Oct 08, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog-Handbook

Academic Appeals

I. Purpose

The academic appeal process is established to ensure student fundamental fairness, equitable management of a student’s academic grievances, and adequate protection to the rights of all involved parties. The academic appeals process is limited in scope to address disputes related to an academic course failure. There is only one appeal per final course grade.

Other grievances or complaints are handled per the Student Complaints Policy outlined in the current Undergraduate or Graduate Catalog Handbook.

II. Appeal Procedure

The following is the procedure for appealing a failing course grade:

1. A student disputing a final course grade must email the instructor within three (3) business day of the posting of the official course grade.

  • The student must be prepared to: (a) state the reason for the appeal, (b) provide any supporting evidence for the appeal, and (c) state the desired resolution.
  • If at any step in the process a student misses a due date required for responding to a decision or advancing an appeal to the next phase, the appeals process is terminated and the grievance of dispute is closed. 

2. The faculty member, in collaboration with their Assistant Director, or designee, then has three (3) business days to provide a final decision to the student, in writing, regarding the course grade and the appeal.

3. If the student is not satisfied with the faculty member’s decision, the student has one (1) business day to request a meeting, in writing, with the Academic Program Director.

  • Again, the student must provide: (a) a description of the academic issue the student is appealing (e.g., a course grade), (b) the reason for the appeal, (c) any supporting evidence including details of the communication with the faculty member, and (d) the desired resolution.
  • Except in extraordinary circumstances, the meeting will be held within three (3) business days from the date of the student’s request.
  • The Academic Program Director will render a decision within two (2) business days following the meeting with written notification via email. 
  • The Academic Program Director, or designee, should alert the Associate Dean or Dean about their finding.
  • If necessary, due to scheduling or other conflicts, one of the College Assistant Directors may serve in place of the Academic Program Director during this phase of the appeals.

4. If there continues to be a lack of resolution after meeting with the Academic Program Director or designee, the student has one (1) business day to appeal the Academic Program Director or designee’s decision to their program Associate Dean.

  • Again, the student must provide (a) a description of the academic issue the student is appealing (e.g., a course grade), (b) the reason for the appeal, (c) any supporting evidence, including details of the communication with the faculty member, and (d) the desired resolution.
  • Except in extraordinary circumstances, the meeting will be held within three (3) business days from the date of the student’s request.
  • The Associate Dean or Dean should alert the Appeals Committee Chairperson about their finding.

5. If there continues to be a lack of resolution after meeting with the Associate Dean, the student has one (1) business day to appeal the Associate Dean’s decision to the Academic Appeals Committee. To initiate the appeal, the student must submit the appeal request directly to the Chair of the Appeals Committee and the Chair will establish an Appeals Committee hearing within four (4) business days. The student must submit the appeal request directly to the Chair of the Appeals Committee to initiate the appeal. The Chair will establish an Appeals Committee hearing within four (4) business days.

  • During the appeals process, students are generally permitted to attend classes and clinical experiences until a decision is made unless it is determined by the Academic Program Director or designee that there may be risks to patient safety.

III. Appeal Hearings

Hearings are conducted in closed sessions and are attended solely and exclusively by the:

  • Academic Appeals Committee members
  • the student who is appealing
  • faculty/individuals directly involved with the appeal

The student may ask a faculty or staff member to provide silent support during the hearing. The role of this support person is strictly to provide guidance and support to the student through the process. There is no discussion from this support person during the hearing.

The student and faculty member(s) may submit written statements and evidence prior to the hearing. The student and faculty member both the hearing and provide information and statements. The student may attend alone or with a silent support person, Following any opening statements, there will be time for questioning by Appeals Committee members. This process should generally mirror the hearing process used for Academic and Professional Conduct hearings.

The hearing may be conducted electronically via phone conference Hearings will be recorded. Recordings are maintained in the Office of the Academic Affairs with copies sent to the Office of Compliance and Safety. Recordings are available to students for review by request.

The Chair of the Academic Appeals Committee shall notify all parties of their decision, in writing, within five (5) business days. The letter will be sent electronically through MCCN email. The appeals committee may consider additional relevant information from any party to the proceeding and then decide the appeal based upon the enhanced record. The decision of the appeals committee is final. The appeals committee may:

  • Uphold the original decision and/or actions by the Associate Dean;
  • Modify the decision/grade;
  • If new information is revealed in the hearing, refer the case back to the Associate Dean or new decision body for a rehearing.