Feb 15, 2025  
Graduate Catalog-Handbook 2017-2018 
Graduate Catalog-Handbook 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Post-Master’s Certificate Programs

The Certificate Programs offered at Mount Carmel College of Nursing include these tracks with the following starting semesters:

  • Adult - Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate - starting Summer Session
  • Family Nurse Practitioner Certificate - starting Summer Session
  • Nursing Administration Certificate - starting Fall Semester
  • Nursing Education Certificate - starting Spring Semester

Completion of a Certificate Program takes approximately one to two years. The Certificate Program Plan of Study is dependent on previous graduate coursework, and some courses may be waived. However, all students must successfully complete specialty track coursework and maintain a 3.0 GPA to earn a certificate in any program.

Gainful Employment Disclosure

The Department of Education requires all institutions to disclose required gainful employment information using a standard disclosure template issued by the Secretary of Education. Providing all of the required gainful employment disclosures in this manner allows easy comparison of program related information. For information about post master’s graduate certificate completion rates, median debt of students who have completed the program and other important information, follow the links below.

Admission Criteria

Nursing Administration
Nursing Education

The admission requirements for the Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing Administration or Nursing Education include having a:

  1. Master of Science Degree in Nursing (MS or MSN) from an accredited program – accreditation by either the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) [formerly the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)] or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
  2. Current unrestricted Ohio RN license or eligibility for Ohio RN licensure
  3. A cumulative graduate level grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)

Application Materials:

  1. Completed application
  2. $30 application fee
  3. Official transcripts, both graduate and undergraduate, mailed directly to Mount Carmel College of Nursing Admissions Office
  4. One page (typed) statement of purpose, written by the applicant, that outlines the applicant’s goals and objectives for the pursuit of graduate studies in this specialty track
  5. Current resume or curriculum vitae
  6. Two letters of recommendation (from individuals such as: work supervisor, professional colleagues, and former faculty members who hold a minimum of a Master’s level degree)
  7. Official TOEFL scores: applies to students for whom English is not the native language; minimum required TOEFL score of 550 (paper based), 213 (computer based) or 79-80 (Internet based); TOEFL scores are valid two years from the test date. To learn more about the TOEFL, visit www.ets.org/toefl
  8. Two years of recent clinical experience is recommended

Application Deadlines:

Admission applications for the Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing Administration are accepted for Fall Semester. The deadline for applications is October 1st through February 1st.

Admission applications for the Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing Education are accepted for Spring Semester. The deadline for applications is August 1st through November 1st.

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
Family Nurse Practitioner

The admission requirements for the Post-Master’s Certificate in Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner or Family Nurse Practitioner are the same as the Master’s Degree program admission.

  1. Master of Science Degree in Nursing (MS or MSN) from an accredited program – accreditation by either the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) [formerly the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC)] or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
  2. A cumulative graduate level grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)
  3. Current unrestricted Ohio RN license or eligibility for Ohio RN licensure
  4. For Nurse Practitioner tracks: face-to-face or phone interview for qualified applicants (at the discretion of the Practitioner faculty)
  5. For Family Nurse Practitioner track: one year of recent clinical experience is recommended
  6. For Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner track: two years of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) clinical or similar high acuity exeperience within the last five years is recommended but not required

Application Materials:

  1. Completed application
  2. $30 application fee
  3. Official transcripts, both graduate and undergraduate, mailed directly to Mount Carmel College of Nursing Admissions Office
  4. One page (typed) statement of purpose, written by the applicant, that outlines the applicant’s goals and objectives for the pursuit of graduate studies
  5. Current resume or curriculum vitae
  6. Two letters of recommendation (from individuals such as: work supervisor, professional colleagues, and former faculty members who hold a minimum of a Master’s level degree.
  7. Official TOEFL scores: applies to students for whom English is not the native language; minimum required TOEFL score of 550 (paper based), 213 (computer based) or 79-80 (Internet based); TOEFL scores are valid two years from the test date. To learn more about the TOEFL, visit www.ets.org/toefl

Application Deadline:

Admission applications for the Post-Master’s Certificate for Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and Family Nurse Practitioner are accepted for Summer Semester only. The deadline for applications is October 1st through February 1st.

Transfer Credit

A review of the applicant’s transcript may demonstrate need for additional coursework in addition to the functional area core courses. The institution makes no promises to prospective tudents regarding the acceptance of credit awarded by examination or credit for transfer until an evaluation has been conducted. MCCN refrains from the transcription of credit from other institutions that it does not apply to its own programs.

Statement of Student Responsibility

Students are solely responsible for knowing and following Mount Carmel College of Nursing policies and procedures and for their own successful progress and completion of the degree program and requirements they select. While advisors are available to help students with course selection, each student is responsible for seeking clarification regarding progression through the curriculum. At all times, each student is also responsible for seeking clarification and/or assistance from faculty, staff, or administrators.

Canvas - LMS

Canvas, the College’s Learning Management System (LMS) is available to students, and it is strongly recommended that students become familiar with Canvas navigation before classes begin. Students will have access to Canvas 30 days prior to the start date of each course. To access the Canvas orientation, students can either login to CARMELink > MyMCCN I Canvas or login directly to Canvas. Once logged into Canvas, students can find the student training information at Help > Student Resources > Canvas-Student Orientation.

The Graduate Student Advisor has developed a Graduate Student Advising course located in Canvas that all students will be invited to join and view announcements and important information. In the Canvas Resources module, students can find the link to Canvas-Student Orientation. Online Nursing Education track students will have pertinent information and orientation located on the Graduate Advising Canvas course in separate tab. In addition, a separate DNP student site within this Canvas course is available. Furthermore, all DNP students will be invited to a separate DNP orientation course.


Students in the Certificate tracks are expected to adhere to the College policies and procedures in the Graduate Catalog.


In order to qualify for a Certificate of Completion, candidates must complete all the following requirements. A student deficient in any area risks not receiving his/her certificate until the requirement is complete.

  • Complete all academic requirements
  • Program completion within 2 years of date of first enrollment for nursing administration and nursing education
  • Program completion for nurse practitioner program within 1 year of date of first enrollment
  • Complete all required coursework with a minimum 3.00 cumulative GPA
  • Fulfill all financial obligations to Mount Carmel College of Nursing
  • Complete the student exit survey and interview with the Dean of the Graduate Program
  • Complete a Financial Aid Exit Interview sent from the Director of Financial Aid if the graduate student received Federal Stafford Loans
  • Complete a Business Affairs Exit Interview with the Director of Business Affairs if the graduate student received an institutional loan from MCCN during the program of study
  • Fulfill all financial and library obligations to Mount Carmel College of Nursing
  • Analyzes ethical, legal, and social factors influencing policy and the interdependence and impact of policy on health care practice across disciplines

Post-Master’s Certificate Program Tracks

Mount Carmel College of Nursing Post-Master’s Certificate Program offers the following four tracks.
