, inventing, or creating for the sake of deception, any classroom or clinical assignment; forging or falsifying any clinical or academic information; documenting clinical hours that were not actually completed; falsifying any patient record or other document used during clinical experiences. Fabrication includes submitting false data, data that has been fabricated, altered or contrives in such a way as to be deliberately misleading. Fabrication also includes falsifying academic documentation.
  • Using False Citations: False citation is the attribution of intellectual property to an incorrect or fabricated source with the intention to deceive.

Standards Outlined by Professional Nursing Organizations

The National Student Nurses Association, as well as the Ohio Board of Nursing stipulate Codes of Professional, Academic, and Clinical Conduct. These codes are fully supported by MCCN and students are expected to be familiar with and follow these codes (National Student Nurses Association). The conduct of nursing students in providing patient care is also regulated by the state of Ohio through the Ohio Board of Nursing in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 4723-5-12(C). These codes are fully supported by MCCN and students are expected to be familiar with and follow these codes (Ohio Board of Nursing). A full list of the student conduct in the nursing care of patients law and rule are listed in the student catalog-handbook.

Academic Success Plans

Upon identified academic concern the faculty member will meet with the student providing direct and specific feedback of the identified concern.  The faculty member and student will collaborate to set goals using the SMART GOAL worksheet to facilitate academic improvement. The faculty member will monitor the progress of the SMART GOALS with the student, ensuring the student is the owner of the SMART GOAL document.  If the student’s academic performance does not improve, the faculty member will review criteria for Academic Referral with the student and then initiate the referral in accordance with the Academic Care Team Referral Flow Chart.

If a Care Team Referral is made, the Student Success Center will contact the student and provide ongoing support structures to assist the student with achieving their academic goals. The SMART GOAL worksheet will be the document used to support the on-going plan of intervention with the student.

Petition For Exception To College Policies And Procedures

If a student believes an exception to a Mount Carmel College of Nursing policy or procedure may be warranted, they may submit a petition to the College’s Petition Committee. The committee does not grant petitions automatically. Strong, documented justification must be provided to establish the circumstances that warrant a retroactive action.

II. Petition Types

The petition process is available for students to request a waiver of a college academic and non-academic policies or deadlines. A petition is used to request:

  • Late add of a course;
  • Withdraw/Drop from select courses after the withdrawal deadline (non-medical);
    • If a student requests to drop one (or more) course(s) in a semester because of extenuating circumstances, yet wishes to keep other courses in that same semester, the student must address specifically why only the selected course(s) were affected by the extenuating circumstances to alleviate a denial;
  • Course substitutions, pre-requisite waivers;
  • Stay of academic dismissal;
  • Religious holiday request;
    • The College acknowledges that our community is one of many faiths with a diverse range of practices and observances important to each tradition. In order to fulfill the College’s mission to educate a diverse population of students and our commitment to inclusion regardless of religious and spiritual tradition, we seek to practice an equitable and consistent approach in providing religious accommodations.

      Students shall not suffer academic penalties because of the conscientious observance of any religious day or days. Penalties include reduction of grades, exclusion from class projects, reduction in number of other excused absences, bias in evaluation, suspension or termination from play or work, and other preventable negative consequences. Religious observances that may require accommodation include but are not limited to attendance at services, fasting, set prayer times, and other practices that would impede a student’s normal participation in classes, labs, and other course-related work.

      Accommodations may include excused absences, adjusted exam times, permission to eat during class time, changes to assignment due dates and project schedules, and other reasonable adjustments to course schedules and activities. Accommodations should not reduce the overall expectations of a course nor unduly burden the student requesting accommodation.
  • Other requests.
    • Student must specify when petitioning

NOTE: This policy/process does not replace existing appeal or petition processes including, but not limited to, academic grade appeals or tuition refund requests.

