Sep 16, 2024  
Graduate Catalog-Handbook 2017-2018 
Graduate Catalog-Handbook 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Health Information and Services

Health Requirements

Mount Carmel College of Nursing stipulates very specific health requirements that must be met as a condition for enrollment. Students are highly encouraged to keep a personal file of health information. It is the student’s responsibility to know when health requirements and required immunizations are due.

  • Effective Fall 2015, new students entering Mount Carmel College of Nursing must create a CastleBranch Account and upload the completed health information forms and verification of current TB screening results to (CastleBranch) prior to the the posted deadline.
  • Student questions about uploading documents to CastleBranch should be addressed to their service desk (, or by phone at 888-914-7279).
  • Questions regarding specific health requirements should be addressed to the Student Health Nurse (, 614-234-5408)

Students not meeting this deadline will have:

  • a health record “hold” placed on their account
  • a $50 weekly late fee added to their student account until the required documents are uploaded and the hold is removed

Any student with a health record “hold” cannot register for future classes. Students who do not meet health record requirements will be prohibited from attending class and/or clinical. This may result in the student being closed out of a specific course or section.

  1. Health History– a recent (within one year of enrollment) history and physical must be completed and signed by a physician or APRN.
  2. Immunization History – required immunizations must be completed prior to enrollment in a clinical course (students may continue in a course while in the process of receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine series of three).
  3. Current TB skin screening.

Required Immunizations 

  1. MMR – Mumps, Rubeola (Regular Measles) and Rubella (German measles) most often given as a combination MMR (measles, mumps, and Rubella). Dates for the first and second MMR must be indicated. Laboratory evidence (blood titer) is required without documented evidence of two immunizations.
  2. Hepatitis B vaccine – A series of three Hepatitis B vaccines is required. Laboratory evidence (Hepatitis B Surface Antibody blood titer) is also required in addition to documented dates of administration. If not immune, the student will be required to repeat the series of three vaccines and repeat the blood titer.
  3. Varicella (chicken pox) – Written documentation of two doses of the vaccine, or laboratory evidence of immunity (blood titer). If the blood titer is negative, the student must arrange to receive the immunization (Varivax - two injections, one month apart).
  4. Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (T-Dap) vaccine - Documented date of last booster. (Date must be within 10 years of admission to the college or booster required).
  5. Meningitis vaccine – The meningitis vaccine is a voluntary immunization. Apartment residents are required to have the meningitis vaccine or sign a waiver.

Influenza Vaccine

An annual influenza vaccine is required for all onsite students, except for those who are:

  •     allergic to eggs,
  •     allergic to the preservative in the vaccine, or
  •     have a medical condition that prohibits the student from receiving the vaccine.

Influenza vaccines are available free of charge to onsite students (based on the availability of the vaccine) during the Fall Semester. Effective Fall 2015, the student is responsible for uploading documentation of the administration of the Influenza vaccine to CastleBranch. If the student cannot receive the flu vaccine, the student must contact the Student Health Nurse to initiate the process for vaccine exemption.

Tuberculin (TB) Screening

New onsite students are required to complete a two-step tuberculin (TB) screening (two skin tests, one to two weeks apart). Effective Fall 2015, students are responsible for uploading documentation to CastleBranch.

In August of each subsequent year, every student will be required to complete an annual TB screening or TB questionnaire to screen for signs/symptoms of active TB infection. Annual tuberculin (TB) screening is required of all health care personnel. Annual screening is required, depending on the student’s program track and clinical placement. Students for whom annual screening is not required must complete a questionnaire annually in August. Expiration is one year from the documented date of the skin screening or date on the questionnaire. Results for students starting Fall 2015 or later must be uploaded to CastleBranch.

Students with a previous positive TB screening must provide the results of a chest x-ray and any treatment given. Those students are also required to complete an annual questionnaire (provided by the Student Health Nurse).

