Sep 16, 2024  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog-Handbook 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog-Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Computerized Testing

I. Purpose

The purpose of the Computerized Testing Policy is to create consistency, fairness, and to maximize the integrity in general examination practices across all programs within Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN).

II. Scope of this Policy

It is the responsibility of all faculty creating and/or administering examinations to adhere to the practices identified within this policy.  This includes all baccalaureate, graduate, and online-programs.

III. Procedures


All examinations offered within MCCN will utilize a paperless method for testing.* Each exam should include a testing blueprint and should be created, stored, administered, and analyzed through the ExamSoft® platform. Assessment Technologies Institute’s (ATI) Content Mastery Series exams and Advanced Practice Education Associates’ (APEA) assessments are created, stored, administered, and analyzed through the ATI and APEA platforms, respectively.

*If an extenuating circumstance prevents the delivery of a paperless method for testing, faculty should collaborate with the respective Academic Department Leader (ADL) or Program Lead to devise an alternate plan.


Faculty should follow best practices for test writing according to the program in which they are involved.ADLs and Program Leads will disseminate specific criteria to each course coordinator.


  • In-Person Proctored Environment - Faculty should ensure the following:
    • Each student will use their own personal device (laptop or tablet device*) for testing. The ExamSoft®, ATI™, or APEA testing platform will be utilized during the examination process.
    • See the Minimum requirements for each operating system can be found in the Catalog-Handbook: > “College Technology”
    • It is the responsibility of the student to ensure their personal device is fully charged and functioning properly prior to testing.
    • An examination utilizing the ExamSoft® testing platform must be downloaded to the student’s personal device prior to the scheduled test. Failure to download the test prior to the download deadline may result in penalties as outlined in the course syllabus.
    • Only calculators offered through the testing platforms are allowed. If the use of a calculator is required for an examination such as a dosage calculation exam, the student will be provided with a MCCN approved calculator.
    • All personal items including backpacks, purses, tote bags, coats, hats, scarves, and gloves, etc. should be placed in the front/back of the room during the testing session.
    • Entry into backpacks, purses, tote bags and/or other personal belongings is not permitted during testing.*
    • All electronic devices including cell phones, smart watches, and fitness bands should be turned off and stowed with personal belongings during the testing period.
    • Taking breaks and/or exiting the classroom during testing is not permitted. *
    • Consumption of beverages and/or snacks during testing is not allowed. Bottled water without a label is permitted.*
    • During each testing session, students are permitted to use a dry erase board, marker, and eraser; faculty-provided paper and pencil; or ExamSoft’s Notes feature at the discretion of each course faculty. Faculty should outline the expectations in each course syllabus.
    • If items such as earplugs or tissues are needed during testing, students should notify the proctor by raising their hand. *
    • A student should notify the proctor of any technical difficulties during testing, by raising their hand

      *: May be allowed in different format with approved student accommodations


  • Remote Environment - Faculty should ensure the following:
    • Remote proctored examinations will utilize the recommended proctoring software: ExamID and ExamMonitor with the ExamSoft® platform, Respondus with the ATI platform, and ProctorU with the APEA platform.
    • Forecast the expected use for each academic year, during the month of July, using the Proctored Product Planning Spreadsheet. 
    • Outline minimum system requirements needed for online testing.
    • Identify contact information for technical difficulties during the examination experience.
      • ExamID/ExamMonitor: 1.866.429.8889
      • ProctorU: 1.855.772.8678
      • Respondus (through ATI): 1.800.667.7531
    • Prior to the first exam, provide exam-taker guidelines for each proctoring service utilized to avoid students being flagged for academic misconduct.
    • Ensure students follow the same testing guidelines as identified in the in-person proctored environment (A-I), with the additional remote environment guidelines:
      • Students may choose the setting in which they test as long as the chosen area meets the remote proctored guidelines (e.g., the environment is free of resources [including but not limited to notes on the walls, testing area, etc.], other people, adequate lighting etc.).
      • Students should dress appropriately, as if they were testing in a public, in-person setting.
    • Require students to use a dry erase board, marker, and eraser or ExamSoft’s Notes feature at the discretion of the course faculty. Faculty should outline the expectations in each course syllabi.
    • Enable the Remote Proctoring - Pre-Assessment Notice, instructing students how to perform an environmental scan with a college-provided mirror, and positioning in a manner to reflect the computer and keyboard.
      • Provide students with an opportunity to perform the environmental scan and mirror placement during a practice quiz, prior to the first examination. Inform the student of any errors in this process accordingly.
      • If a student fails to perform an environmental scan prior to initiating an exam, faculty should follow the steps listed under Academic Misconduct. 
    • Complete an analysis of each student’s testing session prior to releasing grades to Canvas, respective of the proctoring solution.
      • Upon notification of a potential threat of academic misconduct from each proctoring solution, review the video recording.  If the faculty member confirms the threat as a potential breach, escalate the incident to the Testing Specialist for an additional review. If the Testing Specialist, in collaboration with the course faculty, confirms the breach, proceed with the steps identified under Academic Misconduct.