III. Petition Process

Petitions have these basic components:

  • Personal Statement:
    • Please explain your circumstances, respond to the follow that apply to your situation:
    • College policies are set to ensure fairness and equity for all students. Your explanation must be compelling.
    • How did the timeline of your circumstances cause you to miss a deadline or make decisions that contributed to the need for this exception?
    • Have your circumstances changed? If prior events got in the way of your academic success, you may want to show how they have improved.
  • Documents: Evidence to support the reasons you are requesting an exception.
    • If your circumstances were medical, please provide any appropriate medical documentations.
    • If there are other supporting documents (e.g., support letter or email correspondence, a letter from Student Accessibility Services, deployment orders, coursework from another institution, police reports, obituaries), please consider providing them.

Online Submission Form: https://mccn.guardianconduct.com/incident-reporting/

IV. Petition Review Process

Petition Review Ad-Hoc Committee may be formed, depending on type of petition, to decide an outcome. That committee may consist of some, or all, of the following:

  • Director of Compliance and Safety/Interim Director of Student Services
  • Director of Records and Registration
  • Student Success Advisor
  • Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
  • Program Director (for student petitioner’s program)
  • Student Behavioral Health Clinician
  • Student Accessibility Services Coordinator
  • One at-large faculty member
  • One student (from Student Senate leadership)

Petitions will be discussed using materials provided by the petitioning student and any relevant background information provided by College departments.

The Committee will meet weekly or as needed; petitions are due for committee review one week prior to date of desired action.

Petitions will be decided by a simple majority vote of the committee. Decisions will be communicated by the Committee’s chair to the student’s MCCN email account. There is no appeal process to the Committee’s decision, the Committee’s decision is final.

Semester Registration

A course registration period for Online RN-BSN Program students is scheduled prior to the beginning of each semester. The students’ academic advisor will register them for their coursework following the approved Plan of Study. Any student with a “hold” cannot register for classes which may result in the student being closed out of a specific course or section.

No student is guaranteed placement in their choice of a specific course, clinical, or laboratory section. Students may attend classes only after they have completed the registration process and have satisfactory financial arrangements. By registering, a student agrees to all academic and financial regulations, terms, and conditions set forth by the College. Late registrations will be processed only if there is space available in each requested course.

Semester Load

The semester hour is the basis of credit at Mount Carmel College of Nursing. Semester loads of more than 19 hours of credit require the permission of the Director of Records and Registration. An Online RN-BSN Completion student must obtain permission from the Associate Dean for Distance Education to register for more than 21 hours of credit in any one semester.

Full-Time/Part-Time Status

Students are considered full-time when they carry at least 12 credit hours per semester. Students enrolled in less than 12 credit hours are considered part-time; those enrolled in less than 6 credit hours are not eligible for financial aid.

Administrative Withdrawal

  • An online student listed on the class roster who has not participated in the online class and completed the associated Week 1 coursework by the end of the first week and has not been excused will be administratively withdrawn from the class.
  • The faculty of the class must notify the Office of Records and Registration with the name of the absent student.

Dropping or Withdrawing from a Course

  • An Online RN-BSN Completion Program student may drop or withdraw, without academic penalty, from a 6-week session course by Wednesday of week 5 of the course. A grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s academic transcript.
  • The student may not withdraw from any courses after Wednesday of week 5 of a 6-week course.
  • During the course of study, a student may withdraw from courses or an entire semester for a maximum of two different semesters of classes. Students who exceed the maximum withdrawals will be administratively dismissed from the college and must file a petition for reinstatement to the program.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to understand the financial implications associated with dropping, withdrawing, failing, or retaking courses.

Academic Requirements

Academic Progression

Mount Carmel College of Nursing will not implement changes to policies for student progression, or requirements for completion of the program, that affect students already enrolled in the program at the time the changes are adopted.

Academic Probation

  • Academic probation is defined as the opportunity to continue conditionally in the program after failing to meet minimum academic standards.
  • An Online RN-BSN Completion Program student whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) that falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation.
  • To be removed from academic probation and avoid academic dismissal from the College, a student must achieve a cumulative GPA equal to or greater than 2.00 by the end of the semester following placement on academic probation.
  • A student who earns a final course grade lower than a “C” in any course is placed on academic probation. If the student earns a final course grade lower than a “C” in a course, the course must be retaken, and a final grade of “C” or higher must be achieved for overall program progression.