With the exception of the annual renewal month of August, if the expiration date for the annual TB screening occurs prior to the beginning of a clinical nursing course in which the student is enrolled, the student will be administratively withdrawn. There is no grace period and no exceptions to the policy.

If a student is exposed to a client/patient with active TB, a baseline skin screening will be done at the time of exposure and again six months later. Students previously testing positive must provide the results of a chest x-ray and any treatment received.

Health Services

The student health program is coordinated by a registered nurse and includes health guidance. The Student Health Nurse will carry out specific physician’s orders and appropriate treatments. It is highly recommended that all students have their own personal family physician and health insurance coverage. Students requiring emergency care may utilize any of the emergency departments (ED) of the Mount Carmel Health System or Fairfield Medical Center. Students are responsible for the cost of emergency care and all charges incurred during an ED visit (e.g., medications, treatments, laboratory tests, and x-rays).

Questions regarding health requirements or any other health concerns should be directed to the Student Health Nurse, Laura Lawrence. She is available by e-mail ( as well as by phone 614-220-4366 or in Angela Hall, room 102.

It is the policy of Mount Carmel College of Nursing that students must submit a signed release to return to class and/or the clinical unit if they are admitted as an inpatient to a hospital or were seen for treatment in a hospital Emergency Department. This signed release must be submitted to the Student Health Nurse prior to the student’s returning to class and/or clinical. The release must clearly identify all restrictions. Additionally, the length of time the restrictions apply must be clearly stated.

Counseling Services

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is aware of the many pressures students face every day. To assist with these challenges, MCCN Student Life now offers free and confidential on-campus professional counseling services to students provided by a dedicated counselor. To schedule an appointment, please call 614-234-2713. The counseling services office is located at 777 W. State St. building, room 506 on the Mount Carmel West campus.

Students are entitled to participate in the Mount Carmel Health System Employee Assistance Program; services are provided through Carebridge Corporation (click here  for additional information). This program helps individuals resolve personal problems relating to stress, anxiety, depression, marital and family issues, financial and legal concerns, emotional problems, or addiction. The program includes up to ten sessions with a counselor at no charge to the student. Students with questions regarding this service should contact the Student Health Nurse or Director of Student Life (for additional information, refer to the College website.

The victim of a sexual assault may choose for the investigation to be pursued through the criminal justice system and College Title IX procedures, or only the latter. The Director of Compliance will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in his or her decision. Assistance and counseling are available through the Mount Carmel Crime and Trauma Assistance Program (614-234-5900), and from the Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) that maintains a 245 hour rape crisis helpline at 614-267-7020. The SARNCO website is located at

Drug-Free Policy

Unlawful possession, use, production, distribution, or sale of alcohol or other drugs by any faculty, staff, or student is prohibited on college property or as any part of college activities.

Mount Carmel’s policy is created to comply with the Drug-Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), which requires that the college show it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by faculty, staff, and students, and to set forth the standards to provide a community setting that is safe, healthy, and productive for all faculty, staff, and students of Mount Carmel College of Nursing. The college distributes this policy annually throughout the college community and this includes information about referral and treatment, applicable laws and sanctions, and current assessments of possible health risks.  For a complete copy of the Mount Carmel Drug Free policy, click here.  

To provide a safe working environment, area hospitals and other institutions require individuals who provide care to patients to undergo drug testing.  For this reason, students entering Mount Carmel College of Nursing will undergo similar drug testing to meet the criteria of clinical agencies. All entering students in the pre-licensure BSN, Second Degree Accelerated Program, and graduate nursing programs will undergo drug testing as a condition of clinical affiliation experiences.  Students will use CastleBranch to obtain drug screenings. Drug screening results will be reported to the appropriate Associate Dean and to the Academic Dean at Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

A student’s ability to enter into a clinical affiliation experience is contingent upon a drug screening that indicates no evidence of drug use (negative for drug use).  The student is responsible for the cost of the drug screening and any repeat drug screenings.  An initial drug screening result that indicates dilution of the sample, or is positive for drug use, will require a repeat urine drug screen and repeat payment

To decrease the possibility of a urine specimen that is dilute, students are encouraged to limit fluid and/or caffeine intake the day before and prior to arriving at the testing center for specimen collection.  Another tip to prevent a dilute specimen is to arrive at the testing center early in the day, before the student consumes any liquids.  Urine is concentrated overnight when sleeping.

