Feb 15, 2025  
Graduate Catalog-Handbook 2013-2014 
Graduate Catalog-Handbook 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Involvement

Code of Conduct

It is understood that the Mount Carmel College of Nursing administration, faculty, staff, and student body share in the responsibility of upholding the College Mission and Core Values. The Code of Conduct strives to:

  • ensure the integrity of the nursing and allied health professions;
  • create an academic and professional environment that reflects the College’s Mission and Core Values;
  • reflect the policies of the College on standards of conduct; and
  • follow the policies on nursing practice from the Ohio Board of Nursing. 

In accordance with the above the administration, faculty, staff, and students will commit to the following Code of Conduct:

Academic Excellence

  1. Achieving the highest level of academic excellence that I can through honesty and integrity both in and out of the classroom and in clinical settings.
  2. Striving to embody excellence and provide the highest quality work in the academic and in the clinical settings.
  3. Acting in a professional manner while in the College of Nursing and in all activities, functions, and clinical sites associated with the College and the profession of nursing.


  1. Contributing to creating a safe, respectful, and supportive atmosphere for teaching and learning.
  2. Regarding privacy and confidentiality as essential obligations.
  3. Communicating with peers, staff, and faculty in a professional and respectful manner.
  4. Taking responsibility for my words and actions.


  1. Demonstrating a commitment to the attributes of compassion, empathy, altruism, responsibility, and tolerance.
  2. Demonstrating caring behaviors at all times.
  3. Respecting individual diversity through a non-judgmental attitude and approach.
  4. Working to become a creative problem solver.

Social Responsibility

  1. Refusing to tolerate discrimination, disrespect, or bullying.
  2. Committing to bring any discrimination, disrespect, or bullying to the attention of the Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee or the Director of Student Life.
  3. Refusing to tolerate incidents of dishonesty or lack of integrity.
  4. Committing to bring incidents of dishonesty or lack of integrity to the attention of the Chairperson of the Academic and Professional Misconduct Committee or the Director of Student Life.


At the beginning of each academic year, all MCCN students assemble at Convocation. This is an important event to start the new academic year. Graduate students are invited to convocation. Additional details will be announced when the Fall Semester begins. 

Course and Faculty Evaluations

Student completion of course and instructor evaluations is an expectation of each course. Students are expected to complete the appropriate evaluations during the last two weeks of the course and prior to the final day of class.

Representation on College Committees

Several College Committees are structured to include student membership. Students who participate in College committees have voice and voting privileges within these committees. Students interested in participating in a College committee should contact the President/Dean, the Dean of the Graduate Program or the Director of Student Life. Currently, students serve on the following College committees:

  1. Academic Appeals
    The purpose of the committee is to provide a vehicle that insures due process, equitable management of student grievances, and provide adequate protection to the rights of all involved parties. The Appeals Committee addresses grievances related to the student’s general academic performance.
  2. Academic and Professional Misconduct
    This committee is charged with investigating allegations of misconduct and making recommendations to the Dean of the appropriate program. This committee is composed of four faculty, two students in good standing from the undergraduate program, and one student in good standing from the graduate program.
  3. Alumni and Student Affairs Subcommittee (Board of Trustees)
    The purpose of this committee is to promote the interests, support and camaraderie among the alumni and the College of Nursing. It also promotes the interests of students and student life as a component of the college experience. Membership on this committee includes two students from the College.
  4. Assessment/Outcomes
    The purpose of this committee is to facilitate the ongoing assessment and evaluation of the College to enhance its effectiveness.
  5. Community Service
    This committee facilitates the organization and implementation of community service projects in order to fulfill the College mission of social justice and community service and to promote a commitment to community service.
  6. Library
    The purpose of this committee is to advise and support the Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library as it provides collection, electronic access to knowledge based resources, reference, instruction, facilities, and other Library and Information Services that support the College curricula, faculty, and students.
  7. Mission and Ministry
    This committee strives to ensure that the religious and spiritual aspects of the Mount Carmel College of Nursing mission are promoted in every aspect of the student’s College life and to promote the Catholic identity of the College clearly and respectfully.
  8. Research and Scholarship
    The purpose of the committee is to establish within the College an environment supportive of the conduct, dissemination, and/or utilization of research and other forms of scholarship.

Constitution Day

The College complies with legislation requiring all federally funded educational institutions to offer instruction pertaining to the United States Constitution each year in mid-September. Constitution Day commemorates the September 17, 1787, signing of the Constitution. If this date falls on a weekend, the observation will be held during the preceding or following week.

Special Events for Students

In general, activities are planned based on student interest and requests. Information about special activities is communicated regularly to students. Students who wish to use the College facilities for a class or organization event must schedule the activity through the Director of Student Life (ccipriani@mccn.edu, 614-234-5828). The Director will assist the student in obtaining food service, room set-up, etc.


Mount Carmel College of Nursing Commencement is in May each year. Graduation for master’s students adds more focus on their accomplishments.

During the College’s Pinning and Recognition Ceremony the evening prior to Commencement, master’s students will receive an academic hood. The hood has an historical significance for graduate education.

“The colorful hood of each university is reserved for those who attain the highest academic degree beyond the bachelor’s degree. It is a special part of academic regalia and denotes scholarly and professional achievements. The cap, the hood and the robe are the visual components of the academic costume. Gown designs represent the levels of academic degrees. The color of the velvet outer binding of the master’s and doctoral hoods represents the academic discipline to which the degree pertains. The color for the outer binding for the discipline of Nursing is apricot. The colors of the inner lining of the hood denote the institution awarding the degree. Mount Carmel’s colors are burgundy and silver. The tassel color for the MCCN master’s degree is black.”

At Commencement students are “hooded” by the Associate Dean of the Graduate Program and receive their diplomas from the College President/Dean. This additional part of the ceremony signifies success in graduate education.

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

Sigma Theta Tau International is an organization committed to fostering excellence, scholarship, and leadership in nursing. The Honor Society promotes the use of nursing research in health care and provides resources to communicate the latest knowledge in nursing care. Mount Carmel’s Rho Omicron chapter, chartered in 2002, is one of 478 chapters around the world.

Those invited to make application to Sigma Theta Tau International include students who have demonstrated superior academic achievement, academic integrity, and professional leadership potential. The criteria for membership include:

All candidates must meet the expectation of academic integrity. Undergraduate students must have completed at least one-half of the nursing curriculum and rank in the upper thirty-five percent of the graduating class. RN-BSN students must have completed twelve credit hours at MCCN, at least one-half of the nursing curriculum, and rank in the upper thirty-five percent of the graduating class. Graduate students must have completed a minimum of one-fourth of the nursing curriculum.

Carmel Rapper - Student Newsletter

The student newsletter, The Carmel Rapper, publishes items of interest to MCCN students. The newsletter is published bi-weekly during the academic year; student information and participation are welcome. Contact the Director of College Relations (614-34-1372) for further information.

Club Sports

The College sponsors women’s basketball and co-ed soccer, volleyball, and softball teams when there is sufficient interest. Please contact the Director of Student Life for information (ccipriani@mccn.edu, 614-234-5828).

Travel and Liability

The College of Nursing is not responsible for liability incurred in travel, either as required by the curriculum or as the result of the student’s participation in College sponsored activities, including cultural immersion trips. All travel is the responsibility of the student. Students are not permitted to transport patients for any reason.