Academic Dismissal

  • An Online RN-BSN Completion Program student who fails to achieve a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA for two consecutive semesters will be academically dismissed from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

There is no appeal for academic dismissal from Mount Carmel College of Nursing. Qualified students have the option to apply for Reinstatement (see the Reinstatement Policy).

Reinstatement to MCCN

Online RN-BSN Completion Program students who are academically dismissed from Mount Carmel College of Nursing may apply for reinstatement. The Petition for Reinstatement form is available from the Director of Records and Registration.

  • Academically dismissed students are eligible to apply for reinstatement after one session (6 weeks) of non-enrollment.
  • A student with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or above will be permitted to apply for reinstatement to the College only one time.
  • A student with less than a 2.00 MCCN cumulative GPA is not eligible to apply for reinstatement.

The Online RN-BSN Completion Program Academic Progress Committee will review the student’s Petition for Reinstatement and any supporting documentation of potential for academic success. If the document is incomplete, the committee can require that the student be available for a conference call with the committee to gain clarity. Reinstatement is not an automatic process and the student’s request may be denied.

If the request for reinstatement is granted, the Online RN-BSN Completion Program Academic Progress Committee will determine specific conditions for reinstatement of the student. A reinstated student will be placed on probationary status for at least one semester. A reinstated student must follow the curriculum requirements in effect at the time of reinstatement.

Academic Appeals

I. Purpose

The academic appeal process is established to ensure student fundamental fairness, equitable management of a student’s academic grievances, and adequate protection to the rights of all involved parties. The academic appeals process is limited in scope to address disputes related to an academic course failure. There is only one appeal per final course grade.

Other grievances or complaints are handled per the Student Complaints Policy outlined in the current Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog Handbook.

II. Appeal Procedure

The following is the procedure for appealing a failing course grade:

  1. A student disputing a final course grade must email the instructor within three (3) business day of the posting of the official course grade.
    • The student must be prepared to: (a) state the reason for the appeal, (b) provide any supporting evidence for the appeal, and (c) state the desired resolution.
    • If at any step in the process a student misses a due date required for responding to a decision or advancing an appeal to the next phase, the appeals process is terminated and the grievance of dispute is closed. 
  2. The faculty member then has three (3) business days to provide a final decision to the student, in writing, regarding the course grade and the appeal.
  3. If the student is not satisfied with the faculty member’s decision, the student has one (1) business day to request a meeting, in writing, with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
    • Again, the student must provide: (a) a description of the academic issue the student is appealing (e.g., a course grade), (b) the reason for the appeal, (c) any supporting evidence including details of the communication with the faculty member, and (d) the desired resolution.
    • Except in extraordinary circumstances, the meeting will be held within three (3) business days from the date of the student’s request.
    • The Associate Dean will render a decision within one (1) business day following the meeting with written notification via email. 
    • The Associate Dean should alert the Appeals Committee Chairperson about the situation in case the student contacts the Appeals Committee.
    • If necessary, due to scheduling or other conflicts, one of the College Assistant/Associate Deans may serve may serve in place of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs during this phase of the appeals.
  4. If there continues to be a lack of resolution after meeting with the Associate Dean, the student has one (1) business day to appeal the Associate Dean’s decision to the Academic Appeals Committee. To initiate the appeal, the student must submit the appeal request directly to the Chair of the Appeals Committee and the Chair will establish an Appeals Committee hearing within four (4) business days.
    • During the appeals process, students are generally permitted to attend classes and clinical experiences until a decision is made unless it is determined by the Associate Dean that there may be risks to patient safety.

III. Appeal Hearings

Hearings are conducted in closed sessions and are attended solely and exclusively by the:

  • Academic Appeals Committee members
  • the student who is appealing
  • faculty/individuals directly involved with the appeal

The student may ask a faculty or staff member to provide silent support during the hearing. The role of this support person is strictly to provide guidance and support to the student through the process. There is no discussion from this support person during the hearing.

