Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG] Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 2021-2022 |
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The Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook provides guidance for students enrolled in BSN programs at Mount Carmel College of Nursing. The College reserves the right to change requirements, provisions, or policies contained in this publication at any time; however, Mount Carmel College of Nursing will not implement changes to policies for student progression or requirements for completion of the program that affect students already enrolled in the program at the time the changes are adopted.
The College reserves the right to cancel courses for lack of sufficient enrollment or to substitute instructors for courses. All changes are effective at such time as determined by the College.
Students are solely responsible for knowing and following Mount Carmel College of Nursing policies and procedures outlined in this Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook and for their own successful progress and completion of the degree program and requirements they select. At all times, each student is also responsible for seeking clarification and/or assistance from faculty, staff, or administrators.
Summary of Policy Changes for AY 2021-2022
The following is a high-level overview of major policies updated for the Academic Year 2021-2022. This list may not be all inclusive, but targeted towards major policy updates. If you have any questions regarding College policies or procedures, please contact Mitch Joseph-Kemplin, Director of Compliance and Safety at mjoseph-kemplin@mccn.edu.
- Academic Progression: Changes only applicable to undergraduate pre-licensure students entering beginning Fall 2021, all other students should refer to their own catalog). Updates include Freshman forgiveness policy, GPA requirements for science and clinical nursing courses, and general academic standards
- Class, Clinical, and Lab Attendance (Undergraduate and Graduate): Updated and clarified time able to be absent from clinical experiences and how to make up missed experiences in lab and clinical settings. Clarified how to report an absence or clinical.
- Incomplete Grades: Clarified student’s ability to progress to a course with class standing pre-requisites while taking an incomplete grade.
- Petition for Exception to College Policies and Procedures: The new petition process is available for students to request a waiver of a college academic and non-academic policies or deadlines (not assignment-specific deadlines). Examples of petition reasons could include late add/drop, withdrawal, religious holiday allowance, pre-requisite waivers, etc.
- CPR Requirements: Clarified sources for CPR certification through American Heart Association.
- Revamped Student Code of Conduct and Conduct Resolution Process: Clarified student policies as it related to behavioral expectations, academic integrity and professional standards, and the resolution process for allegations of conduct violations.
- Student Complaints and Grievances: Updated review and resolution process of internal student complaints and grievances for informal and formal resolution methods. Provided new online complaint reporting form.
- Academic Appeals: Adjusted timeline to allow for additional time for students to submit academic appeals (from one [1] day to three [3] days after final grade posted). Clarified process for resolution of appeals and appeal hearings.
- iInnovate/iPad Program: New policies and user agreements for use of MCCN-owned iPad devices.
- COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement: Added requirement for students to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.
- 1/12/2023 - The Grading Policy listed in the Academic Information and Policies section has been corrected to clarify the existing Nursing Clinical (or lab) grading scale.