        *ATI’s test security reviews Respondus videos and will provide a screenshot of any potential threats of academic misconduct to be further reviewed by the Testing Specialist and course faculty.
  • Honesty and Integrity
    • Faculty should clearly state expectations for honest, ethical, and independent behavior during computerized and online testing. ExamSoft exams should include the Academic Honesty and Integrity Pre-Assessment Notice:
      • The profession of nursing has a long-standing reputation as being the most trusted profession in the nation. This reputation stands on the foundation of integrity as nursing professionals hold accountability and responsibility for ensuring their individual competency (knowledge, skill), and continued learning in the profession to ensure safe care delivery. BUT, responsibility for one’s knowledge and skill competency is only a part of trust and integrity; nursing professionals have an obligation to do what is right -the moral and ethical obligation of their practice. To cheat in the pursuit of nursing education is in direct opposition to the standards and values of the profession that is being pursued.

        In alignment with the professional standards of nursing and in upholding the mission and values of MCCN, it is expected that students adhere to honest, moral and ethical behavior in all matters of academic performance (work) and learning evaluation.As such students are expected to uphold standards of academic integrity and honesty in completing course work and when completing testing.Learners are expected to adhere to testing standards before, during, and following quizzes, tests and or exams no matter the method of delivery [i.e., campus-based or proctored online testi

        The following identified, but not limited to behaviors are considered cheating and thus are prohibited during testing:
        • Using unapproved resources during testing.
        • Taking an exam with assistance from others.
        • Looking at another student’s screen during testing.
        • Copying, photographing, and/or screen printing any part of the exam. 
      • Discussing exam questions or answers with others who have not yet taken the test.

        As stated in the student code of conduct found in the Catalog-Handbook, cheating is considered a violation of the Academic and Professional Standards policy and students found to have participated in this dishonest behavior will be disciplined accordingly. Students who have been found in violation of the College’s Academic Integrity policies (including, but not limited to plagiarism, cheating, or fabrication will be reported to the Director of Compliance and Safety and may receive sanctions ranging from zero credit for the assessment to full separation from MCCN. 
  • Academic Misconduct
    • All identified incidents of academic misconduct should adhere to the following process:
    • Record a zero credit in Canvas as the grade for the exam.
    • Email the student explaining the situation and findings; schedule a meeting with the student if the student desires.
    • Once the student notification has been sent, notify the Director of Compliance and Safety, at which time a Zero-Credit Notice will be sent to the student.
    • The Director of Compliance and Safety will involve the Academic and Professional Conduct Committee accordingly.



Every effort should be made to adhere to all reasonable accommodations requests. Accommodations specific to testing will be set in each testing and proctoring platform by the Testing Specialist upon receipt of the approved accommodation form from the Accommodations Coordinator.

The Accommodations Coordinator will instruct students to communicate their accommodations, in writing, to course faculty following approval.



An analysis of each examination should be completed by each coursefaculty. Although the following criteria should be included in theanalysis process, specific guidelines will be designated at each respective program level.

  • Test Reliability 
    • Kuder-Richardson Formula
  • Item Analysis
    • Effectiveness of Distractors
    • Item Difficulty (P-value)
    • Item Discrimination
    • Item Reliability (Point Biserial)

The item analysis resource, ExamSoft Item/Exam Analysis Cheat Sheet (Indiana University Bloomington, Medical Sciences, n.d.) is available at the following link:

Indiana University Bloomington, Medical Sciences. (n.d.). ExamSoft Item/Exam Analysis Cheat Sheet.  Retrieved from