The student and faculty member(s) may submit written statements and evidence prior to the hearing. The student and faculty member both the hearing and provide information and statements. The student may attend alone or with a silent support person, Following any opening statements, there will be time for questioning by Appeals Committee members. This process should generally mirror the hearing process used for Academic and Professional Conduct hearings.

The hearing may be conducted electronically via phone conference Hearings will be recorded. Recordings are maintained in the Office of the Academic Affairs with copies sent to the Office of Compliance and Safety. Recordings are available to students for review by request.

The Chair of the Academic Appeals Committee shall notify all parties of their decision, in writing, within five (5) business days. The letter will be sent electronically through MCCN email. The appeals committee may consider additional relevant information from any party to the proceeding and then decide the appeal based upon the enhanced record. The decision of the appeals committee is final. The appeals committee may:

  • Uphold the original decision and/or actions by the Associate Dean;
  • Modify the decision/grade;
  • If new information is revealed in the hearing, refer the case back to the Associate Dean or new decision body for a rehearing.

Grading Policies

The College uses a four point grading system:

  A 4.0 points Excellent 91-100
  B 3.0 points Good 82-90
  C 2.0 points Satisfactory 73-81
  D 1.0 point Poor 67-72
  F 0.0 points Failure 66 and below
  I 0.0 points Incomplete  
  AU 0.0 points Audit  
  K 0.0 points Transfer Credit  
  PK 0.0 points Pending Transfer  
  W 0.0 points Withdrawal  
  P 0.0 points Pass  
  NC 0.0 points No Credit  
  IP 0.0 points In Progress  
  NG 0.0 points No Grade Reported  

Grading in Online RN-BSN Completion Courses

There is no rounding of final grades in the Online RN-BSN Completion Program.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average (GPA) determines the student’s academic status. Mount Carmel College of Nursing reports both the semester and cumulative GPA’s on the grade report. The grade point average is obtained by dividing the sum of the “points earned” by the sum of the “hours attempted.”


CANVAS course management software provides students with centralized access to courses. Scores recorded in CANVAS are not “official”course grades. Final course grades are official only when they have been verified by faculty and recorded by the Office of Records and Registration.

Grade Reports

Official reporting of student grades is through the Office of Records and Registration at the completion of each term/semester.

Students without “holds” on their accounts can view and print final grades via CARMELink. Final grade reports are not mailed to students. Students who require official hard-copy grade reports must contact the Office of Records and Registration in Marian Hall, Rm. 201.

Incomplete Grades

After discussion with the faculty, an Incomplete (I) grade will be issued to a student who is unable to complete all course requirements due to illness or other serious problems. Incompletes are assigned by the course instructor. Under normal circumstances, incomplete coursework must be completed by the end of the sixth week following the end of the course. If course requirements are not met by this deadline, the “I” grade is changed to a grade of “F”. Extensions beyond the sixth week must be negotiated with the faculty member.  Incomplete grades may impact student progression.

A student with good academic standing in the course is permitted to enroll in subsequent level (based on program of study) courses while completing incomplete requirements. However, should the student not earn a passing grade, as defined in course syllabi, the student will be administratively withdrawn from the subsequent level course (when subsequent level progression is a pre-requisite for a course) and/or the student may receive a new plan of study or will be notified that they will be reviewed by the Academic Progression Committee based on course failures.

Transcript Requests

A Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) transcript is the official academic record of a student’s enrollment.

  • MCCN provides transcript services (eTranscript) through the National Student Clearinghouse, a third-party vendor.
  • Access online transcript ordering at here for the published cost.
  • Transcript requests are processed within 2 business days (excluding weekends and holidays).
  • You may use any major credit/debit card to place your order.

Transcript costs differ depending on delivery method.