Any student who refuses testing is considered to have a positive drug test and will be required to follow the substance abuse procedure as outlined in the Catalog.  A second refusal will be considered a second positive drug test, and the student will be dismissed from Mount Carmel College of Nursing.

Accidental Exposure to Communicable Disease

A student who experiences an accidental exposure to a communicable disease during a clinical experience must notify his/her clinical instructor immediately. The instructor will advise the student on the procedure to follow. The student is responsible for the cost of any treatment/medications/lab tests incurred. If the infectious disease physician on call deems lab testing and medication necessary, treatment will be initiated and the student will be billed at a later date. Mount Carmel Health will cover the cost of any patient testing necessary if the incident occurred at a Mount Carmel Health System facility.

If the incident occurred at an agency/facility other than Mount Carmel Health System entities, the student should report the incident to his/her instructor immediately and the instructor will initiate the procedure as indicated by the facility/agency’s infection control policy and contractual agreement with the College.

Statement on AIDS

Mount Carmel College of Nursing is committed to providing a healthy and caring environment. This commitment, as well as a College philosophy that respects the personal worth and dignity of each individual, undergirds the AIDS policy of the College.

It is the policy of MCCN that no one within the College community shall be discriminated against, based on the perception that an individual has AIDS or an AIDS related condition. Students, faculty, and staff with suspected or confirmed AIDS related conditions are entitled to equal access to College facilities and curricular and extra-curricular activities as long as their medical condition permits.

AIDS Testing

There is no pre-admission or routine AIDS testing of prospective or current students, faculty, or staff. Any AIDS testing is self-initiated and done on a voluntary basis.

In the event that a student is exposed to the blood or body fluids of a patient or associate in the clinical setting, and is in need of serologic testing for the HIV antibody, the Mount Carmel Health Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Policy and Procedure will be followed.

Students, Faculty, or Staff who have Contracted AIDS: Rights and Responsibilities

Persons with AIDS may be considered by law to have handicapping conditions, therefore, the individual with AIDS has a legal right to remain enrolled in coursework or employed as long as their medical condition permits and they are able to meet acceptable performance standards. Individuals are also entitled to confidentiality of their medical condition and records.

Faculty and staff who know or suspect they have AIDS are encouraged to report this information to the Dean of the program and to the College President. Students are encouraged to report this information to the Student Health Nurse who can assist the student in securing proper medical supervision, counseling, and health teaching, as well as informing the student of the presence of infectious diseases on campus that could compromise the individual’s health.

It is also the responsibility of the student to seek counseling and education regarding the modes of transmission of AIDS. Additionally, if a student requests job or educational accommodation based on his/her medical condition, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain a written medical opinion that she/he is medically able to work and needs reasonable job or educational accommodation in order to maintain employment or association with the College. Students and faculty who have contracted AIDS and have patient care contact must remain cognizant of the client needs. The student or faculty member’s medical condition must not jeopardize client safety.


The confidentiality of the student with AIDS is protected. No specific information concerning diagnosis shall be provided to any persons, including College administrators, faculty, professional, or support staff (other than the College President and appropriate Dean) without the expressed written consent of the student. No information can be released to another person, agency, insurer, or institution without the prior written consent of the student involved. The College will observe the public health reporting requirements for AIDS.

Medical Release to Return to MCCN

It is the policy of Mount Carmel College of Nursing that students must submit a signed release to return to class and/or the clinical unit if they are admitted as an inpatient to a hospital or are seen for treatment in a hospital Emergency Department. This signed release must be submitted to the Student Health Nurse prior to the student’s returning to class and/or clinical. The release must clearly identify all restrictions. Additionally, the length of time the restrictions apply must be clearly stated.