  • For Mail delivery: each transcript cost is $5.00 and an additional $2.25 processing fee.
  • For Hold for Pick Up delivery: each transcript cost is $5.00 and an additional $2.25 processing fee.
  • For FedEx delivery: each transcript cost is $5.00, a $2.25 processing fee, and an additional $25.00 FedEx fee. This rate is for weekday delivery only (Saturday delivery is not included). FedEx requires a street address and will not deliver to a PO Box.
  • For Electronic PDF delivery: each transcript cost is $5.00, a $2.25 processing fee and an additional $1.75 PDF processing fee.
    • We recommend that you first check with the recipient before ordering electronic PDF delivery to make sure they will accept the transcript in this format.
    • Electronic transcripts cannot be processed for students completing attendance before Fall 1990 (attending Mount Carmel School of Nursing). Those students should select the “Mail delivery” option when ordering through the online service. These transcripts will be processed manually by the MCCN Registrar’s Office.

Financial obligations to MCCN must be satisfied before a transcript can be released. Requests from individuals with student record holds will not be processed until the hold is resolved. Transcript requests will remain active for 30 days to provide time to resolve the hold. If after 30 days the hold has not been resolved, the transcript request order will be cancelled. Credit/debit cards will not be charged until the order has been fulfilled.

Please contact the Records and Registration Office at 614-234-3522 should you have any questions.

Sigma Theta Tau International

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing is an organization committed to fostering excellence, scholarship, and leadership in nursing. The Honor Society promotes the use of nursing research in health care and provides resources to communicate the latest knowledge in nursing care. Mount Carmel’s Rho Omicron chapter, chartered in 2002, is one of 478 chapters around the world.

Those invited to make application to Sigma Theta Tau International include students who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, academic integrity, and professional leadership potential. The criteria for membership include:

  • All candidates must meet the expectation of academic integrity.
  • Undergraduate students must have completed at least one-half of the nursing curriculum and rank in the upper 35% of the graduating class.
  • RN-BSN students must have completed 12 credit hours at MCCN, at least one-half of the nursing curriculum, and rank in the upper 35% of the graduating class.
  • Graduate students must have completed a minimum of one-fourth of the graduate nursing curriculum.

Leave of Absence

A Leave of Absence (LOA) from the College may be granted to students in good academic standing (minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA). LOA indicates a desire to interrupt, but not permanently discontinue, enrollment in the College. Normally, LOA is granted for a maximum of one year. Any extension to this timeline for extenuating circumstances outside of the student’s control must be approved by the appropriate Associate Dean. If a student on LOA does not return after one year, and has not received an approved extension from the appropriate Associate Dean, MCCN will consider the student to have withdrawn from the College. A withdrawn student who wants to return must reapply for admission.

Typically, a student must submit a completed Request for Leave of Absence form (available from the Assistant Director of Records and Registration or from the RN-BSN Program Advisor). The student will be notified in writing of the approval status of the request. RN-BSN students must notify the RN-BSN Program Advisor in order to return to MCCN. Failure to notify by the designated date will result in administrative withdrawal from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

A returning LOA student must pay any outstanding account balance in full before being permitted to return to the College. Late fees and any collection costs will be added to the student’s account. Enrollment in any course will be on a space available basis for a student returning from LOA.

The College reserves the right to enhance/revise the curriculum at any time. If this occurs during the student’s LOA, the student might be required to progress in the revised program with different requirements than the original program of study.

College Initiated Leave of Absence

In the uncommon circumstance that a student cannot safely remain at the College or meet academic standards, even with accommodations and other supports, the College reserves the right to require the student to take a mandatory leave of absence. The Academic Dean, or their designee, in consultation with appropriate healthcare provider(s), will make the decision to require a student to take a leave of absence based on an objective assessment of the student’s ability to safely participate in the College’s programs utilizing the following assessment criteria:

  1. the student presents an immediate danger to self or others by threatening and/or inflicting bodily harm to self or to others;
  2. the student’s behavior has the potential to result in bodily or other substantial harm to self or others.

The assessment will determine the nature, duration and severity of the risk; the probability that any potentially threatening behavior will occur; and whether reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures will sufficiently mitigate the risk. In the event that a determination is made to require a student to take a LOA after a thorough assessment, the College will notify the student in writing.

Appeal of College Initiated Leave of Absence

After the College initiates a mandatory LOA, withing three business days, the student may initiate an appeal in writing to the President, or their designee. A student may not stay on campus during the appeal period. An appeal can only be made based on the following criteria:

  1. the decision is unreasonable based on the circumstances, or
  2. the procedures and/or information relied upon in making the decision were wrong or unfair.

The written appeal should clearly state the specific unreasonable, wrong, and/or unfair facts and should present relevant information to support the statements. To aid in review of the student’s appeal, the President, or their designee, may request an assessment by an outside healthcare provider, of the student’s functional ability to return to the College to aid in their review of the student’s appeal. The President, or their designee, will review the appeal and will respond to the student in writing within three business days. The response will provide a conclusion as to whether or not the College Initiated LOA is upheld or the appeal is granted upon a thorough review of the relevant facts.

Returning After a College Initiated Leave of Absence

When the College Initiated LOA timeframe has concluded, the student may petition to return to the College. It is the policy of Mount Carmel College of Nursing that students must submit a signed release to return to class and/or the clinical unit if they are admitted as an inpatient to a hospital or are seen for the treatment in a hospital Emergency Department. In addition, any student who receives written documentation from a healthcare provider (even if the student was not hospitalized or seen as an inpatient in a hospital Emergency Department) stating that they have any restrictions related to class or clinical participation must submit a signed release to return to class and/or clinical. This signed release must be submitted by the student to the Student Health Nurse prior to the student’s returning to class and/or clinical. In the rare circumstances where the Student Health Nurse is unavailable and the matter needs to be addressed, the student may submit the documentation to their faculty member. The student should always email the Student Health Nurse notification of their circumstances prior to returning to the clinical and/or class setting. If the documentation is submitted to a faculty member, the faculty member must submit it to the Student Health Nurse. The release must clearly identify all restrictions. Additionally, the length of time the restrictions apply must be clearly stated. If the documentation provided by the student indicates that they are not safe to return to the class and/or clinical setting, or the stated restrictions may require the student to request reasonable accommodations, the Student Health Nurse will work with the student to determine the best next steps and connect the student to any other necessary campus resources. This policy applies to students in both on campus and online platforms.

A returning LOA student must pay any outstanding account balance in full before being permitted to return to the College. Late fees and any collection costs will be added to the student’s account. Enrollment in any course will be on a space available basis for any student returning from LOA.

Withdrawing from the College

A student whose intent is to officially withdraw from the College must contact the Assistant Director of Records and Registration to submit a Notice to Withdraw.

A student who has not requested a Leave of Absence and has not registered for classes by the first week of the semester will be withdrawn from Mount Carmel College of Nursing. The student’s record will be noted as “withdrew.”

Students within the RN to BSN program have up to 7 days from the session start to drop the course and receive a full tuition refund.   Students withdrawing or dropping a class after 7 days of session start are responsible for all (100%) associated course tuition and fees.

Students who have withdrawn from the College and wish to return must complete a new application which will be reviewed for decision by the Admissions Committee (the application and confirmation fees will be waived). Transcripts for work completed at any institution since the withdrawal must be included with the new application. Previously completed Mount Carmel courses will be accepted, as applicable.

Military Deployment Policy

This policy applies to a student at MCCN who is a member of the National Guard of any state, active, or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to state military service or federal service of duty. This same policy applies to the spouse (who is a MCCN student) of a member of the National Guard of any state, active, or reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to state military service of federal service or duty, if the member has a dependent child.

A copy of the military orders for deployment must be provided to the Associate Dean of the respective academic program before any of the actions below are initiated. Any combination of options #1 and/or #2 is acceptable.

1. Withdrawal

  • There is no deadline for withdrawal from the student’s entire registration to receive a full 100% refund of tuition and mandatory fees.
  • The student may drop/withdraw from all courses and remain in the academic program on Leave of Absence status.
  • The student may drop/withdrawal from all courses and MCCN.

2.  Course Grade or “Incomplete” Grade

  • Faculty and Staff are encouraged to be as flexible as possible for academic credit.
  • The student may make arrangements with faculty for a course grade.
  • The student may make arrangements with the faculty for the grade of “Incomplete” that shall be completed by the student at a later date. The student’s registration shall remain intact, and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed in full for the courses.
  • Any courses for which arrangements cannot be made for grades of “Incomplete” shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the courses refunded.

3. Re-entry

  • If the student returns from Leave of Absence status and decides to re-enroll, it is necessary to contact the Associate Dean of the respective academic program at least 2 months prior to restarting classes at MCCN.

Auditing a Course

A student may audit a course with the understanding that academic credit is not granted and cannot later be claimed as a result of the audited course. Audited courses do not fulfill degree requirements and may affect a student’s status of full-time enrollment. An audited course does not preclude a student from taking the course for credit during a subsequent semester.

A student who audits a course is doing so for information only and is not required to take examinations. However, the student is expected to attend class regularly and the instructor may require some assignments to be completed. Nursing courses may be audited only be degree-seeking students enrolled in the Mount Carmel program.

Permission to audit a course must be obtained from the Associate Dean prior to the beginning of the class. The approved Student Request to Audit form must be submitted to the Director of Records and Registration. Students granted permission to audit a course will be charged 50% the normal cost of the class.

Residency Requirement

The MCCN residency policy requires completion of the following minimum credit hours to be granted a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from Mount Carmel College of Nursing:

  • Online RN-BSN Program = minimum of 30 semester hours

Graduation Requirements

In order to qualify for graduation, undergraduate degree candidates must complete all the requirements on the following checklist. A student deficient in any area will not receive a diploma until the requirement is complete.

  • Submit an online Graduation Application by the posted deadline.
  • RN-BSN students must complete a minimum of 120 semester hours (including transfer credit from their pre-licensure program).
  • Complete all required coursework with a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA.
  • Earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative science GPA.
  • Make certain that official transcripts for all transfer and affiliated courses are on file at Mount Carmel College of Nursing.
  • Fulfill all financial and library obligations to Mount Carmel College of Nursing.
  • Complete the online Financial Aid Exit Interview (required of every student who received any type of loan).
  • Complete the Business Affairs Exit Interview (required of every student who received an institutional loan).
  • Complete the online Graduation Exit Survey. Students will receive an email with specific instructions a few weeks prior to the end of their program.
  • If attending May Commencement, order authorized graduation cap and gown from jostens.com (earliest available order date will be announced to graduating students).
  • The student’s official diploma will be mailed to the permanent address on file 6-8 weeks after all graduation requirements are verified by the Records and Registration Office.

RN-BSN students may participate in May Commencement if they need to complete no more than two additional courses and are eligible to complete the nursing program by the end of Summer Session of the same calendar year. The graduation fee is charged to the student’s account in the semester he/she graduates.

Graduation Honors

Graduation honors are based on the student’s final cumulative GPA and indicate a consistently high level of scholastic achievement.

Online RN-BSN Completion Program graduates and all other graduates completing degree requirements with less than 60 semester hours of Mount Carmel course work and a minimum 3.40 cumulative GPA are awarded Academic Distinction.


Mount Carmel College of Nursing Commencement is held in early May each year.

The colorful academic hood for Mount Carmel College of Nursing is awarded to graduates who attain the highest academic degree beyond the bachelor’s degree. It is a special part of academic regalia and denotes scholarly and professional achievements. The cap, the hood and the robe are the visual components of the academic costume. Gown designs represent the levels of academic degrees. The color of the velvet outer binding of the master’s and doctoral hoods represents the academic discipline to which the degree pertains. The color for the outer binding for the discipline of Nursing is apricot. The colors of the inner lining of the hood denote the institution awarding the degree. Mount Carmel College of Nursing colors are burgundy and silver. The tassel color for the MCCN Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) is apricot.

Details regarding Commencement and student academic regalia are posted to CARMELink at the appropriate time each year.